Back Alleys & Public Toilets


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Republicans wave the U.S. Constitution like it is the Stars & Stripes, while they are guilty of violating the First Amendment at every turn. Every time Republicans confirm a so-called conservative judge they are laughing at the fools they conned. Democrats openly confirm liars, while Republicans know damn well that the federal judges they confirm are just as corrupt as the people profiting from the illegal alien industry.

All Democrats and most Republicans support mass immigration. Almost no DC politicians want to take action on any policy or legislation that stops the influx. There are billions at stake. None of the GOP leadership want to actually stop illegal immigration; it’s a lucrative business. Almost all of the CONservative groups and politicians lie about it.

The religious right is also part of the problem. In the past 15 years illegal immigration and refugee settlement has been financially beneficial for them. The prior actions of Ted Cruz, Glenn Beck et al show they are as committed to facilitating illegal immigration as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse, Kevin McCarthy, Lisa Murkowski and the rest of the Decepticons.


(LINK To Data)


(Lutheran Immigration – Grant Link)


(Data For Catholic Bishops – Half of FY 2018)

How many tax dollars are paying pedophile priests to sexually abuse children?

(Baptist Child and Family Services – BCFS – Half of FY 2018)

Sad thing is, it’s you and me that are paying the South American human smugglers through U.S. taxpayer funds. Laundered through the immigration business bagmen at U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and/or, U.S. Catholic Charities, or Southwest Key Programs Inc; or Baptist Child and Family Services Emergency Management Division (BCFS-EMD), just to name a few.

It’s a vicious cycle. Trafficked children are more valuable than adults because the organizations involved get more funding for a child than an adult. Each illegal alien child is worth about $56,000 in grant money. The system is full of fraud.

From our prior research approximately 65% of the money they get is spent on executive pay and benefits, opaque administrative payrolls, bribes, kick-backs to DC politicians and payoffs to the South American smugglers who bring them more immigrants.

As best it can be determined, approximately 35% ($19,000) is spent on the alien/immigrant child; maybe. It gets sketchy deep in their accounting.

All of those advocates gnashing their teeth and crying on television have no idea just who is controlling this process; and immigration idiots like Ted Cruz are only adding more fuel, more money, to the bottom line:

Democrats are The Party of Death – But Weak Republicans Never Force Them to Own It….
Posted on December 31, 2018
by sundance

Finally, Democrat Party baby butchers brag that legal abortions saved women from back alley abortions. Those same freaks took every form of aberrant sexual behavior out of public toilets and put them into every institution. It all comes down to the greatest benefactor degenerates ever had ——
the XVI Amendment.
I prefer the gays hump in the privacy of their own home rather than in the stall next to me when I am trying to pee. That they can be married now just makes it that much nicer in alley ways. The town next to me turned one of theirs into a farmer's market albeit more wine drinking and gossiping than tomato selling going on there.
Finally, Democrat Party baby butchers brag that legal abortions saved women from back alley abortions.

I wondered how long it would take for a baby butcher to compare infanticide to back alley abortions? This one wasted no time:

Incidentally, Roe v. Wade is not, and never was, a law that can be repealed.

Roe v. Wade is, and always was, a Supreme Court decision that must be reversed now that the baby butchers are closing in on legal infanticide. One look at legal infanticide puts the Democrat Party’s all-out effort to prevent Brett Kavanaugh from being confirmed in perspective.

Democrats know they can always prevent every law that makes abortion a crime again. RINO make passing such a law impossible even when Republicans have the White House and the legislative branch.

Irrespective of Congress and the president Democrats also know the Supreme Court can reverse Roe.
I wondered how long it would take for a baby butcher to compare infanticide to back alley abortions?
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) held a press conference Thursday to deal with the outrage over remarks he made earlier this week suggesting that in some cases infants could be left to die after birth. Northam said he did not regret those remarks.

VA Gov. Doubles Down After Outrage Over His Comments About Leaving Infants to Die: 'I Don't Have Any Regrets'
Lauretta Brown
Posted: Jan 31, 2019 5:35 PM

What’s it all about, Ralphie?


Finally, Democrat Party baby butchers brag that legal abortions saved women from back alley abortions.

Socialists will never admit that close to sixty millions babies aborted since Roe v. Wade was a high price to pay for halting back alley abortions. I always said that the number of women who died in back alley abortions is minuscule when compared to legal infanticide.

The repeated claim by the president of Planned Parenthood that “thousands” of women died before the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling because they lacked access to safe abortion is a “big lie” that was spread by activists a half century ago, according to a co-founder of the leading pro-abortion group NARAL.

In a 1990 interview with WND Vice President David Kupelian, Bernard Nathanson, M.D., who once was head of the nation’s largest abortion clinic, observed that “repeating the big lie often enough convinces the public.”

It turns out that minuscule was an overstatement:

He said that he and other abortion activists prior to the Roe decision “constantly fed to the media” the figure of 10,000 women dying annually from illegal abortions. The actual figure, he said, was about 200 to 250 annually.

