Background Checks Is The Greatest Threat To Freedoms

Arresting criminals is a matter of law enforcement. Shit for Brains Joe Biden is going to talk about crime at the same time Democrats are releasing criminals from jails and defunding police forces.

President Joe Biden will renew the gun control push at the federal level during his Wednesday speech on crime.

The Associated Press reports that Biden’s speech will contain a mix of new executive orders and renewed calls for “Congress to pass gun legislation.”

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters that although the focus of the speech will be on crime, guns will also be a “big part” of it.

She said that Biden is focused on “putting in place gun safety measures … using the bully pulpit but also using levers at his disposal as president.”

On April 8, 2021, Biden issued numerous executive gun controls, many of which directed his Department of Justice (DOJ) to take action regarding red flag laws, “ghost guns,” and AR-pistols with stabilizer braces, among other things.

Since that time, the DOJ has put forward proposed rules on “ghost guns” and AR-pistols with stabilizer braces. They have also put forward guidance for states that want to adopt red flag laws.

Joe Biden to Renew Gun Control Push in Wednesday Crime Speech
by AWR Hawkins
22 Jun 2021


Before Shit for Brains makes a fool of himself —— AGAIN —— someone should tell his speech writers:

. . . the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS IS ABSOLUTE. If a Right is not absolute it is a privilege granted by the government that can be withdrawn at any time.
Arresting criminals is a matter of law enforcement.

Shit for Brains Joe Biden is going to talk about crime at the same time Democrats are releasing criminals from jails and defunding police forces.

What makes Shit for Brains think private sector Americans do not have the knowledge and skills to build and deliver a nuke real quick? In short: It only takes one nuke to defeat government forces by bombing Washington, D.C. where all of the scum lives. That is a lot easier than Biden nuking dozens of American cities just to abolish the Second Amendment:

Biden to gun owners: If you want to take on the U.S. government, you'd better have F-15s and nukes
Jun 23, 2021 7:01 PM ET
What makes Shit for Brains think private sector Americans do not have the knowledge and skills to build and deliver a nuke real quick?

Even China Joe must know that anybody can buy an F-15:

U.S.—The nation scrambled to buy F-15s and nuclear weapons after President Biden said in a speech Wednesday that you'll never beat a government unless you have the fighter jets and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

All over the nation, American citizens were seen parking their brand-new F-15s in their driveways and garages. Some wealthier Americans purchased the F-22, while less fortunate citizens were forced to buy the F-35 joint fighter. But no matter what craft they chose, American citizens said they were just glad to finally be protected against a tyrannical government.

"I need an F-15 to beat the government? Say no more, fam!" said one man in New Hampshire as he happily rushed out to his local F-15 dealer to pick up the latest model. "Before, I thought my AR-15 would be enough, but when Biden pointed out that the U.S. government has fighter jets and I only have an assault rifle, I realized I really needed to beef up my anti-tyranny defense systems."

"Thanks, Mr. Biden! I sure am glad you reminded me of how brutal a government can be against its own citizens and how governments throughout history have in fact attacked their own people once they are disarmed and helpless."

The man was later seen picking up an M1 Abrams tank.

Huge Spike In Americans Buying F-15s After Biden Suggests You'll Need Them To Overthrow Government
June 23rd, 2021
To no worries: You and your kind are in trouble when you make your case with George Soros:

George Soros spent millions of dollars around the nation to elect state and local prosecutors as part of an on-going campaign to radically transform law enforcement in the United States and weaponize the law to use it against those who won’t go along with the radical-left manifesto. He’s enjoyed success at the county level in Virginia, in Chicago and at the state level in Missouri, New York and California. Jennifer Soros, daughter-in-law of hedge fund manager George Soros was a major donor to James.

