At What Point?

He did say when posting as Perry PhD that he got disillusioned with his Christian faith when God didn't answer his prayers about some crisis.

So I think there grew a deep anger about Christianity, and an emotional need to believe the faith was built on deception and lies.
If someone is not a Hindu, do you believe it is because they hate Hinduism?
He did say when posting as Perry PhD that he got disillusioned with his Christian faith when God didn't answer his prayers about some crisis.

So I think there grew a deep anger about Christianity, and an emotional need to believe the faith was built on deception and lies.

Now we are at the "bitchy little mean girls" phase where you stop the pretense of even trying to address the topic and resort to your usual method of bitching about people rather than discussing the topic.

You claimed it was the Gospel-era writers who fabricated the resurrection story, decades after the eyewitness were gone.

You obviously didn't know that some of the original apostles and even Jesus' brother James were still alive when the earliest writings of the resurrection were written and circulating -- and as such you haven't explained why these eyewitness did not correct the second generation authors/fabricators.

And, again, you will be able to point me to the canonical gospel James wrote.
And, again, you will be able to point me to the canonical gospel James wrote.
I thought you claimed to have read the bible cover to cover?

Jesus' brother James is in Acts, and is attested to by the premminent Jewish historian Josephus. James the Just was the leader of the early Christian moment after Jesus was crucified. Tradition holds that the Epistle of James is authored by Jesus' brother.

As you hopefully know the gospels aren't the only Christian writings, and it's likely none of the apostles wrote any of the apostles.

You haven't explained a problem with your theory, which is that if the Gospel era authors fabricated the resurrection story decades after eyewitnesses to Jesus ministry were dead, then why weren't their fabrications corrected by the apostles Peter, James, and Andrew who lived long enough to be aware of Paul's Story of the resurrection, and probably Mark's too
I thought you claimed to have read the bible cover to cover?

I did. There is no gospel of James that made the Canon.

As you hopefully know the gospels aren't the only Christian writings, and it's likely none of the apostles wrote any of the apostles.

If you wish to go with non-Canonical books that's fine. I guess the wheels just come right off the bus then.

You haven't explained a problem with your theory, which is that the Gospel era authors fabricated the resurrection story decades after eyewitnesses to Jesus ministry were dead, then why weren't their fabrications corrected by the apostles Peter, James, and Andrew who lived long enough to be aware of Paul's Story of the resurrection

Perhaps they were. There is no record that I am aware of that we can point to as to what those Apostles wrote themselves.

And, again, I keep reminding you that Paul, himself, had serious disagreements with these people over doctrine of the faith. How could that possibly be?
I did. There is no gospel of James that made the Canon.

If you wish to go with non-Canonical books that's fine. I guess the wheels just come right off the bus then.

Perhaps they were. There is no record that I am aware of that we can point to as to what those Apostles wrote themselves.

And, again, I keep reminding you that Paul, himself, had serious disagreements with these people over doctrine of the faith. How could that possibly be?
So you obviously have read the bible "cover to cover.

Acts is canonical as is the epistle of James. They are as canonical as it gets. Wow, you didn't know that??

James is a real historical character. The point is James brother of Jesus lived long enough he should have corrected the resurrection story if it was a fabrication of second generation christians.

So you obviously have read the bible "cover to cover.

Acts is canonical as is the epistle of James. They are as canonical as it gets. Wow, you didn't know that??

James is a real historical character. The point is James brother of Jesus lived long enough he should have corrected the resurrection story if it was a fabrication of second generation christians.
Why include my name? Mistake?

I'm truly surprised you didn't Google it yourself, Perry...or did you?
If one simply doesn't have the knowledge, five minutes of frantic Googling isn't going to help much. Perry didn't know that some of the eyewitnesses to Jesus ministry lived long enough to have been aware of Paul's missionary work, and possibly have been aware of Marks gospel.

If Paul and Mark were fabricating the resurrection story out of whole cloth, my question is why didn't the apostles Peter, James, and Andrew contest this?
That's why I called it a story. It's not history.

Almost all humans get their cultural values from literature, stories, and art. Not from German and French philosophy professors.

People in the ancient bronze age Near East did not write history, biography, or journalism. Those are much later literary inventions of the Greeks and Romans.
Fun fact of the day: History the word's origins is from the Latin word "historia"... (pronounced eestoreeah)... and it literally means "story"....

LOL. Not really relevant to the thread here, but true.

I remember my third grade teacher telling me it is from "his story".... put them together.... But it isn't. It is from Latin.
If one simply doesn't have the knowledge, five minutes of frantic Googling isn't going to help much. Perry didn't know that some of the eyewitnesses to Jesus ministry lived long enough to have been aware of Paul's missionary work, and possibly have been aware of Marks gospel.

Actually, instead of insulting me you should read what I actually wrote. I said canonical sources. Again, you are free to dig up whatever you like, but I thought we were talking about the faith qua the faith.

If Paul and Mark were fabricating the resurrection story out of whole cloth, my question is why didn't the apostles Peter, James, and Andrew contest this?

More mischaracterization of my point. Your penchant for lying all the time is growing grating and annoying. But it is you. You are what you are.
Fun fact of the day: History the word's origins is from the Latin word "historia"... (pronounced eestoreeah)... and it literally means "story"....

LOL. Not really relevant to the thread here, but true.

I remember my third grade teacher telling me is is from "his story".... put them together.... But it isn't. It is from Latin.
Middle English histoire, historie, from Anglo-French estoire, histoire, from Latin historia, from Greek, inquiry, history, from histōr, istōr knowing, learned; akin to Greek eidenai to know

Why include my name? Mistake?
If someone expresses disillusionment that Hindu faith and practice has failed them, and then makes a message board habit of diminishing Hinduism, I think it's reasonable to think they have emotional reasons for consistently painting Hinduism in a bad light
If someone expresses disillusionment that Hindu faith and practice has failed them, and then makes a message board habit of diminishing Hinduism, I think it's reasonable to think they have emotional reasons for consistently painting Hinduism in a bad light

Your mischaracterization and oversimplification of my deconversion is noted.

Now try to post something honest for a change.