Are you swayed by scare tactics?

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I suspect you'd like to dismantle Medicare, Medicaid and every other humane government initiative while allowing the Pentagon a blank check.

Am I wrong?
I suspect you'd like to dismantle Medicare, Medicaid and every other humane government initiative while allowing the Pentagon a blank check.

Am I wrong?

frequently, from what I've seen....

tell me something....your party of passion blocked an amendment which would have prevented people who are not citizens of the US and who have not entered the country in compliance with it's laws from being covered by the proposed health plan....why do you think that is a good idea?.....

in addition, they blocked an amendment which simply provided that whatever plan Congress approved would apply to Congressmen instead of the plan they currently have.....why do you think they blocked it?......
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Would you like to dismantle Medicare, Medicaid and every other humane government initiative while allowing the Pentagon a blank check?
Would you like to dismantle Medicare, Medicaid and every other humane government initiative while allowing the Pentagon a blank check?

???....didn't get it the last time?.....sorry, I was perhaps too subtle.....yes you were wrong, no I don't want answer mine....
Yes, scare tactics influence me. They make me suspect the motives and methods of those using scare tactics. Like the following:

While inaction will preserve the obscene profits of huge multinational corporations, the result will be catastrophic for ordinary Americans.
What catastrophe are we talking about? Most Americans have decent if not good private coverage. MOST Americans are doing well in the system being denigrated. MOST medical innovation is accomplished under the current system being denigrated. When "doing something" means tossing the baby with the bathwater, then sometimes doing nothing - bad as that is - ends up being the better option of those available.

Doing nothing would impose a huge cost on ordinary families. Doing nothing means that you’re going to lose what you have , because on the current trajectory, your premiums are going to double again over the next five to 10 years
Gee, sounds scary. And what will the costs of the plan under proposal do to the finances of ordinary families? What is 15% of $900/mo of the average health care package currently being offered - because that is just ONE of the costs to ordinary families in order to afford this plan when these benefits are taxed. To boot, the plan DOES NOTHING to address health care costs, all it does is create a huge bureaucracy to "assure" everyone has insurance. As such, premiums will still increase with health care costs, and then families will be paying a larger portion of a larger premium that is, in turn, taxed. Good plan.

Or, will we let the GOP impose their profits-at-all-costs vision of health care on America once again and do nothing to fix the high costs and instability that are causing hardship for millions of hard-working Americans?
The classic, quintessential example of the modern political scare tactic. Very influencing. Really makes me want to look good and hard at the democratic party, and what they are offering in place of these horrid GOPers. And I don't like what I see. I definitely don't see anything addressing the factors that are driving up health care costs - which is the central problem with the entire health care issue. What I do see is a huge and expensive bureaucracy that will only end up adding significantly to health care costs, thus making things worse instead of better while spending ourselves into 3rd world status.
Would you like to dismantle Medicare, Medicaid and every other humane government initiative while allowing the Pentagon a blank check?

But I WOULD like to see Medicare, Medicaid, the medical arm of the VA, and any other government agency dealing with health care rebuilt from the ground up with less bureaucracy, more efficiency, and better capabilities to match those of private insurance companies, such as BCBS ability to bargain for best drug prices.

As for the Pentagon, I would also like to see the top hierarchy of the military rebuilt, with less political influence and more focus on the military experience and capability of the officers put at the top spots. Secdef is by necessity a political position. The chairs of the joint chiefs should not be.
The industry that's leading the effort to retard reform is fighting against providing more efficient services to Medicare, Medicaid and the VA.

"Two proposals now circulating in Congress could hit future hospital reimbursements hard," a hospital lobbying group wrote in an "action alert" to hospital executives. "We need to stop this effort!"

President Obama called for $200 billion in cuts from the hospital sector; the industry group agreed to $45 billion less. They want to make the lowest cost concessions that they can get away with, and they want to design those cost concessions themselves.

They seem to regard Medicare and Medicaid as their golden goose while attempting to convince taxpayers that reform will somehow be bad for the country.
The industry that's leading the effort to retard reform is fighting against providing more efficient services to Medicare, Medicaid and the VA.

"Two proposals now circulating in Congress could hit future hospital reimbursements hard," a hospital lobbying group wrote in an "action alert" to hospital executives. "We need to stop this effort!"

President Obama called for $200 billion in cuts from the hospital sector; the industry group agreed to $45 billion less. They want to make the lowest cost concessions that they can get away with, and they want to design those cost concessions themselves.

They seem to regard Medicare and Medicaid as their golden goose while attempting to convince taxpayers that reform will somehow be bad for the country.

How can any entity other than the Fed stop needed efficiencies with Medicare/Medicaid?
Vice President Biden recently announced $155 billion worth of cuts in Medicare reimbursements and other payments over the next decade in the face of considerable lobbying pressure from the profits-before-people opponents of health care reform.

