Autism linked to power plants

It's amazing how many things and technologies we put out there without even thinking about the consequences. Things that aren't possible to detect in short 2 year trials involving 1000 or so subjects, or even with 100 years of sustained use...
Got a very close friend who lived near an electrical junction area. You know, power lines running in and joining very close in this juction area. This place was less than a quarter from his house. His youngest son was born autistic and turns 15 this year. It is definitely an interesting study.
Hmm how will chap handle this one....

“We suspect low-dose exposures to various environmental toxicants, including mercury, that occur during critical windows of neural development among genetically susceptible children may increase the risk for developmental disorders such as autism,” the authors wrote.

duhhh.. dont give ur kid overdoses of unnecessary vaccines during the critical windows of development..

spread the shit out.. wait till after 2 to do the brutal ones like MMR. Your kid doesn't need chicken pox and hep shots until school if u don't live in a cesspool city area.
Poor kids are often forced to live in areas that have all kinds of contaminents arround.

yep no doubt. but that doesn't mean rich kids should be medically handled the same. its not a 1 size fits all when it comes to vaccines.
“We suspect low-dose exposures to various environmental toxicants, including mercury, that occur during critical windows of neural development among genetically susceptible children may increase the risk for developmental disorders such as autism,” the authors wrote.

duhhh.. dont give ur kid overdoses of unnecessary vaccines during the critical windows of development..

spread the shit out.. wait till after 2 to do the brutal ones like MMR. Your kid doesn't need chicken pox and hep shots until school if u don't live in a cesspool city area.

Yeah just let their mommy absorb all that mercury for years and then cause an autistic child ?

How can you be against the vaccine angle and ignore this angle ? Mercury stays in the body for extremely long times.
When we realize that all the kids in this country will be effected by the contamination of others we may actually behave in a manner that prevents these problems form being a burden on future generations.

Makes you kinda think about yet another reason we have problems teaching inner city kids. You see every kid is our future and when you damage some just to benifit others you have not really benifited the country.
Yeah just let their mommy absorb all that mercury for years and then cause an autistic child ?

How can you be against the vaccine angle and ignore this angle ? Mercury stays in the body for extremely long times.

im not ignoring this. it sucks. but what are u going to do? move every kid away from power lines?

we can prevent kids from getting vaccine overdoses tho.
im not ignoring this. it sucks. but what are u going to do? move every kid away from power lines?

we can prevent kids from getting vaccine overdoses tho.

It is not the power lines it is the emissions from the generating plants. Power lines do not give off mercury ....

Require better emsiions controls on the power plants, instead of letting them swap polloution credits around.

the power lines thing is a whole nuther thing.
It is not the power lines it is the emissions from the generating plants. Power lines do not give off mercury ....

Require better emsiions controls on the power plants, instead of letting them swap polloution credits around.

the power lines thing is a whole nuther thing.

It's a combination of toxins that are causing these children to become autistic. It very well could be a mixture of high levels of mercury and whatever power plants are emitting. The point is we don't KNOW. We do know, however, that most of these autistic children have extremely toxic levels of heavy metals. Their bodies cannot dispose of them. Maybe they can now find a link in combining these tow theories
I've always wondered whether it was a genetic trigger and that we are going through the next step in evolution. ADHD and autism (kind of opposites, I know not really) competing for the next step.
We can go backwards or forwards. We now protect the ones that would not have survived in the past. Genetics are no longer screened by survival of the fittest.
We can go backwards or forwards. We now protect the ones that would not have survived in the past. Genetics are no longer screened by survival of the fittest.
The changes seem to be snowballing regardless.

Humans changed that play when they started changing the environment to suit them rather than evolving to suit the environment.