Average salary required to own a home increased 80.5% under Biden

Home prices have hit a record high. Good if you own a home, not so much if you don't. People wonder why polls show so many are down on the economy? Look at housing prices. The 'American Dream' is to own a home yet it is becoming further and further out of reach for more people.

I'll be the first to jump on the bandwagon to mock Millennials and Gen Z folks but I'll give them this; Boomers had it far easier to purchase a home at the same point in their life than Millennials and Gen Z people do today. It's not even close. So it's kind of funny to see Boomers claiming if you can't afford a home you must live in a mobile park trailer.
Thanks for admitting Republicans try to defund programs for low income housing.

On another note, the successful VA home loan program for military vets was singed into law by FDR, and expanded and improved under Jimmy Carter.
Like I said, government created the problem, government won't solve it.
The data says this. Property sells for market value. People get what they can. It’s called capitalism.
but they have still all misread the data.

I know you don't actually care about the poors and are a luciferian darwinist, but that's a different issue.
I believe we have maybe two posters under 50 (and none under 40?) on this board so we don't get to hear the opinion of someone who may be trying to buy their first home (depending on where they live of course).

I suppose it's natural that we assume President's control housing (based on the responses here) because we assume President's control everything else. But posting about congressional legislation completely misses the point. We have a major supply issue. Congress trying to make it 'easier' to purchase a home by giving people money does no such thing without addressing supply (not to mention anything that really addresses housing happens at the state and local level) All giving more money out does is drive up the price.