As a black American, you'd be nuts not to be a republican

Willful, yes - misunderstanding, no. The 'socialist/marxist' meme is deliberate - it's a way to demonize the black man and make it politically acceptable to hate him. The truth is that Obama's policies are so Bush-like that these same mouth-breathers applauded when Bush practiced them.

Willful, yes - misunderstanding, no. The 'socialist/marxist' meme is deliberate - it's a way to demonize the black man and make it politically acceptable to hate him. The truth is that Obama's policies are so Bush-like that these same mouth-breathers applauded when Bush practiced them.

Damn. That sounds like something ekg would write.

Tight work missy!
It's a real easy and simple question to understand.

Are you of the opinion that Wall Street would pour more money than on any political candidate in history on a Marxist?

Why do you run from simple questions?

said political candidate having poured more money back into Wall Street than any other in history, it stands to reason.....
Are you aware that the health insurance industry WROTE Obamacare?


Do you have any idea how much they stand to profit from THEIR bill?


Oh, no doubt they stand to profit... for now! I have no doubt, the movers and shakers in the industry are poised to fill their Cayman bank accounts and prepare for a cushy retirement. Then we'll have you all writhing and moaning in the floor over the 'Madolf/Enron/Corzine' sweetheart deals these folks got, KNOWING their shareholders were about to get fucked. And I am also sure you will find some way to twist that into being the fault of Bush and Republicans.
Are you of the opinion that Wall Street would pour more money than on any political candidate in history on a Marxist?

Did Socialist suddenly wake up and not have any money or investments?

"Wall Street" is a place, not a person. I've been there, and I didn't see a sign or anything, prohibiting Marxists.

I actually think this is MORE EVIDENCE AGAINST Obama. What legitimate capitalist business person supports the things this man has done and wants to do more of? I mean... Other than Cuban cigar companies or Venezuelan oil companies?
Oh, no doubt they stand to profit... for now! I have no doubt, the movers and shakers in the industry are poised to fill their Cayman bank accounts and prepare for a cushy retirement. Then we'll have you all writhing and moaning in the floor over the 'Madolf/Enron/Corzine' sweetheart deals these folks got, KNOWING their shareholders were about to get fucked. And I am also sure you will find some way to twist that into being the fault of Bush and Republicans.

You've got me mixed up with someone else brother. Bush is yesterday's news. I defy you to come up with postings of mine that bashes Bush where it is not due. In fact, if you'd been paying attention you'd find that I often give Bush his due for having the best policy on Africa than any American president .. including the one from Africa.

If you'd been paying attention you would recognize that I make no distinctions between democratic corporatists and republican corporatists.

Obviously you were unaware that the health insurance industry wrote Obamacare .. and they plan to make money from it forever.

I also challenge you to find ANY posting of mine that blames republicans for anything that comes out of Obamacare.

The meme that you are accustomed to spewing does not work for everybody.

No offense intended brother.
Did Socialist suddenly wake up and not have any money or investments?

"Wall Street" is a place, not a person. I've been there, and I didn't see a sign or anything, prohibiting Marxists.

I actually think this is MORE EVIDENCE AGAINST Obama. What legitimate capitalist business person supports the things this man has done and wants to do more of? I mean... Other than Cuban cigar companies or Venezuelan oil companies?

Absolutely uber-ridiculous. :0)

So your argument is that Wall Street IS in the habit of doleing out huge sums of money to a Marxist.


What you suggest is seriously unintelligent and you are completely incapable of backing it up.
So your argument is that Wall Street IS in the habit of doleing out huge sums of money to a Marxist.

No, my argument is, Marxist-Socialists have money like everyone else, and are able to invest in the US Stock Markets, like everyone else, and "Wall Street" supporting Obama doesn't mean that Marxist-Socialists aren't supporting Obama, trough Wall Street. In fact, the very idea that someone on Wall Street is supporting this anti-capitalist Marxist-Socialist, pretty much proves my point. Free market capitalists don't support Marxist-Socialists. you find it ironic that Obama gave more money back to Wall Street, then attacks Wall Street for having received it?.......or do you find it ominous......

Keep in mind that I post more about Obama being a corporatist probably more than anyone else on this board. It is something I've been saying even before he was elected .. and then he walked into the White House door with Larry Summers and Tim Geithner.

No, I don't find it ironic that Obama is the best thing Wall Street could have possibly created .. especially for the time he walked in. Picture perfect .. Hollywood couldn't have done better casting. The fact that Wall Street showered him with money, then he ignores the prosecution of the financiers who nearly bankrupt this country and cost thousands upon thousands of good hard-working Americans their most valued asset .. their homes .. I don't find that ironic .. I call it expected.

His nuanced "attacks" on Wall Street is called politics. That keeps the Occupy movement neutered, tamed, and controlled. They never had the courage to call him out as a corporatist. It also keeps democrats in line. Gives them something to hang their "lessor evil" hats on.

That being said, republicans seem complete fools .. no personal offense intended. They waste time talking about really dumb shit .. like him being a Marxist or he not having a birth certificate. Food for morons.

AND, republicans can't really accuse him of being a corporatist because that's a badge of honor among their ranks. Slaves to the bling.