Bach-to-Mom & her male master Marcus quit Catholic-bashing megachurch

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Minnesota submitted woman Bach-to-Mom and her male master Marcus are caught in another scandal, this one over Catholic-hate.

In an scenario reminiscent of the Reverend Wright flap, church spokesman Joel Hochmuth said the Bachmanns had been members of Salem Lutheran for more than 10 years, but had not attended church for at least two years.

Bach-to-Mom lied and denied that she is anti-Catholic in a 2006 debate.

“It’s abhorrent, it’s religious bigotry. I love Catholics, I’m a Christian, and my church does not believe that the pope is the anti-Christ, that’s absolutely false.’’

Unfortunately for Bach-to-Mom, the church website says: "the Pope is the very Antichrist, who has exalted himself above, and opposed himself against Christ"..


Now, watch the Bach-to-Mom brigade hack the website to make it match their loser leader's lies.
Minnesota submitted woman Bach-to-Mom and her male master Marcus are caught in another scandal, this one over Catholic-hate.

Is this some kind of new-wave English, or just stupidity shown by the poster...???

In an scenario reminiscent of the Reverend Wright flap, church spokesman Joel Hochmuth said the Bachmanns had been members of Salem Lutheran for more than 10 years, but had not attended church for at least two years.

So the Bachmanns don't attend a Church that the pinheads thinks is anti-Catholic.....then WTF's the beef....tens of millions of Americans don't attend that Church either, along with WFT ?

Bach-to-Mom lied and denied that she is anti-Catholic in a 2006 debate.

No proof of a lie....

“It’s abhorrent, it’s religious bigotry. I love Catholics, I’m a Christian, and my church does not believe that the pope is the anti-Christ, that’s absolutely false.’’

She obviously didn't think her church was anti-pope....

Unfortunately for Bach-to-Mom, the church website says: "the Pope is the very Antichrist, who has exalted himself above, and opposed himself against Christ"..

The convoluted reasoning and insane logic of a pinhead.....

Its unfortunate for Bachmanns that a Church they don't attend is anti-Papal, all Lutheran Protestants are, I assume....but why is that 'unfortunate' for the Bachmann's...???

Now, watch the Bach-to-Mom brigade hack the website to make it match their loser leader's lies.

One conclusion we can make about this
poster is....

Obama sat in a Church for 20 years and never heard any anti-american rhetoric...
but I guess thats not relevant to this asshole....
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Poor Blabo.

The story I posted is 100% accurate, so he posts some smilies.

What an intellectual titan.
I didn't say it wasn't accurate...only the pinheaded, convoluted conclusion made is inaccurate....
From the link.....

In the 1860s, however, doubts about this confessional statement were raised within Lutheranism. They arose from the Iowa Synod, which refused to grant doctrinal status to the teaching that the Papacy is the Antichrist.

Seems Ms. Bachmann is absolutely correct anyway.....

..............not your day, is it fool
I didn't say it wasn't accurate...only the pinheaded, convoluted conclusion made is inaccurate....

Poor Blabo.

Marcus is the male master of his submissive wife, Bach-to-Mom.

Hear and see her confess it, Blabo.

Bach-to-Mom denied that her church believes that the Pope is the anti-Christ.

Here's what her church says on it's website. Check it for yourself, Blabo.

"the Pope is the very Antichrist, who has exalted himself above, and opposed himself against Christ".

She lied, Blabo.

She and her male master Marcus were members of that church for about 10 years, Blabo...they just didn't actually bother to show up there unless they were fundraising.

The Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod

Site Search

No results found for anti-papal

No results found for anti-Pope

No results found for anti-Catholic

No results found for anti-Christ.....

Maybe you got the wrong Church fool.....

In the 1860s, however, doubts about this confessional statement were raised within Lutheranism. They arose from the Iowa Synod, which refused to grant doctrinal status to the teaching that the Papacy is the Antichrist.
For the simple-minded like you, I'll say it with little words that even a child would understand...