For example, the American Hospital Association (AHA) represents more than 5,000 hospitals. AHA has spent more than $7 million already this year in its Washington DC lobbying efforts.

A score of highly-paid lobbyists from this powerful group have been aggressively courting legislators and staff members with the Senate Finance Committee, the House Energy and Commerce Committee and other key panels in attempt to stifle reform.

The industry as a whole is determined to maximize profits at the public's expense and is stubbornly resisting efforts to legislate accountability and efficiency in health care.
Vice President Biden recently announced $155 billion worth of cuts in Medicare reimbursements and other payments over the next decade in the face of considerable lobbying pressure from the profits-before-people opponents of health care reform.

For example, the American Hospital Association (AHA) represents more than 5,000 hospitals. AHA has spent more than $7 million already this year in its Washington DC lobbying efforts.

A score of highly-paid lobbyists from this powerful group have been aggressively courting legislators and staff members with the Senate Finance Committee, the House Energy and Commerce Committee and other key panels in attempt to stifle reform.

The industry as a whole is determined to maximize profits at the public's expense and is stubbornly resisting efforts to legislate accountability and efficiency in health care.

do you ever answer questions?....

tell me something....your party of passion blocked an amendment which would have prevented people who are not citizens of the US and who have not entered the country in compliance with it's laws from being covered by the proposed health plan....why do you think that is a good idea?.....

in addition, they blocked an amendment which simply provided that whatever plan Congress approved would apply to Congressmen instead of the plan they currently have.....why do you think they blocked it?......

by the way, if DNC is really just a newsbot, you guys could tell me now before I embarrass myself trying to communicate with it....
Vice President Biden recently announced $155 billion worth of cuts in Medicare reimbursements and other payments over the next decade in the face of considerable lobbying pressure from the profits-before-people opponents of health care reform.

For example, the American Hospital Association (AHA) represents more than 5,000 hospitals. AHA has spent more than $7 million already this year in its Washington DC lobbying efforts.

A score of highly-paid lobbyists from this powerful group have been aggressively courting legislators and staff members with the Senate Finance Committee, the House Energy and Commerce Committee and other key panels in attempt to stifle reform.

The industry as a whole is determined to maximize profits at the public's expense and is stubbornly resisting efforts to legislate accountability and efficiency in health care.

Biden also said:

WASHINGTON -- Vice President Joe Biden said in an interview that Russia's economy is "withering," and suggested the trend will force the country to make accommodations to the West on a wide range of national-security issues, including loosening its grip on former Soviet republics and shrinking its vast nuclear arsenal.

Mr. Biden said he believes Russia's economic problems are part of a series of developments that have contributed to a significant rethinking by Moscow of its international self-interest. The geographical proximity of the emerging nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea is also likely to make Russia more cooperative with the U.S. in blocking their growth, he said.
But in the interview, at the end of a four-day trip to Ukraine and Georgia, Mr. Biden said domestic troubles are the most important factor driving Russia's new global outlook. "I think we vastly underestimate the hand that we hold," he said.
The industry that's leading the effort to retard reform is fighting against providing more efficient services to Medicare, Medicaid and the VA.

"Two proposals now circulating in Congress could hit future hospital reimbursements hard," a hospital lobbying group wrote in an "action alert" to hospital executives. "We need to stop this effort!"

President Obama called for $200 billion in cuts from the hospital sector; the industry group agreed to $45 billion less. They want to make the lowest cost concessions that they can get away with, and they want to design those cost concessions themselves.

They seem to regard Medicare and Medicaid as their golden goose while attempting to convince taxpayers that reform will somehow be bad for the country.
IC. So cutting $200B in repayments to hospitals is supposed to make their costs less without altering quality of care? Since when is simply cutting payments an answer to the need for efficiency? Do you even know what the word means?

Do you know what the profit margin on the average private hospital is? Are hospitals supposed to simply take less (thus effectively charging less) without making their own cuts? Where do those cuts come from? Or are they supposed to operate at a net loss "for the good of society"?

Try looking at reality instead of your drug induced utopian dreams. Hospitals have costs. Doctors have costs. Drug companies have costs. No one in the health care industry is making higher profit margins or higher ROIs than any other high level industry or profession. The claim that profit greed is somehow at the center of health care problems is another liberal lie, using their second most favorite tactic after fear mongering: class warfare.

Costs have been driven higher by a number of factors, government regulation and interference being one of the larger of these factors. It is those factors that need to be studied and remedied if you want real reform. Big government telling us who can do what for how much in health care is NOT reform - it is economic authoritarianism at its worst.
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Contrary to the hysterical propaganda of the obstructionists, the current health care reform effort is focused on making health insurance more affordable, and then requiring the uninsured to buy it (like laws already require drivers to buy auto liability coverage) unless they cannot afford the premium. It is not "free".

