Army suicides up 20 percent in 2007, report says


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WASHINGTON (AP) -- As many as 121 Army soldiers committed suicide in 2007, a jump of more than 20 percent over the year before, officials said Thursday.

The rise came despite numerous efforts over the past year to improve the mental health of a force stressed by a longer-than-expected war in Iraq and the most deadly year yet in the now six-year-old conflict in Afghanistan.

Internal briefing papers prepared by the Army's psychiatry consultant earlier this month show there were 89 confirmed suicides last year and 32 deaths that are suspected suicides and still under investigation.

More than a quarter of the combined total -- about 34 -- died while serving a tour of duty in Iraq, an increase from 27 in Iraq the previous year, according to the preliminary figures.

The report also showed an increase in the number of attempted suicides and self-injuries -- some 2,100 in 2007 compared to less than 1,500 the previous year and less than 500 in 2002.

The total of 121 suicides last year, if all are confirmed, would be more than double the 52 reported in 2001, before the September 11 attacks prompted the Bush administration to launch its counter-terror war.

Officials said the rate of suicides per 100,000 active duty soldiers has not yet been calculated for 2007. But in a half million-person active duty Army, the 2006 toll of 102 translated to a rate of 17.5 per 100,000, the highest since the Army started counting in 1980, officials said. The rate has fluctuated over those years, with the low being 9.1 per 100,000 in 2001.

Col. Elspeth Ritchie, the psychiatry consultant to the Army surgeon general, has said that officials found failed personal relationships, legal and financial problems and the stress of their jobs have been main factors in soldiers' suicides.

Officials also have found that the number of days troops are deployed in Iraq, Afghanistan or nearby countries contributes to that stress.

With the Army stretched thin by years of fighting the two wars, the Pentagon last year extended normal tours of duty to 15 months from 12 and has sent some troops back to the wars several times.

The Army has been hoping to reduce tour lengths this summer. But the prospect could depend heavily on what Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, recommends when he gives his assessment of security in Iraq and troop needs to Congress in April.

According to studies on mental health in the military, a system that might have been adequate for peacetime has been overwhelmed by troops coming home from war.

Some troop surveys in Iraq have shown that 20 percent of Army soldiers have signs and symptoms of post-traumatic stress, which can cause flashbacks of traumatic combat experiences and other severe reactions. About 35 percent of soldiers are seeking some kind of mental health treatment a year after returning home under a program that screens returning troops for physical and mental health problems, officials have said.

Officials have worked to set up a number of new programs and strengthen old ones for providing mental health care to the force. The Army also has been working to stem the stigma associated with getting therapy for mental problems, after officials found that troops are avoiding counseling out of fear it could harm their careers


You're an intelligent man. Being afflicted by a psychological disorder is weakness...

Being killed in a hurricane is even weaker!

Killing yourself is weakness. I've lived with Bipolar disorder my whole life, and I'm still alive. I know a little something about psychological disorder...what do you know, hillbilly?
This is sad but inevitable in any war esp a prolonged one with soldiers acting as a police force with civies.

Been there, almost done that.
This is sad but inevitable in any war esp a prolonged one with soldiers acting as a police force with civies.

Been there, almost done that.

Just reinforces my belief that we could not win WWII if we had to fight it with today's population and today's army.
Killing yourself is weakness. I've lived with Bipolar disorder my whole life, and I'm still alive. I know a little something about psychological disorder...what do you know, hillbilly?

Killing yourself is not weakness. It's an honorable way to die in Japan. The suicide rate is very high in Japan. It's weakness amongst Catholics. The suicide rate is average amongst Catholics.

Killing yourself is... killing yourself. What factors cause people to kill themselves? You're definition - weakness - is useless.
Killing yourself is not weakness. It's an honorable way to die in Japan.
Oh yeah, let's start emulating the Japanese-- they have a great history.
It's weakness amongst Catholics. The suicide rate is average amongst Catholics.
It is a weakness among the entire Western World...even if you are an atheist, you would be stupid to kill yourself, because that shortens the brief time you have in the first place.

Killing yourself is for pussies.

Killing yourself is... killing yourself. What factors cause people to kill themselves? You're definition - weakness - is useless.

It is for pussies that can't get to the next day or don't want to face the consequences of a mess they got themselves into.
Oh yeah, let's start emulating the Japanese-- they have a great history.

Only to fascists.

It is a weakness among the entire Western World...even if you are an atheist, you would be stupid to kill yourself, because that shortens the brief time you have in the first place.

If I'm an atheist, killing myself wouldn't really matter to me. I'm not going to mind once I'm dead. ;)

It is for pussies that can't get to the next day or don't want to face the consequences of a mess they got themselves into.

Or what if I just want to kill myself?
Just reinforces my belief that we could not win WWII if we had to fight it with today's population and today's army.
Bullshit. WWII there was a real verifiable risk from both the Japanese and the Germans. The Japanese attacked us and the German declared war 4 days after Pearl Harbor. Iraq did not sponsor, train nor were they directly involved in the WTC. After the Germans and Japanese surrendered they took to occupation and rebuilding fairly well. By the 5th year after the war the Japanese nor the Germans continued to attack the US soldiers with IED's and street to street fighting. Our soldiers told us we were going to liberate the Iraqi people and they would greet us as liberators with flowers and kisses in the street. Instead they get shot at everyday, and they are not treated as liberators. This constant comparison of Iraq to WWII shows a complete lack of the understanding of history.
No, I'm not comparing the wars. If anything, your point reinforces my own. The men who fought in WWII fought against much worse odds, much more intensity, and saw way more horrible things. Yet they didn't bitch out like the soldiers that are basically on vacation in Iraq and kill themselves.
Listen, if you can't even provide me with a good reason to do it, then we're going nowhere.

I did-- life doesn't matter, all you are going to do is deal with pain and suffering until you finally die and cease to exist anyway.

Why not cut out the middle man and just get it over with?
The men who FOUGHT the war against Iraq did a fine job. They defeated the Iraqi army in no time at all. But five years after MISSION ACCOMPLISHED the people of Iraq are still engaging in combat with US troops. Put our soldiers in any WAR and they will kick the shit out of the enemy. But place them someplace where they are acting as police and subject them to continuous low intensity conflict day in and day out there is going to be stress. Couple that with the fact that the Army discourages seeking mental health treatment and you get suicides and domestic violence which is also on the rise in the Army.