At What Point?


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So, at what point do we tell our children that there is no Santa Claus, no Easter Bunny, or that babies don’t come from storks?

Where do we start providing them with critical thinking skills where they can begin to separate fact from fiction?

That people really can’t walk on water, that one boat can’t fit all animals, that rainbows are from the refraction of light, that people aren’t resurrected?

Where do schools draw the line on perpetuating myths without being at risk for offending someone’s theology?
our children?

if you are asking at what point something is parental right vs abuse - that is a function of representative government
So, at what point do we tell our children that there is no Santa Claus, no Easter Bunny, or that babies don’t come from storks?

Where do we start providing them with critical thinking skills where they can begin to separate fact from fiction?

That people really can’t walk on water, that one boat can’t fit all animals, that rainbows are from the refraction of light, that people aren’t resurrected?

Where do schools draw the line on perpetuating myths without being at risk for offending someone’s theology?

What's with your piss and vinegar over the religious all the time? Not saying they don't dish it out but why play their game? Why are you so hellbent on showing off your anti-religiousness to a forum of maybe 50 regulars?
I don't know what their doctrine is in Pentecostal and Southern Baptist churches, but walking on water is allegorical in other major Christian traditions.

We have to ask Jewish people about the Noah story, because that comes from the Torah.

The Resurrection seems medically impossible.

To Walk on Water

The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew. (14:22-34)

The storm through which the Lord calmly and peacefully walked is a metaphor for the storms that rage inside of us.

All scripture is metaphorical. The deepest meanings lie below the surface.

Remember that Peter failed at first to complete his stroll to Jesus on the water. And yet he rose up again by focusing on Jesus instead of his fear. That is how contemplative prayer happens; with persistence in practice, faith in God and in the knowledge that all matter of things will be well.

The storm is no match for the Spirit and persistent prayer.

The place of peace and calm, as this Gospel demonstrates, is exemplified in the Person of Christ. Where he is, there is perfect peace, where he is there is the kingdom, there is eternity, where he is storms no longer matter, waves appear as a smooth path, the wind is revealed to be the stirring of the Holy Spirit, the torrential rains a new baptism.

So we must dive into God. We must turn our attention to Christ. And where is he? Within. Where is his calm and peaceful kingdom? Inside.

To walk on water we must dive deep into ourselves and into the kingdom within.
What's with your piss and vinegar over the religious all the time? Not saying they don't dish it out but why play their game? Why are you so hellbent on showing off your anti-religiousness to a forum of maybe 50 regulars?

how many of those points were about religion?

Santa? nope. a bunny hiding eggs? nope. people walking on water? nope - that was a god.

seems like you should look inward,you got so mad thinking this was making fun of religion, when the majority clearly was not
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I see. Anyone who disagrees with you has gears to grind. Aren't you making his point by refusing to address the issue?

Are you daft? I don't care if he disagrees. I told you it's his haughty behavior towards the subject that's the issue. Tearing down those who believe instead of just asking questions like a decent human being. It's only been his third discussion in maybe a week plus.
Are you daft? I don't care if he disagrees. I told you it's his haughty behavior towards the subject that's the issue. Tearing down those who believe instead of just asking questions like a decent human being. It's only been his third discussion in maybe a week plus.

So, you believe. Got it.