Attempts on Obamas life

I have a friend that told me that Clinton would often have up to 5 a month.

He needs to step it up.
I can totally believe it, and I don't think it is just the racist skin heads either. I can see a real American giving up his/her life for future freedom. If I see his head blow up like a grape on my TV set--I will cheer--no matter where I am.

Folks---people hate him because he is not American enough to be in the CIA, FBI or secrete service, let alone be their boss. You think I am the only one who knows he is marksist? I bet plenty of real Americans do, that cling to their guns and religion.

Just a fact no liberial is aware of or wants to admitt. No intent on my part, but I can see a lot of people hating him enough to do something like that----espically if he wins.

I won't bet on this one, cause I could be in trouble if I win. If it happens though--I will yell "great shot my fellow American--fuck you karl marks".
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I can totally believe it, and I don't think it is just the racist skin heads either. I can see a real American giving up his/her life for future freedom. If I see his head blow up like a grape on my TV set--I will cheer--no matter where I am.

Folks---people hate him because he is not American enough to be in the CIA, FBI or secrete service, let alone be their boss. You think I am the only one who knows he is marksist? I bet plenty of real Americans do, that cling to their guns and religion.

Just a fact no liberial is aware of or wants to admitt. No intent on my part, but I can see a lot of people hating him enough to do something like that----espically if he wins.

I won't bet on this one, cause I could be in trouble if I win. If it happens though--I will yell "great shot my fellow American--fuck you karl marks".

You know what Ernest T, Fuck you. YOu have the gall, the lack of character and the pitiful excuse for intellect to CHEER for the murder of a presidential candidate???

I understand that you disagree with him. But millions and millions of US Citizens voted in primaries for this man. If he is elected, then he is The President of the United States. That makes him your president too. The fact that millions voted him into office makes him the rightful leader of our nation.

You would cheer his murder? That puts you on the same level as those middle easterners who cheered when they saw the world trade centers fall.

Personally, I would slap you cross-eyed if I caught you cheering for his death.
Naw--I would not even call it murder. I would call it self defense or stopping a robbery, as we do have the right to protect our property.


is exactly what I will yell with pride. That is the way your progressive marksist movement makes me feel. fuck you! Your too stupid to think there is only a few of us real Americans who love their freedom they still have--who ever earnest t is.
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is exactly what I will yell with pride. That is the way you make me feel.

I don't agree with Obama on a lot of issues and I won't be voting for him. But to cheer his murder?

And you call that being an american??? You are what we fought against in WWII.

No, you are no american. You are just a petty little redneck who THINKS he knows something.

If something does happen to Obama, I hope the people around you treat you as you deserve when you cheer.

I would certainly be happy to do so.
Self defense or stopping mass robbery will be the plea I bet. Who ever did it, has a point, and the constitution to back up his case.

you stick to the murder thing, and ignore the argument if you want. He is going to take more of our money to expand government more (which takes our freedoms), and a citizen has a right to protect their life and property.

That just might be a tough case with a consertative American judge. (who does not recite European law like some lib judges do)


It just rolls off the key board with ease, and a smile on my face as a salute for all the people that died for this country fighting marksist philosophies that you fag, liberial morons embrase.

Sorry- man--this is America, and obama would be better leading the UN.

You think I will be the only one cheering?--hell--the stadium wave might start as biden signs his resignation.

I never felt this way before, but than I found out you liberial commies like to fuck with eveybodies life. Go get your own becaue se other Americans will protect theirs that they earned--as promised the pursuit of happeyness. How can a individual be happy when a nanny state takes all of their disposable income, and probably more? You commie libs don't have the guts to try to experience the freedom this country still provides. That is not my problem. Your pushy progressive (marksist) philosophies and candidates are Americas problem. We hav e a commie that proves voting can be manulipuated (he destroyed with media (much like the effort agains Palin)--anybody who ran against him--I don't even know if there was a vote since nobody was there at the end to run). if the public figures out that voting does not work for some--what do you think will happen when a marksist do nothing pushes his way to the top with a agenda he will not share in detail?
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Self defense or stopping mass robbery will be the plea I bet. Who ever did it, has a point, and the constitution to back up his case.

you stick to the murder thing, and ignore the argument if you want. He is going to take more of our money to expand government more (which takes our freedoms), and a citizen has a right to protect their life and property.

That just might be a tough case with a consertative American judge. (who does not recite European law like some lib judges do)


It just rolls off the key board with ease, and a smile on my face as a salute for all the people that died for this country fighting marksist philosophies that you fag, liberial morons embrase.

Sorry- man--this is America, and obama would be better leading the UN.

You think I will be the only one cheering?--hell--the stadium wave might start as biden signs his resignation.

I never felt this way before, but than I found out you liberial commies like to fuck with eveybodies life. Go get your own.

No, it is not self-defense you twisted little weasel.

It would be murder.

Also, in another thread you either said or agreed with the notion that the muslims that do not act to stop the muslim terrorists or support those terrorists are just as bad.

Now you have labelled yourself as a terrorist.

Obama may raise taxes, this is true. I doubt you will have to pay much more, because he is only really interested in raising taxes on the wealthy. Understand, I know this is not a good idea. But to cheer his death, and by posting this you may actually be encouraging some twisted fellow nazi to try and do it, you are every bit as bad as the terrorists you say you hate.

Just in case you missed the episode on Sesame Street, let me educate you. The President does not make laws. He can sign or he can veto them, but he does not make the laws.

He can raise taxes. But those same tax hikes can be removed by congress.

He cannot change the US Constitution. He cannot make the USA a communist country. It is beyond his power to do so. So your paranoia is for nothing.

But you will cheer his death because it will be stopping a robbery? WTF?

You are already losing 35% or so of your income (if you are making what you claim), and you want to see someone dead because they boost it to 40%???

You are totally insane.

You are about as unamerican as it gets. And we real americans can only hope that you get what is coming to you.
I seriously doubt Majority is in the top tax bracket now, and he certainly wouldn't be under Obama. I wouldn't be surprised if Majority paid less in taxes because of Obama.
It might end up being murder--but you are just not living in redality man. Todays politics and rigged elections leave so many Americans pissed off----Americans are being pushed to the extreem. Someone will do it I think, if he wins.

And sorry--I will cheer. I see what he is. I see who he hates.
I seriously doubt Majority is in the top tax bracket now, and he certainly wouldn't be under Obama. I wouldn't be surprised if Majority paid less in taxes because of Obama.

I agree, WM. He has 3 degrees and makes big money? I have no doubt he is some semi-literate construction worker living in his mom's basement.
It might end up being murder--but you are just not living in redality man. Todays politics and rigged elections leave so many Americans pissed off----Americans are being pushed to the extreem. Someone will do it I think, if he wins.

And sorry--I will cheer. I see what he is. I see who he hates.

And I can only hope I am near you when you do cheer the assasination of the president. I would be more than happy to stop your cheering.