Bailout is working its magic already!

"Back in 1929---President roosevelt got on the TV and started talking to the people about the depression situation." I think that is a fact.

I guess that one was just way to stupid for you libs to reply to. Your smart guys. Roosevelt was not president in 1929, and there was no TV at that time either.

It might sound like something that Palin would say--but it is actually a joe biden quote from a few days ago. go figure?
I guess that one was just way to stupid for you libs to reply to. Your smart guys. Roosevelt was not president in 1929, and there was no TV at that time either.

It might sound like something that Palin would say--but it is actually a joe biden quote from a few days ago. go figure?

Yeah, we know. She brought it up in the debate.
"Part of what a leader does is to instill confidence, is demonstrate that he or she knows what they're talking about, and communicates to people, 'If you listen to me and follow what I'm suggesting, we can fix this.' When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed, he said, 'Look, here's what happened.'"

This is the real quote fellas and big fat fucking deal that he said TV instead of radio.

The fact is that Roosevelt did explain to the people what happened in the crash and why.

Biden did not stipulate that he talked about it in 1929 now did he?
Roosevelt was speaking in the past-tense, as Biden said. "Here's what happenED." He was elected in 1933 and got on the radio and explained his new deal, why the market crashed, why they needed to adopt his new policy, etc.
Roosevelt was speaking in the past-tense, as Biden said. "Here's what happenED." He was elected in 1933 and got on the radio and explained his new deal, why the market crashed, why they needed to adopt his new policy, etc.

Biden was talking about Roosevelt speaking when the market crashed, not four years later looking back upon it.
Its os funny to hear them try and make something out of a silly little slip like that after the many idiotic things their little sexy Sara said.
Biden was talking about Roosevelt speaking when the market crashed, not four years later looking back upon it.

Not according to the quote. He was talking about the CiC instilling confidence in the market, which is what he did in 1933 over radio and he explained what happenED to the market to get them into the situation they were in.
Biden got the year of the crash right you fool.

He did not stipulate that Roosevelt talked about it in 1929.


Ok, what year was the crash? I didn't even see him reference a year for the crash in his quote.
1929 and your right he didnt even say the year in the quote.

But after the market crashed it was talked about by Roosevelt to the people.
1929 and your right he didnt even say the year in the quote.

But after the market crashed it was talked about by Roosevelt to the people.

Desh, you don't understand the context of his quote. Biden was trying to say FDR spoke to the people when the market crashed (in 1929). His point was Bush is not speaking to the people now about what is going on and that's why Bush is not a leader and FDR was.

That's what he's trying to say.

Biden flubbed it. Big deal. Everyone flubs something along the way. But you and ib1 are going to extrememe lengths to say it wasn't a flub when everyone else knows it was. Like I said he flubbed one, so what?
The only flubs he seems to make are easily misquoted and misconstrued statements to be latched on to by idiots like yourself who have a comprehension problem.
The only flubs he seems to make are easily misquoted and misconstrued statements to be latched on to by idiots like yourself who have a comprehension problem.

LMAO... Ok. It seems every major media outlet has reported it as a flub but a partisan like ib1 knows better than everyone else.

It might help your blood pressure to realize all politicians flubb so you don't have to act like someone is attacking your family because a guy you support made a mistake. By fighting against the obvious because you are so partisan only makes it worse.
I believe we've revealed you to be a dense partisan and the worst kind - a conservative. Mission accomplished.