Religious beliefs are as numerous as the people themselves....

To not believe what a Jew believes, does not make you anti-Jewish....
To not believe what a Muslim believes, does not make you anti-Muslim...
To not believe what a Catholic believes, does not make you anti-Catholic....
To not believe what a Lutheran believes, does not make you anti-Lutheran....
To not believe what a Buddist believes, does not make you anti-Buddist....
To not believe what a Morman believes, does not make you anti-Morman...
etc, etc, etc..... The Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod Site Search No results found for anti-papal No results found for anti-Pope No results found for anti-Catholic No results found for anti-Christ.....Maybe you got the wrong Church fool....In the 1860s, however, doubts about this confessional statement were raised within Lutheranism. They arose from the Iowa Synod, which refused to grant doctrinal status to the teaching that the Papacy is the Antichrist.

Jesus H. Christ, you're stupid.

Poor Blabo.

I gave you the church's web address, yet you searched a different one. How fucking dumb are you?

Here's the site for Bach-to-Mom's former it and weep.
Is Michelle Bachman an anti-Catholic? Or merely a Protestant?
July 14, 2011

An unusually ignorant story in The Atlantic--with a completely misleading headline—questions the religious affiliation of Rep. Michelle Bachman Republican presidential candidate.
Bachman was—but no longer is—a member of a Minnesota Lutheran congregation that belongs to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. The latter, a theologically conservative group, teaches that the Roman Catholic Church embodies the spirit of Antichrist—although a representative of the group reports that this view is rarely expressed today. Columnist Joshua Green asks whether Catholic voters will find Bachman’s beliefs offensive.
But Bachman herself never professed that belief. When questioned about it, she repudiated it, and said that she regards Catholics as good Christians. Moreover, she has formally withdrawn from the Wisconsin Lutheran parish.
Writing for GetReligion, Mollie Ziegler Hemingway (who is Lutheran) finds it remarkable that Green should be shocked by the beliefs of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. They are Protestants, after all; if they agreed with the Catholic Church they would presumably be Catholics. She argues that the Synod’s official statement shows only that “they’re still Protestants who still don’t believe in the papacy and still think it sits in opposition to the Gospel of Christ.” are unusually stupid.....

Statement on the antichrist

Introduction to the Statement
As Martin Luther grew in his appreciation of the gospel, he also grew in his recognition that the Papacy is the Antichrist. A 1954 WELS pamphlet entitled Antichrist put it this way: "It was because Luther cherished the Gospel so dearly that his faith instinctively recoiled and protested in unmistakable terms when the Pope put himself in the place of Christ and declared His work insufficient and in vain. That is the use to which Luther's faith put the prophecy of Scripture. For him the tenet that the Pope is the Antichrist was an article of faith."
Luther left no doubt where he stood concerning the Papacy when he wrote, "This teaching [of the supremacy of the pope] shows forcefully that the Pope is the very Antichrist, who has exalted himself above, and opposed himself against Christ, because he will not permit Christians to be saved without his power, which, nevertheless, is nothing, and is neither ordained nor commanded by God. This is, properly speaking, to exalt himself above all that is called God. . . . The Pope, however, prohibits this faith, saying that to be saved a person must obey him" (Smalcald Articles, II, IV, 10-12).
In the centuries after Luther's death, Lutherans accepted this confessional statement without reservation or qualification. In the 1860s, however, doubts about this confessional statement were raised within Lutheranism. They arose from the Iowa Synod, which refused to grant doctrinal status to the teaching that the Papacy is the Antichrist. They listed this teaching under the category of "open questions." The Missouri Synod took the lead, at that time, in defending the view of the Lutheran Confessions that the prophecies of Antichrist have been fulfilled in the Papacy.
Is Michelle Bachman an anti-Catholic? Or merely a Protestant? An unusually ignorant story in The Atlantic-with a completely misleading headline—questions the religious affiliation of Rep. Michelle Bachman Republican presidential candidate. Bachman was—but no longer is—a member of a Minnesota Lutheran congregation that belongs to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. The latter, a theologically conservative group, teaches that the Roman Catholic Church embodies the spirit of Antichrist—although a representative of the group reports that this view is rarely expressed today. Columnist Joshua Green asks whether Catholic voters will find Bachman’s beliefs offensive. But Bachman herself never professed that belief. When questioned about it, she repudiated it, and said that she regards Catholics as good Christians. Moreover, she has formally withdrawn from the Wisconsin Lutheran parish. Writing for GetReligion, Mollie Ziegler Hemingway (who is Lutheran) finds it remarkable that Green should be shocked by the beliefs of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. They are Protestants, after all; if they agreed with the Catholic Church they would presumably be Catholics. She argues that the Synod’s official statement shows only that “they’re still Protestants who still don’t believe in the papacy and still think it sits in opposition to the Gospel of Christ.”