“These false figures took root in the consciousness of Americans, convincing many that we needed to crack the abortion law,” said Nathanson, who died in 2011.

Last week, nevertheless, in an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Planned Parenthood President Leana Wen said: “We’re not going to go back in time to a time before Roe when thousands of women died every year because they didn’t have access to essential health care.”

In his Washington Post fact-check column, Glenn Kessler rated Wen’s claim with “Four Pinocchios,” writing that “there is no evidence that in the years immediately preceding the Supreme Court’s decision, thousands of women died every year in the United States from illegal abortions.”

He said abortion advocates “hurt their cause” with such unproven claims.

Wen made the same claims in prior months in a radio interview and on Twitter, Fox News reported.

‘We simply fabricated the results’

Influenced by the development of ultrasound in the 1970s, Nathanson changed his views on abortion and became a leading pro-life advocate. He called abortion “the most atrocious holocaust in the history of the United States.” His 1984 film “The Silent Scream” featured the ultrasound video of a baby aborted at 12 weeks. His second film, “Eclipse of Reason,” exposed late-term abortions.

Nathanson explained to Kupelian in the 1990 interview that he and other abortion activists “persuaded the media that the cause of permissive abortion was a liberal, enlightened, sophisticated one.”

“Knowing that if a true poll were taken, we would be soundly defeated, we simply fabricated the results of fictional polls,” he said.

“We announced to the media that we had taken polls and that 60 percent of Americans were in favor of permissive abortion,” Nathanson explained. “This is the tactic of the self-fulfilling lie. Few people care to be in the minority.”

He said the activists “aroused enough sympathy to sell our program of permissive abortion by fabricating the number of illegal abortions done annually in the U.S.”

“The actual figure was approaching 100,000, but the figure we gave to the media repeatedly was 1 million,” he said.

Nathanson said another myth “fed to the public through the media was that legalizing abortion would only mean that the abortions taking place illegally would then be done legally.”

“In fact, of course, abortion is now being used as a primary method of birth control in the U.S. and the annual number of abortions has increased by 1,500 percent since legalization,” he said in 1990.

Planned Parenthood: ‘We can never know’

Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America reacted to Kessler’s column.

“Even the Washington Post is admitting what we’ve been saying for decades,” she said.

Planned Parenthood responded to the Post by claiming “stigma, fear, and poor tracking mean we can never know the exact number who suffered before Roe vs. Wade was decided.”

“Abortion is health care, and it is one of the safest medical procedures there is — there is no reason anyone’s health or life should be endangered by politicians hell-bent on keeping people from accessing this basic health care,” Erica Sackin, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood, told the Post in a statement.

“Yet far too many politicians seem determined to take us back to the days before Roe was decided — where abortion was virtually inaccessible and all those who could become pregnant paid the price.”

Planned Parenthood chief spreads 'big lie' planted by activists
Posted By Art Moore On 05/29/2019 @ 7:39 pm
so you're saying if we make homosexuality illegal gays will just go back to having sex in back alleys with coat hangers?......
so you're saying if we make homosexuality illegal gays will just go back to having sex in back alleys with coat hangers?......

To PostmodernProphet: That is what you are saying.

If you insist on marrying homosexuality to infanticide for reasons known only to you, I would say that baby killers and sexual deviants have an equal number of protections under the law.
oh......and where did I do that?.......

To PostmodernProphet: When you defended homosexuality at the same you condoned infanticide as though the two are the same.

Incidentally, attaching every cause to a greater issue is hardly new. Attaching homosexuality to so-called abortion Rights is the same thing homosexuals did with the Civil Rights Movement —— homosexuals and black Americans require special privileges. Sad to say, the privileges both groups got under the banner of Civil Rights were taken away from everybody else. If you plan on replying be sure to include one Right EVERY AMERICAN gets. In short: It ain't a Right when somebody else pays for it.

PLEASE —— no moral horseshit to justify taken Rights away from everybody you disagree with.
To PostmodernProphet: When you defended homosexuality at the same you condoned infanticide as though the two are the same.

Incidentally, attaching every cause to a greater issue is hardly new. Attaching homosexuality to so-called abortion Rights is the same thing homosexuals did with the Civil Rights Movement —— homosexuals and black Americans require special privileges. Sad to say, the privileges both groups got under the banner of Civil Rights were taken away from everybody else. If you plan on replying be sure to include one Right EVERY AMERICAN gets. In short: It ain't a Right when somebody else pays for it.

PLEASE —— no moral horseshit to justify taken Rights away from everybody you disagree with.

again, link to where I did that.......
A Scabies on the butt of mankind calls someone else a parasite is outrageously sad.

To Grumpy: You are a parasite if you are one of the dirty dozen:

1. Democrat.

2. Socialist/Communist.

3. Big government advocate.

4. Illegal alien.

5. Asylum seeker.

6. United Nations economic refugee.

7. United Nations bureaucrat.

8. Teacher.

9. Television employee.

10. Journalist.

11. Hollywood liberal.

12. Charity Hustler.

None of the above apply to me. How many apply to you?