New York: SOROS-Backed Radical Attorney General Seeks to Dissolve NRA in Its Entirety In New Lawsuit
By Pamela Geller
August 6, 2020

I still have hopes that 91 year old George Soros (1930 - ?) (born György Schwartz in Hungary) will be deported before he bites the dust:

Conspirators do not come cheap; hence, George Soros is the primary source of income for the open-borders crowd conspiracy. I doubt if Malkin’s book will prompt the Department of Justice to deport Soros back to Hungary; nevertheless, I am putting the possibility at the top of my wish list:

Hungary wants more info on Soros-UN debit cards as they may finance terrorism
By Hungary Journal
11 November 2018

The Antisemitism Lurking Behind George Soros Conspiracy Theories

In far-right circles worldwide, Soros’ philanthropy often is recast as fodder for outsized conspiracy theories, including claims that he masterminds specific global plots or manipulates particular events to further his goals. Many of those conspiracy theories employ longstanding antisemitic myths, particularly the notion that rich and powerful Jews work behind the scenes, plotting to control countries and manipulate global events.


Incidentally, how many movies and TV shows have you seen where a fictional character says his gun is registered, or a cop nails him for having an unregistered gun. The last time I did a background check on the Second Amendment it did not say:

. . . the right of the people to keep and bear REGISTERED Arms shall not be infringed.

Background checks has always been a backdoor approach to registration; so it comes as no surprise that Democrats want more BCs.

As I said many times, the government fears the location of the guns they do not know about. Confiscating guns is a little difficult when the government does not know where the guns live. In truth, media mouths have just as much to fear from law-abiding unknown gun-owners than does the government. Government stooges in the media must know that if Democrat gun-grabbers bring this country to violent revolution media mouths will be the first ones to get shot.

Never forget that if you own a gun and your name is on a list of any kind the government has that list. As much as I respect the NRA, there is no doubt in my mind the government has the names of everybody on the NRA’s membership roll.

A substantial number of Americans see no harm in background checks or a national registry. The problem is in convincing EVERY private sector American that they will lose a constitutional Right along with gun owners. Bottom line: Americans who are being conned by Democrats are begging to die victims right alongside those gun-owners the federal government will disarm.

The sole purpose of background checks is to set up a data bank so the federal government knows the location of every gun. So how come not one media mouth ever suggested that the government must delete all records of every person after they clear a background check? (I am probably being naive. There is no way in hell the government will delete an essential component of confiscation.)

When you get right down to it, why should Americans believe anything government officials say about background checks when they lie all of the time?

You can believe the one thing government liars say. The police and the military will obey when they are ordered to confiscate all of the guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans?

Finally, federal control of the military, and local law enforcement, combined with confiscating millions of “background check” guns has long been a major objective for Democrats. Every shooting followed by more wall-to-wall media coverage might be enough to give Hakeem Jeffries, Mitt Romney and their kind the groundswell they need to legislate the Second Amendment to death without asking the pubic’s permission to abolish the Second Amendment.

No law is supposed to override the Constitution, yet every one of the more than 40,000 gun control laws on the books supersedes the Second Amendment.

p.s. If you could make one of two organizations disappear forever which one would you choose?

1. National Rifle Association.

2. American Civil Liberties Union.

The McCloskeys prompted me to remind readers about background checks:

The St. Louis couple who brandished weapons while staring down Black Lives Matter demonstrators have gotten new weapons to replace their confiscated firearms.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who days ago pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges for aiming guns at protesters in June 2020 at the height of the protests after George Floyd's death, have gotten new AR-15-style guns to replace the firearms state authorities will destroy as part of their plea bargains.

"Checking out my new AR!" Mark McCloskey wrote in a tweet Saturday, along with the hashtags "#2A," in reference to the Second Amendment, and "#MOSen," acknowledging his Senate candidacy.

McCloskeys get new guns after firearms confiscation
by Carly Roman
June 20, 2021 05:06 PM

In a nutshell, the McCloskeys won a moral victory. Sad to say their plea bargain will become government justification for confiscation.

