Atheism and Ethics

Because satanism is closely connected with atheism and I wanted to mention how satanists damage the reputations of the good atheists that dont commit terrorism or murder and other horrible inhuman acts.

It absolutely is not. Once you start lying about things, it's hard for the rest of us to believe you. Satanists are no more prone to behaving in immoral ways than atheists, Christians, Buddhists, etc. Given that 70% of Americans claim to be Christian, the odds are pretty good that some of the rioters, arsonists, and other violent actors in protests are Christians. Only 1.5% of Americans identify with "alternative faiths," including Satanism.* So the odds that anyone participating in violence is a Satanic adherent is next to nothing. Ditto for those accused and/or convicted of murder, rape, assault, etc.

* "An additional 1.5% identify with other faiths, including Unitarians, those who identify with Native American religions, Pagans, Wiccans, New Agers, deists, Scientologists, pantheists, polytheists, Satanists and Druids, to name just a few." (source: )
Bullshit. You obviously don't understand the difference between immoral and amoral.

Atheism typically doesn't believe in anything. They believe we're all ambulatory meat computers responspoinding to biochemical programming and of no more value than the sum of our parts. They are amoral.

Satanists believe in both God and Satan, but support Satan. They are immoral.

How are they immoral? Merely because they think there's a being named Satan (who, btw, Jews do not believe exists) and have chosen to follow a modern, man-created religion based on that belief?
How are they immoral? Merely because they think there's a being named Satan (who, btw, Jews do not believe exists) and have chosen to follow a modern, man-created religion based on that belief?

That just makes them stupid, like this kooky, creepy, RBG cultist:



In the hours after Justice Ginsburg’s death, I sat wondering what the future would hold for my daughters.

Reading through the Seven Tenets, I was struck by how closely they aligned with the unwritten code I had used to try to guide my own life for several years. I realized, happily, that these were my people and that I had been a Satanist for several years without even knowing it.
How are they immoral? Merely because they think there's a being named Satan (who, btw, Jews do not believe exists) and have chosen to follow a modern, man-created religion based on that belief?
Judgment call. Atheists believe all morals are relative, Satanists believe doing the opposite of Biblical Theists. The difference between amoral and immoral.

Yes, Jews believe it Satan. The Book of Job is in the Tanakh.
The prologue on Earth introduces Job as a righteous man, blessed with wealth, sons, and daughters, who lives in the land of Uz. The scene shifts to Heaven, where God asks Satan (Hebrew: הַשָּׂטָן‎ – haśśāṭān, literally "the accuser") for his opinion of Job's piety. Satan accuses Job of being pious only because God has materially blessed him; if God were to take away everything that Job has, then he would surely curse God. God gives Satan permission to take Job's wealth and kill his children and servants, but Job nonetheless praises God: "Naked I came out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return: the Lord has given, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."[9] God allows Satan to afflict his body with boils. Job sits in ashes, and his wife prompts him to "curse God, and die", but Job answers: "Shall we receive good from God and shall we not receive evil?"
in case it has slipped your notice, I just answered the post you made to me......

The best bet is to put a quotation in, then one has some notion. I take it that Mr Carter must be a Baptist, but I wasn't much interested in labels. What does 'then you accept' mean? I'd guess you must, like so many Americans, think in gangs, so that one gang or another is 'Christian', but I don't think that way at all, I'm afraid. The Quakers over here have a strong tendency to take the New Testament seriously, which is what I judge by, and I was an attender for some time. I'm afraid we just think in different ways.
Judgment call. Atheists believe all morals are relative, Satanists believe doing the opposite of Biblical Theists. The difference between amoral and immoral.

Have you ever read any of Ayn Rand's books? Modern Satanism is based very much on her philosophy. They despise altruism as weak, and strongly promote selfishness and individuality. There is much of that also to be found in current conservative/Trumpism beliefs. I don't care for either one and believe them, IMO, to be immoral.
And all labeled as "fake news" by the die-hard cultists.

Who do you think that they'll attempt to raise up to the throne next? Another of the Klan Trump?

Of course. The Trumpian Way is to deny everything, admit nothing and to make false counter-accusations. Trump does it daily as do his ass-kissers brown-nosers sycophants staffers.

Have you ever read any of Ayn Rand's books? Modern Satanism is based very much on her philosophy. They despise altruism as weak, and strongly promote selfishness and individuality. There is much of that also to be found in current conservative/Trumpism beliefs. I don't care for either one and believe them, IMO, to be immoral.

One, The Fountainhead, in HS. Isn't all of that antithetical to the Christian philosophy much like "Prosperity Christianity"? I completely agree that there is a lot more Satanism in Trump and the present RNC than Christianity. Just locking kids up on the border and forever separating them from their parents is one powerful example of pure evil and immorality.