Barack Obama/Anti-Christ...?


Wake up people...'Barack Obama is the ultimate fraudster...a brilliant liar...playing the ignorant American people for fools'... Barack is a front man for al Qaeda!

Google:"Barack Obama Odinga Kenya Sharia" it shows his support for 'Sharia Law' with his 1st cousin while campainging for his cousin while in Kenya 2006!

or you can start here:

The sooner people distance themselves from this fraudster the better...unless ya are a true believer and want to usher in the proverbial Armageddon!
Wake up people...'Barack Obama is the ultimate fraudster...a brilliant liar...playing the ignorant American people for fools'... Barack is a front man for al Qaeda!

Google:"Barack Obama Odinga Kenya Sharia" it shows his support for 'Sharia Law' with his 1st cousin while campainging for his cousin while in Kenya 2006!

or you can start here:

The sooner people distance themselves from this fraudster the better...unless ya are a true believer and want to usher in the proverbial Armageddon!

Jesus dude. Did you hit the pipe this afternoon?

Jesus dude. Did you hit the pipe this afternoon?

not a user 'DUDE' read the info before ya take 'pot shots'(pun) at the messenger...............y'allare in denial about what Obama is really all the research before ya go all Gaa-Gaa over a sweet talker...enough said...!
LOL, Obama is the Anti-christ!!!!! Which explains why you hardly ever see the back of his head, cause there is a 666 on it... yeah... ok.
Hey the headliner was for shock/attention value!

LOL, Obama is the Anti-christ!!!!! Which explains why you hardly ever see the back of his head, cause there is a 666 on it... yeah... ok.

do the research on your wonderful guy Obama...I posted a couple of links to get you started...he is a fraud,liar and al Qaeda supporter...not my problemo you are easily least read what is posted then do the research before you do your 'Dog and Pony' dance...kay!;)
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Wake up people...'George Bush is the ultimate fraudster...a brilliant liar...playing the ignorant American people for fools'... Bush is a front man for al Qaeda!

fixed that for ya :)

The irony of it all. A bushie saying such things about Obama.

Kinda reminds me of why I don't hang here any more.
Apparently George isn't all that good at it. Everybody except about 70 or so Senators were able to see through his first batch of them.

You people get denser by the posts...Liberalism and Libetarianism is I repeat is a mental disease...y'all are going to get alot of people killed!
fyi the links posted will show what Obama is...not a knee jerk reaction...but plain and simple facts of what he has actually done and who he actually supports!
Of course I am dealing with the 'feel good generation' on this board they want to see pacifism become the law of the land...thats cutesy and all but it will be the demise of us all if it is left to fester and become the call of the wild!

Obama is a supporter of al Qaeda and Sharia Law... a plain and simple fact...but y'all prefer to see him as a savior with all his cutesy speeches and false promises! Think real hard now... if he were to make it to the general and was elected,the first thing on his and his buddies agenda will be to change the constitution to make Sharia Law the law of the land...y'all will be the first to be eliminated...Hell even those in the backwater country of Kenya saw thru this and gave his cousin the boot!

Now if he makes it thru the primary and starts losing to John McCain...let me tell you what will Qaeda will make him a martyr by having him assassinated...probably by recruiting covertly from the 'Arian Nations' to do the deed...this will cause riots in this country that will make all the past ones seem to have been a cake may laugh this off all you it is just a hypothetical at this time!

Mark my words...I was a pretty good Intelligence analyst back in the day...and my mind is still go ahead and take your usual shots calling me drunk or weird or whatever to make yourselves feel good....;)
LMAO@us cit

Wake up people...'George Bush is the ultimate fraudster...a brilliant liar...playing the ignorant American people for fools'... Bush is a front man for al Qaeda!

fixed that for ya :)

The irony of it all. A bushie saying such things about Obama.

Kinda reminds me of why I don't hang here any more.

Right and this is why you came back make your pathetic GW bash! predictable and frankly quite boring once again!
Wake up people...'Barack Obama is the ultimate fraudster...a brilliant liar...playing the ignorant American people for fools'... Barack is a front man for al Qaeda!

Google:"Barack Obama Odinga Kenya Sharia" it shows his support for 'Sharia Law' with his 1st cousin while campainging for his cousin while in Kenya 2006!

or you can start here:

The sooner people distance themselves from this fraudster the better...unless ya are a true believer and want to usher in the proverbial Armageddon!

Well I for one am certainly not going to question the unassailable credentials of
That would be you...............

battleborn dresses up like Hitler and puts dr sholls in his shoes to bost him up to 5'5.:clink:

why don't you go back and play on the tennis court you claim to be so good at! Ya sawed off runt with a fixation on Battleborne...are you related to darla and eppi?...y'all just can't help but follow me around and flirt...albeit I hate to bust your bubble...but i'm not interested in you,darla or eppi...go play with each other in the is more on your level...:rolleyes:
Wake up people...'Barack Obama is the ultimate fraudster...a brilliant liar...playing the ignorant American people for fools'... Barack is a front man for al Qaeda!

Google:"Barack Obama Odinga Kenya Sharia" it shows his support for 'Sharia Law' with his 1st cousin while campainging for his cousin while in Kenya 2006!

or you can start here:

The sooner people distance themselves from this fraudster the better...unless ya are a true believer and want to usher in the proverbial Armageddon!

Wowzers! Between you and Asshat I can find links to every quack on the internet.
Theres only rumors, based on apparently forged documents, that Odinga signed any agreement to institute sharia. I can find nothing about Obama campaigning for him though it appears he may have given them some small support, his father was of the same tribe. And it appears only Odinga is claiming a relationship.