Bad faith of the agnostic

First off: ritual child sacrifice would NOT be considered murder by those societies.

You unintentionally nailed it

The concept of the ethics of killing is fluid as a cultural value.

There is no laws of biology and anthropology that automatically drives us to eschew killing innocent people.
I don't give a shit about your gay distinction.

you're still wrong about "only old and new testament have morality" or whatever the fuck shit you were trying to pass.

so fancy.

fuck you,


Thanks for your tacit confession I was right, which you offer with a dose of rage and sputtering taunts.

You unintentionally nailed it

And it doesn't really alter my position one whit.

The concept of the ethics of killing is fluid as a cultural value.

Now you are using the word "killing". That isn't correct. Murder is a special class of killing, not killing in general.

We are not Jains.

There is no laws of biology and anthropology that automatically drives us to eschew killing innocent people.

But there is a very clear biological imperative to value one's offspring. Which is why they became sacrifices. NOT to "murder" them, but rather to offer to their god something they value.

We aren't talking about just "killing" here. We are talking about a very specific class of "killing". Otherwise it would be a sin to whack a fly. There is no moral structure (outside of the Jains, perhaps) that puts a full-stop on all killing.

You unintentionally nailed it

The concept of the ethics of killing is fluid as a cultural value.

There is no laws of biology and anthropology that automatically drives us to eschew killing innocent people.
use of another as scape goat is immoral.

that's why Jesus put an end to that with himself as the final sacrifice.

it's not that morality is relative, its that immorality is more pervasive than we want to believe.
Yeah, if Cypress just said "The OT" it wouldn't be sufficiently "showy" enough for him. Frankly I'm surprised he doesn't type it out in Hebrew just to make people think he's smarter.

FINALLY you got something right! Good for you! You can see through the fake intellectual that Cypress actually is.
if you notice, I've been on his ass for quite some time.
And it doesn't really alter my position one whit.

Now you are using the word "killing". That isn't correct. Murder is a special class of killing, not killing in general.

We are not Jains.

But there is a very clear biological imperative to value one's offspring. Which is why they became sacrifices. NOT to "murder" them, but rather to offer to their god something they value.

We aren't talking about just "killing" here. We are talking about a very specific class of "killing". Otherwise it would be a sin to whack a fly. There is no moral structure (outside of the Jains, perhaps) that puts a full-stop on all killing.

A lot of words just to say you cannot describe to me how you would convince a Canninite priest that ritually sacrificing an innocent child is an abomination against a universal moral law against killing.
A lot of words just to say you cannot describe to me how you would convince a Canninite priest that ritually sacrificing an innocent child is an abomination against a universal moral law against killing.

Very few words to show me you didn't even read what I wrote.

Tsk tsk tsk.
Yeah, if Cypress just said "The OT" it wouldn't be sufficiently "showy" enough for him. Frankly I'm surprised he doesn't type it out in Hebrew just to make people think he's smarter.

FINALLY you got something right! Good for you! You can see through the fake intellectual that Cypress actually is.
^^^ becomes instant friends with the boards most notorious racist and anti-semite because they share a common grievance about being schooled by me.
A lot of words just to say you cannot describe to me how you would convince a Canninite priest that ritually sacrificing an innocent child is an abomination against a universal moral law against killing.
asking if it's his kid or not?

the socratic method.
^^^ becomes instant friends with the boards most notorious racist and anti-semite because they share a common grievance about being schooled by me.

^^^^Hasn't seen me writing nasty things to him on other threads and assumes his limited knowledge is the case.

You really are among the least intelligent "smart people" I've met.
^^^ becomes instant friends with the boards most notorious racist and anti-semite because they share a common grievance about being schooled by me.
you're a masonic bullshitter, doing the same shit masons always do.....

...which fight hard to keep religion (morality) crazy and stupid, so you can keep dividing mankind for your retard forever wars.

get a new job, parasite.
You really are among the least intelligent "smart people" I've met.
Are you going to start screaming at me again in ALL CAPS rants?

It's not a contest Perry PhD. You don't have to constantly be on edge and try to compete with me. Your story about supposedly having a PhD in geochem is obviously a facet of your inferiority complex.
Are you going to start screaming at me again in ALL CAPS rants?

It's not a contest Perry PhD. You don't have to constantly be on edge and try to compete with me. Your story about supposedly having a PhD in geochem is obviously a facet of your inferiority complex.

I think what is most annoying is how you lie non-stop and when you aren't lying you are simply mistaken and you can't accept that. So you start lying about the points.

That's the thing, Cypress. You are incapable of handling anyone so much as MILDLY disagreeing with you unless it's your special friend Doc Hate.
you're a masonic bullshitter, doing the same shit masons always do.....

...which fight hard to keep religion (morality) crazy and stupid, so you can keep dividing mankind for your retard forever wars.

get a new job, parasite.

Oh Jeeezus. Now we're back to the masonic stuff. Ugh.
We can make a decision without an "outside" self.
I agree. Probably millions every day, whether we realize it or not. A decision being made isn't the same as having a choice. If you believe that you have a self, then you probably also believe that your "self" considers options, weighs pros and cons and, in general, has multiple choices to select from when making a decision.

That isn't the case. We never have the ability to truly choose. Whatever our brain/thoughts decides is what it decides. We had no control.
I agree. Probably millions every day, whether we realize it or not. A decision being made isn't the same as having a choice. If you believe that you have a self, then you probably also believe that your "self" considers options, weighs pros and cons and, in general, has multiple choices to select from when making a decision.

That isn't the case. We never have the ability to truly choose. Whatever our brain/thoughts decides is what it decides. We had no control.
I find your philosophy of action to be bizarre. My brain does not want water, my body does.