We are not talking about socialized medicine (in which the government operates health care facilities and employs health care professionals).

BTW, we have that already for veterans and members of the Armed Forces and their families.

Nobody has suggested that we expand that system to include the general public, despite the ravings of the rightwingnutjobs.

There is currently no bill in the House or the Senate entitled (or even known as) "Obamacare". This moniker is pure fiction, devised by defenders of the status quo to demonize reform.

Nothing has been decided yet. You can read the text of the bill currently working its way through committee (H.R. 3200 America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009), but the text may well change before it reaches the floor.

The Senate may produce two bills from two committees.

The House and the Senate will both have to produce drafts and submit them to a vote in their respective chambers.

If they pass, the House and the Senate bill will have to be reconciled in a joint House-Senate Conference Committee, and then there will be a final bill to vote on before President Obama can sign it into law.

Don't be fooled by the scare tactics of a few extremists who apparently hold the belief that the poor are uninsured by choice.
Contrary to the hysterical propaganda of the obstructionists, the current health care reform effort is focused on making health insurance more affordable, and then requiring the uninsured to buy it (like laws already require drivers to buy auto liability coverage) unless they cannot afford the premium. It is not "free".

We are not talking about socialized medicine (in which the government operates health care facilities and employs health care professionals).

BTW, we have that already for veterans and members of the Armed Forces and their families.

Nobody has suggested that we expand that system to include the general public, despite the ravings of the rightwingnutjobs.

There is currently no bill in the House or the Senate entitled (or even known as) "Obamacare". This moniker is pure fiction, devised by defenders of the status quo to demonize reform.

Nothing has been decided yet. You can read the text of the bill currently working its way through committee (H.R. 3200 America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009), but the text may well change before it reaches the floor.

The Senate may produce two bills from two committees.

The House and the Senate will both have to produce drafts and submit them to a vote in their respective chambers.

If they pass, the House and the Senate bill will have to be reconciled in a joint House-Senate Conference Committee, and then there will be a final bill to vote on before President Obama can sign it into law.

Don't be fooled by the scare tactics of a few extremists who apparently hold the belief that the poor are uninsured by choice.
How many times can you lie a day?

Who said poor are without insurance by choice. You fucking two bit cock sucking liars keep coming up with vastly inflated figures for uninsured. You disregard the FACT that many younger, healthy people CHOOSE to not have life insurance. You call them uninsured to bolster your claims. Your totalitarian bullshit answer is to MAKE them get health insurance so their premiums can pay for your regulations and other crap. Funy thing is these same youngsters who you are bending over to insert your gigantic government mandated insurance dildo are one of the main demographics that put you assholes in power. They are NOT going to stand still for being screwed by you.

You are the ones with the scare tactics. You lie about uninsured rates, You lie about your motives. You lie about profits margins. You lie about profit motives. You lie about pressures on health care costs. You lie about every damned thing you assholes want to do to the nation. You lie because if the truth were known your plans - ALL of them - would be thrown out - along with you - in the nearest landfill.
How many times can you lie a day?

Who said poor are without insurance by choice. You fucking two bit cock sucking liars keep coming up with vastly inflated figures for uninsured. You disregard the FACT that many younger, healthy people CHOOSE to not have life insurance. You call them uninsured to bolster your claims. Your totalitarian bullshit answer is to MAKE them get health insurance so their premiums can pay for your regulations and other crap. Funy thing is these same youngsters who you are bending over to insert your gigantic government mandated insurance dildo are one of the main demographics that put you assholes in power. They are NOT going to stand still for being screwed by you.

You are the ones with the scare tactics. You lie about uninsured rates, You lie about your motives. You lie about profits margins. You lie about profit motives. You lie about pressures on health care costs. You lie about every damned thing you assholes want to do to the nation. You lie because if the truth were known your plans - ALL of them - would be thrown out - along with you - in the nearest landfill.

It's not his fault.
It's the fault of the anti-right web sites, where he gets his talking points from.

I've allready proved that all he does, is cut, paste, and change the verbage.
It's not his fault.
It's the fault of the anti-right web sites, where he gets his talking points from.

I've allready proved that all he does, is cut, paste, and change the verbage.
well, that explains why he never answers questions....what are the odds he can find something to paste that is responsive to what's asked....
It's not his fault.
It's the fault of the anti-right web sites, where he gets his talking points from.

I've allready proved that all he does, is cut, paste, and change the verbage.
Yes, it is his fault. If he chooses to let others think for him, that is still his fault. If he chooses to repeat and pass on deliberate lies, that, too, is his fault. Repeating party talking points is no excuse for being a mindless lying drone.