Poor Blabo.

Can't stick to one lie?

First you pretended Bachmann wasn't a member of the church in question, even though she clearly was - until recently - when she either quit or was asked to leave.

Then, you pretended that church - which I clearly identified - was part of a different cult.

When that sorry dodge didn't work, you dredged up a bullshit story with no link.

Bach-to-Mom and her male master Marcus were members of that church for 10 years.

That church says the Pope is the Anti-Christ.

She lied in 2006 and said her church did not believe that - when clearly, it did.

She and her male master Marcus were members of that church until June 21, 2011.

Bachmann (R) had stopped attending Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church two years ago but did not formally end her membership until June 21...

Now the church spokesman says the two Teatards were asked to leave...

Dance some more, Blabo.


The Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod

Site Search

No results found for anti-papal

No results found for anti-Pope

No results found for anti-Catholic

No results found for anti-Christ.....

Maybe you got the wrong Church fool.....

In the 1860s, however, doubts about this confessional statement were raised within Lutheranism. They arose from the Iowa Synod, which refused to grant doctrinal status to the teaching that the Papacy is the Antichrist.

You didn't look hard enough. They accept the Lutheran confessions. The Smalcald Articles and the Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope are part of the Lutheran confessions. The Treatise claims the Pope is the anti-Christ. Therefore...

What are the Lutheran Confessions?

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod accepts the Scriptures as the inspired and inerrant Word of God, and subscribes unconditionally to all the symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as a true and unadulterated statement and exposition of the Word of God.

We accept the Lutheran Confessions as articulated in the Book of Concord of 1580 because they are drawn from the Word of God and on that account regard their doctrinal content as a true and binding exposition of Holy Scripture and as authoritative for all pastors, congregations and other rostered church workers of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Read and Download the Lutheran Confessions

* The Three Ecumenical or Universal Creeds
* The Augsburg Confession
* The Defense of the Augsburg Confession
* The Large Catechism
* The Small Catechism
* The Smalcald Articles
* Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope

* The Epitome of the Formula of Concord
* The Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord

10] This teaching shows forcefully that the Pope is the very Antichrist, who has exalted
himself above, and opposed himself against Christ because he will not permit Christians to
be saved without his power, which, nevertheless, is nothing, and is neither ordained nor
commanded by God. 11] This is, properly speaking to exalt himself above all that is called
God as Paul says, 2 Thess. 2, 4. Even the Turks or the Tartars, great enemies of Christians as they are, do not do this, but they allow whoever, etc.
I used to attend an LMS church and I never heard anyone say the Pope is the antichrist. I can only assume that teaching originated in a time when Protestants were tortured and burned at the stake for rejecting Catholic doctrine. Obviously, 99% of Protestants today reject that notion, as modern-day Popes are much more benevolent.

Tell me, what do you think of the church Obama attended prior to being elected?
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Poor Blabo.

Can't stick to one lie?

