Autism linked to power plants

I've always wondered whether it was a genetic trigger and that we are going through the next step in evolution. ADHD and autism (kind of opposites, I know not really) competing for the next step.

That's very interesting. There is a whole new age sect out there that believes something like that. I got caught up one night reading about crystal and indigo children. Of course they like to believe aliens are somehow involved too, but it was interesting none the less lol.
That's very interesting. There is a whole new age sect out there that believes something like that. I got caught up one night reading about crystal and indigo children. Of course they like to believe aliens are somehow involved too, but it was interesting none the less lol.
LOL. I actually have heard about those things too.

However, I don't tend to fall for the alien thing. My kids look too much like me, and at least one of them show the signs of the "Indigo" kid.

IMO, it is "hypersensitivity", but you still have to work with it rather than attempt to fight it. She is largely the reason I am vegetarian. She won't eat meat and I wanted to ensure her a good diet and a tasty one too.
LOL. I actually have heard about those things too.

However, I don't tend to fall for the alien thing. My kids look too much like me, and at least one of them show the signs of the "Indigo" kid.

IMO, it is "hypersensitivity", but you still have to work with it rather than attempt to fight it. She is largely the reason I am vegetarian. She won't eat meat and I wanted to ensure her a good diet and a tasty one too.

I agree completely. LOL my daughter and I actually show signs of indigo. According to their beliefs my son would be a crystal...and it's the crystals that are here to save us all. Fascinating what explanations and theories surface when something can't be explained.
I think this study does show links Meg.

I saw the link with mercury. I still believe that with all that mercury...from whatever source.. the vaccines then play a separate role. In certain children, their systems have become so compromised by the metals that the vaccines are a final trigger.
or maybe they are just rainbow children? J/K I just searched the new age stuff you guys talked about.
its interesting stuff. lol my eccentric sister and BOL pay boatloads of money to have an Indian spiritual adviser flown out to them last year. they really really believe it.

but i guess if u have lots of money they u dont worry about food and oil and spend in other places.
I hope they got the relief they were seeking.

I just dont understand why anyone thinks someone else will solve their intenal problems. Maybe they were just seeking advice though. He may have been cost effective compared to traditional mental therapy.
The latest study I've read showed a strong genetic link between autistic children and family members who suffered from schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, or clinical depression. This represents only a part of the autistic population, but does focus attention on inherited brain anomalies that then may be precipitated by environmental agents.

I think that we have a long way to go to understand this.

Damo, though the outward manifestations of ADHD and autism make them appear to be opposites, I suspect that there are more commonalities between them than differences.
Susceptability to the enviromental conditions I think is going to be the key.

Just like in cancer I think.
The latest study I've read showed a strong genetic link between autistic children and family members who suffered from schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, or clinical depression. This represents only a part of the autistic population, but does focus attention on inherited brain anomalies that then may be precipitated by environmental agents.

I think that we have a long way to go to understand this.

Damo, though the outward manifestations of ADHD and autism make them appear to be opposites, I suspect that there are more commonalities between them than differences.

I have read that study too, and I do believe that there can be that genetic link in some of the autistic population. I also have found a study linking ADD/ADHD, alzheimers, and autism all in the same category. They are all neurological disorders with probable environmental triggers.
The latest study I've read showed a strong genetic link between autistic children and family members who suffered from schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, or clinical depression. This represents only a part of the autistic population, but does focus attention on inherited brain anomalies that then may be precipitated by environmental agents.

I think that we have a long way to go to understand this.

Damo, though the outward manifestations of ADHD and autism make them appear to be opposites, I suspect that there are more commonalities between them than differences.
Yes, hence my "not really" part of that. I think they are different aspects of the same genetic switch. At least hypothetically.
I have read that study too, and I do believe that there can be that genetic link in some of the autistic population. I also have found a study linking ADD/ADHD, alzheimers, and autism all in the same category. They are all neurological disorders with probable environmental triggers.

Not only that -- Alzheimer's aside because it's degenerative and the process is quite different -- ADD/ADHD and autism share many characteristics, specifically the concentration (opposites but same process) and perception (perhaps not so different) aspects.