NOTE: Everything government parasites do to the Constitution with the fake pandemic they learned from background checks. Basically, the government orders every American to wear masks, while the government tells Americans they cannot own guns. Both diktats enforce a tyrant’s morality:

We all finally acquiesced. This is how it always works in dystopia: the managers of society negotiate on the extreme measures while allowing the culture to adapt to the minor ones. People eventually go along with the new normal.


“There is this warning from William Pitt the Younger, roughly paraphrasing a similar sentiment in John Milton’s Paradise Lost: ‘Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.’


Once you grant it – once you say to powerful people that they can do what they want to your body and rights so long as they have a good excuse – you create a grave moral hazard. It’s a tyrant’s dream. Cite the right reasons and restrictions on the use of power vanish.

Court unleashes verdict on orders to mask up
Published June 20, 2021 at 1:15pm
By Jeffrey Tucker

No way there's 40 thousand gun laws.
No way there's 40 thousand gun laws.

To jakemax: The gun-grabbers dispute 20,000 anti-gun laws. The fact is that a comprehensive list of anti-gun laws exceeds 40,000 when you add in ammunition, magazine capacity, trigger guards, obscure laws, etc. in every state, county, city and small town.

Even if I am wrong, the number of laws —— like carry laws —— that protect the gun owner are rare.

Note that the word “CONCEALED” in carry laws is itself unconstitutional because it is not in the Second Amendment, nor is the word in the Constitution, or in the Declaration of Independence:

In short: Every law that restricts gun ownership is unconstitutional, while every law like carry laws are unnecessary because the Right to bear arms is ABSOLUTE.

When all is said and done, one of the most successful lies Communists ever told convinced law abiding Americans that disarming criminals is their reason for castrating the Second Amendment. Not one Democrat gun-grabber ever mentions that the Second Amendment is there to defend against government tyranny.

Parenthetically, Democrat gun-grabbers worked long and hard to convince free people that guns are about criminals rather than the reason for the Second Amendment.
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To jakemax: The gun-grabbers dispute 20,000 anti-gun laws. The fact is that a comprehensive list of anti-gun laws exceeds 40,000 when you add in ammunition, magazine capacity, trigger guards, obscure laws, etc. in every state, county, city and small town.

Even if I am wrong, the number of laws —— like carry laws —— that protect the gun owner are rare.

Note that the word “CONCEALED” in carry laws is itself unconstitutional because it is not in the Second Amendment, nor is the word in the Constitution, or in the Declaration of Independence:

In short: Every law that restricts gun ownership is unconstitutional, while every law like carry laws are unnecessary because the Right to bear arms is ABSOLUTE.

When all is said and done, one of the most successful lies Communists every told convinced law abiding Americans that disarming criminals is their reason for castrating the Second Amendment. Not one Democrat gun-grabber ever mentions that the Second Amendment is there to defend against government tyranny.

Parenthetically, Democrat gun-grabbers worked long and hard to convince free people that guns are about criminals rather than the reason for the Second Amendment.

Yeah, I just don't think there are that many laws. And FWIW, I'm not a gun grabber. I have several guns and they are all loaded.
. . . the Right to bear arms is ABSOLUTE.

When all is said and done, one of the most successful lies Communists ever told convinced law abiding Americans that disarming criminals is their reason for castrating the Second Amendment. Not one Democrat gun-grabber ever mentions that the Second Amendment is there to defend against government tyranny.

Next Sunday is a good day to read:

Thomas Jefferson vs. Joe Biden on right to bear arms
By Chuck Norris
Published June 28, 2021 at 12:47pm

NOTE: Hallelujah brother. China Joe Biden is making the WaPo nervous:

Biden’s false claim that the 2nd Amendment bans cannon ownership
By Glenn Kessler
Short of ruling


this is a good start:

Roger Benitez’s scathing decision included this bon mot concerning so called assault weapons that “could just as well be called ‘home defense rifles’ or ‘anti-crime guns.’”.

Federal Judge Takes California’s “Assault Weapons” Ban to the Woodshed in 94 Page Ruling
by NOQ Report
June 30, 2021