Atheists have lowest divorce rate of any religious group

It figures, Atheists realize they have to work out their own problems, not count on Gawd to do it for them.
And for purposes such as that study atheists will be considered a religious group.
Athiests don't believe in god. That is not a religious belief. If you posit gremlins inside a clock that make the clock run but that no one can see, and I believe only that the clock runs because of gears and crystals and that no gremlins exist, I am NOT positing a religious belief.
How is that stupid? It's essentially the same strawman argument. Waterhead says fewer Atheists get divorced, and I say fewer blind people kill others while drinking and driving.

What is truly "ridiculously stupid" is some loud-mouth punk making accusations without articulating any basis for them. Also, idiots who make up senseless monikers designed to proclaim how smart they are.

Even dumber than your first really dumb comment.