Back Alleys & Public Toilets

To Grumpy: You are a parasite if you are one of the dirty dozen:

1. Democrat.

2. Socialist/Communist.

3. Big government advocate.

4. Illegal alien.

5. Asylum seeker.

6. United Nations economic refugee.

7. United Nations bureaucrat.

8. Teacher.

9. Television employee.

10. Journalist.

11. Hollywood liberal.

12. Charity Hustler.

None of the above apply to me. How many apply to you?

Zip apply to me plus I spent 24 years of my life defending your right to be a bigoted idiot.
Then I suggest you start connecting the pipe to the cyanide as I already have defended your rights dirt bag.

To grumpy. Aligning your political beliefs with those men and women who fought enemies in foreign lands were defending the country not my Rights. The U.S. military never fought for individual Rights in this country, nor should they. The Posse Comitatus Act became law in 1878 to prevent the U.S. Military from killing Americans among other prohibitions.

NOTE: There is no evidence showing that a majority of enlisted personnel in the U.S. military will kill fellow Americans on orders from the federal government, nor is there any proof that a majority of local and state police forces will side with Washington rather than fight alongside their neighbors.

Should the day come when the American people have to reclaim their Rights against the federal government there is no doubt you and your kind will choose to defend the federal government regardless of the Posse Comitatus Act. That act, signed into law in 1878 restricts the use of the military.

Finally, Bush the Younger signed all of the authority the federal government needs to suspend the Constitution forever:

In 2006, Congress modified the Insurrection Act as part of the 2007 Defense Authorization Bill (repealed as of 2008). On September 26, 2006, President George W. Bush urged Congress to consider revising federal laws so that U.S. armed forces could restore public order and enforce laws in the aftermath of a natural disaster, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition. These changes were included in the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (H.R. 5122), which was signed into law on October 17, 2006.
To grumpy. Aligning your political beliefs with those men and women who fought enemies in foreign lands were defending the country not my Rights. The U.S. military never fought for individual Rights in this country, nor should they. The Posse Comitatus Act became law in 1878 to prevent the U.S. Military from killing Americans among other prohibitions.

NOTE: There is no evidence showing that a majority of enlisted personnel in the U.S. military will kill fellow Americans on orders from the federal government, nor is there any proof that a majority of local and state police forces will side with Washington rather than fight alongside their neighbors.

Should the day come when the American people have to reclaim their Rights against the federal government there is no doubt you and your kind will choose to defend the federal government regardless of the Posse Comitatus Act. That act, signed into law in 1878 restricts the use of the military.

Finally, Bush the Younger signed all of the authority the federal government needs to suspend the Constitution forever:

In 2006, Congress modified the Insurrection Act as part of the 2007 Defense Authorization Bill (repealed as of 2008). On September 26, 2006, President George W. Bush urged Congress to consider revising federal laws so that U.S. armed forces could restore public order and enforce laws in the aftermath of a natural disaster, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition. These changes were included in the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (H.R. 5122), which was signed into law on October 17, 2006.

OMG Another the government is out to get me psycho.

the government is out to get me

To Grumpy: Did you get that rot from then-Senator Harry Reid?

Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada) mocked Second Amendment rights activists while announcing his support for a ban on assault weapons and limits to high-capacity magazine clips on the Senate floor today.

REID: In the 1920s, organized crime was committing murders with machine guns. So Congress dramatically limited the sale and transfer of machine guns. As a result, machine guns all but disappeared from the streets. We can and should take the same common-sense approach to safeguard Americans from modern weapons of war.

That is why I will vote for Senator Dianne Feinstein’s assault weapons ban – because we must strike a better balance between the right to defend ourselves and the right of every child in America to grow up safe from gun violence. I will vote for the ban because maintaining law and order is more important than satisfying conspiracy theorists who believe in black helicopters and false flags. And I will vote for the ban because saving the lives of young police officers and innocent civilians is more important than preventing imagined tyranny.

Reid: Gun Control "More Important Than Preventing Imagined Tyranny"
Posted on April 17, 2013

Disarming law-abiding Americans was never about preventing criminals from getting guns. The Second Amendment is there to guard against government tyranny. To paraphrase Dirty Harry —— ‘Americans can surrender their guns because government tyranny is not possible in this country.’

If douche bags like you were honest they would admit the real reason Democrats are determined to abolish the Second Amendment —— the fear of a well-armed people turning their guns on the people who would enslave them.
This message is hidden because*Flanders*is on your*ignore list.
I don't bother responding to blithering idiots who have no respect for the sacrifices our military men and women make to keep this country safe and secure.
I don't bother responding to blithering idiots who have no respect for the sacrifices our military men and women make to keep this country safe and secure.

Grumpy wraps himself in the flag so he can imply military people should fight for the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In short: Everybody should fight for Grumpy’s sick beliefs. No doubt Grumpy swells with pride every time he looks at this garbage from the movie A Few Good Men:

This message is hidden because*Flanders*is on your*ignore list.

I have to thank Grumpy for putting me on his ignore list. The last thing I want is halfwits perverting my messages with Democrat talking points.

For anyone that is following this thread I am quoting the messages that sent Grumpy packing:

To grumpy. Aligning your political beliefs with those men and women who fought enemies in foreign lands were defending the country not my Rights. The U.S. military never fought for individual Rights in this country, nor should they. The Posse Comitatus Act became law in 1878 to prevent the U.S. Military from killing Americans among other prohibitions.

NOTE: There is no evidence showing that a majority of enlisted personnel in the U.S. military will kill fellow Americans on orders from the federal government, nor is there any proof that a majority of local and state police forces will side with Washington rather than fight alongside their neighbors.

Should the day come when the American people have to reclaim their Rights against the federal government there is no doubt you and your kind will choose to defend the federal government regardless of the Posse Comitatus Act. That act, signed into law in 1878 restricts the use of the military.

Finally, Bush the Younger signed all of the authority the federal government needs to suspend the Constitution forever:

In 2006, Congress modified the Insurrection Act as part of the 2007 Defense Authorization Bill (repealed as of 2008). On September 26, 2006, President George W. Bush urged Congress to consider revising federal laws so that U.S. armed forces could restore public order and enforce laws in the aftermath of a natural disaster, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition. These changes were included in the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (H.R. 5122), which was signed into law on October 17, 2006.

To Grumpy: Did you get that rot from then-Senator Harry Reid?

Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada) mocked Second Amendment rights activists while announcing his support for a ban on assault weapons and limits to high-capacity magazine clips on the Senate floor today.

REID: In the 1920s, organized crime was committing murders with machine guns. So Congress dramatically limited the sale and transfer of machine guns. As a result, machine guns all but disappeared from the streets. We can and should take the same common-sense approach to safeguard Americans from modern weapons of war.

That is why I will vote for Senator Dianne Feinstein’s assault weapons ban – because we must strike a better balance between the right to defend ourselves and the right of every child in America to grow up safe from gun violence. I will vote for the ban because maintaining law and order is more important than satisfying conspiracy theorists who believe in black helicopters and false flags. And I will vote for the ban because saving the lives of young police officers and innocent civilians is more important than preventing imagined tyranny.

Reid: Gun Control "More Important Than Preventing Imagined Tyranny"
Posted on April 17, 2013

Disarming law-abiding Americans was never about preventing criminals from getting guns. The Second Amendment is there to guard against government tyranny. To paraphrase Dirty Harry —— ‘Americans can surrender their guns because government tyranny is not possible in this country.’

If douche bags like you were honest they would admit the real reason Democrats are determined to abolish the Second Amendment —— the fear of a well-armed people turning their guns on the people who would enslave them.