First you pretended Bachmann wasn't a member of the church in question, even though she clearly was - until recently - when she either quit or was asked to leave.

Then, you pretended that church - which I clearly identified - was part of a different cult.

When that sorry dodge didn't work, you dredged up a bullshit story with no link.

Bach-to-Mom and her male master Marcus were members of that church for 10 years.

That church says the Pope is the Anti-Christ.

She lied in 2006 and said her church did not believe that - when clearly, it did.

She and her male master Marcus were members of that church until June 21, 2011.

Bachmann (R) had stopped attending Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church two years ago but did not formally end her membership until June 21...

Now the church spokesman says the two Teatards were asked to leave...

Dance some more, Blabo.


You know,,,

I maybe a little bias here,,,

But I think Bravo pretty much kicked your ass here.

Intellectually. Facts too.
You know,,,I maybe a little bias here,,,But I think Bravo pretty much kicked your ass here. Intellectually. Facts too.

Blabo and "intellectually" don't belong in the same sentence without including "challenged".

Let's review for Liability.

In 2006, Bach-to-Mom said " ... I’m a Christian, and my church does not believe that the pope is the anti-Christ, that’s absolutely false.’’

The website of the church she was a member of at the time says "...the Pope is the very Antichrist, who has exalted himself above, and opposed himself against Christ..."

Blabo denied that Bach-to-Mom was a church member, that the church in question said the Pope is the anti-Christ, and that Bach-to-Mom lied.

Liability's conclusion: "Bravo pretty much kicked your ass here. Intellectually. Facts too."

See if you can find an adult to explain "logic" to you, Liability.

It's cute that Blabo seems to have attracted a couple of dancing partners, though.

Liberals didn't seem concerned that Obama attended Trinity United Church of Christ and sat under the teaching of Rev. Wright, who teaches that our government invented HIV in order to kill African-Americans. Hell, some liberals even went so far as to defend Wright. So why, pray tell, the sudden concern regarding a church that Michelle Bachmann attended? Because a document written nearly 500 years ago -- when Protestants were under severe persecution by Rome -- says the Pope is the antichrist.

The hypocrisy, intellectual dishonesty, and sheer lunacy of liberalism never ceases to baffle me.

Blabo and "intellectually" don't belong in the same sentence without including "challenged".

Let's review for Liability.

In 2006, Bach-to-Mom said " ... I’m a Christian, and my church does not believe that the pope is the anti-Christ, that’s absolutely false.’’

The website of the church she was a member of at the time says "...the Pope is the very Antichrist, who has exalted himself above, and opposed himself against Christ..."

Blabo denied that Bach-to-Mom was a church member, that the church in question said the Pope is the anti-Christ, and that Bach-to-Mom lied.

Liability's conclusion: "Bravo pretty much kicked your ass here. Intellectually. Facts too."

See if you can find an adult to explain "logic" to you, Liability.

It's cute that Blabo seems to have attracted a couple of dancing partners, though.


And as I stated, I attended a LMS church and never heard any of that. Had someone asked me if the church teaches that, I would have said "no" simply based on my experience.
Poor Blabo and Liability.

It now appears that Bach-to-Mom and her male master Marcus were forcibly ejected from Salem Evangelical, according to the church, so that's another lie for Gaffe Girl.

"...announced she had left the church right before she kicked off her campaign tour in Iowa, raising questions as the conservative church holds several controversial stances.

The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod has about 390,000 adherents across the country and is criticized because it believes homosexuality is a sin and can be cured.

They also believe the Catholic pope is the Antichrist..."

announced she had left the church right before she kicked off her campaign tour in Iowa

Which is absolutely true. Had she stated that she left by her own accord, that would be a lie. She didn't say anything to that effect. If someone asks me to leave a room and I comply, would it be a lie to say that I left the room? Obviously not.

Also, you've conveniently ignored my question about Obama's church. Did you express this level of concern about his attendance of Trinity United Church of Christ?

You are a pathetic loser.