at what point do we start fighting back????

An obvious favortism of police over civilians by sitting judge

Judge Woodard’s comportment on the bench left no secret about her leanings, according to several courtroom observers. During the trial, she was overtly sympathetic toward the defense(cop on trial) and hostile to the prosecution, signaling her disdain with facial expressions and by turning her back on the prosecutor, Joseph Ruddy, during his closing argument. Those gestures may have been noticed by jurors.

This month at the sentencing, where Mr. Harrison faced up to several years in prison for his conviction for second-degree assault, the judge dispensed a token punishment: 30 days of home detention, followed by 18 months of unsupervised probation. The judge opted for leniency despite the fact that Mr. Harrison displayed no remorse for the beating or the coverup, and he failed even to acknowledge Mr. McKenna, whom he had bludgeoned with his baton, in the courtroom.

In fact, Mr. Harrison had the gall to suggest he had been persecuted for what he regarded as reasonable use of force. One need only watch the videotape to disprove that self-serving account.

At the same time, Judge Woodard, in her comments at sentencing, went out of her way to vilify Mr. McKenna by dwelling at length on the unruly behavior of some, though not most, Maryland students following the game. She thereby managed to smear an innocent victim by associating him with the unrelated actions of others. Judge Woodard did not respond to phone calls to her office.

So all of you who believe that you must NEVER resist the police and believe that the courts are where you resolve these issues, what say you?
Generally speaking, people that have issues with cops are the same people that have issues already.

I have many law enforcement friends and much respect for the types of people they have to deal with on a regular basis.
Generally speaking, people that have issues with cops are the same people that have issues already.
do you have a cite for this or is this just your general opinion? what issues would those be, exactly?

I have many law enforcement friends and much respect for the types of people they have to deal with on a regular basis.
so you're also of the same mindset as apple, that the badged murderers of Otto Zehm and Kelly Thomas are just a small price to pay for 'law and order'? or the hundreds of officers in florida now being sued for accessing the personal info of a state trooper that arrested one of their own for doing 120 miles an hour to get to a second part time security job? or the 50 cops who saluted a convicted murderer as he was escorted out of a courthouse by the feds, free of cuffs, in front of the family of their victim? those cops are worthy of your respect? or is it just my 'issue'?
Generally speaking, people that have issues with cops are the same people that have issues already.

I have many law enforcement friends and much respect for the types of people they have to deal with on a regular basis.

I believe the medical term for them is "psychopath".

Most laymen call it "crazy booted out of the service ex-Marines living in Texas carrying a BB gun".
I believe the medical term for them is "psychopath".

Most laymen call it "crazy booted out of the service ex-Marines living in Texas carrying a BB gun".
1) your opinion as an idiot is worthless
2) your ad hom ruined the already worthless credibility you had
3) since you have NEVER bothered to intellectually discuss police brutality, any contribution you DO make to this thread should be taken with a grain of salt
1) your opinion as an idiot is worthless
2) your ad hom ruined the already worthless credibility you had
3) since you have NEVER bothered to intellectually discuss police brutality, any contribution you DO make to this thread should be taken with a grain of salt

The incidents of police brutality are far fewer than incidents of "crazy booted out of the service ex-Marines living in Texas carrying a BB gun".
The incidents of police brutality are far fewer than incidents of "crazy booted out of the service ex-Marines living in Texas carrying a BB gun".
and yet, i've shot/killed less innocent people than the police have, beaten less innocent people than the police have, and daresay I know the law better than 90% of those same police, so how stupid do YOU look?
and yet, i've shot/killed less innocent people than the police have, beaten less innocent people than the police have, and daresay I know the law better than 90% of those same police, so how stupid do YOU look?

So how many innocent people have you shot/killed?
What a knuckle dragged admitting to shooting innocent people.
Because of his limited communication skills, no wonder he's a cable installer.
and yet, i've shot/killed less innocent people than the police have, beaten less innocent people than the police have, and daresay I know the law better than 90% of those same police, so how stupid do YOU look?
You've shot less people than all the police combined? WELL DONE. I've woken up fewer times than the US population, how great is that? I've also put on shoes less times than all the residents of Colorado.
An obvious favortism of police over civilians by sitting judge

So all of you who believe that you must NEVER resist the police and believe that the courts are where you resolve these issues, what say you?

I think it was Tonto who said it best when he replied to the Lone Ranger as the entire Sioux nation surrounded them and prepared to attack...

What do you mean "we" White Man?

In other words...

What are YOU waiting for?

If it offends you so greatly then fight back.

All this pissing and moaning from you but no action.
I think it was Tonto who said it best when he replied to the Lone Ranger as the entire Sioux nation surrounded them and prepared to attack...

What do you mean "we" White Man?

In other words...

What are YOU waiting for?

If it offends you so greatly then fight back.

All this pissing and moaning from you but no action.
so this blatant government favortism at the expense of an innocent persons freedom and safety doesn't offend you?
do you have a cite for this or is this just your general opinion? what issues would those be, exactly?

so you're also of the same mindset as apple, that the badged murderers of Otto Zehm and Kelly Thomas are just a small price to pay for 'law and order'? or the hundreds of officers in florida now being sued for accessing the personal info of a state trooper that arrested one of their own for doing 120 miles an hour to get to a second part time security job? or the 50 cops who saluted a convicted murderer as he was escorted out of a courthouse by the feds, free of cuffs, in front of the family of their victim? those cops are worthy of your respect? or is it just my 'issue'?

Rocket-scientist isn't exactly a rocket scientist.