Barnes n Nobles

I do remember that milk was only a dime for a half-pint when I was in school as part of the cafeteria. On Thursdays we had chocolate milk, and you could choose to get that for two dimes...

I remember it at 3 cents for white and a nickel for chocolate, every day. Actually if the student qualifies even in parochial school, they get free milk and hot lunch, breakfast too.

For those that want and can afford it, milk is $15.00 per trimester. Hot lunch, $4 per meal. I wouldn't have my kids take either, unless pressed for time and they really liked something. Not that tasty or healthy. Much easier and cheaper to send their lunch.
You do have the advantage of distance and never having had to live with her.

The woman took my bloody milk for God's sake. If i'd had my free school milk then i wouldn't be the bitter and twisted individual i am today wishing nemesis on former Prime Ministers.

She brought it on herself - and that's karma.

Aren't you proud of being bitter and twisted, though? I know I am, and I don't even have the excuse of not having proper access to lactose in my youth...
Hate God ? How can you hate something that does not exist ?

Hate the tool humans make god out to be in their heads.
You do have the advantage of distance and never having had to live with her.

The woman took my bloody milk for God's sake. If i'd had my free school milk then i wouldn't be the bitter and twisted individual i am today wishing nemesis on former Prime Ministers.

She brought it on herself - and that's karma.

Charver, get a grip. It could have been much, much worse. She could have banned the manufacture and sales of IPA and Stoudt and permitted the opening of a Budweister plant in the UK.

If that had happened you wouldn't be pissing your self about your bloody milk now would you?
I feel your pain. Oh wait, not really. I don't think any state has ever had free lunches, although lunches are subsidized if you're dirt poor.

In America, we're tough, ya see? Poor and oppressed? Walk it off! Man up, ya goddamn pussy.

He didn't say "Free Lunch" you twit, he said "Free Milk".

Jesus Water, Maggie Thatcher took free milk from British School children. That's free milk were talking about! Even you have to admit that what Maggie Thatcher did was fundamentally un-American! Why that would be like a Mississippi middle school teacher telling a student they can't chew snuff in the classroom. Can you imagine how upset that girl would be?
Hey, i didn't say lunches, i said milk. Lovely free milk to make children's bones strong so that they could grow up to fight foreigners for oil and other good stuff.

If the US had been as far sighted as to give every child a free bottle of milk up until the age of 11 then you'd have probably won in Vietnam.

Milk - It wins wars.

Errr Charver.....they fact, we still do give elementary school students free milk......but we still lost Vietnam.
Unfortunately for us we took our eye off the ball allowing the Germans to pull ahead in their secret eugenic dairy-cattle breeding programme of the 1920's, which produced super-warlike German uberchildren, in the late 1930's, bolstering the German war machine. They were more than a match for our regular milk-fed children, i can tell you.

Fearsome they were. Fearsome.

Charver, what about WWI? My understanding is that in the UK it's still argued over which killed more British Tommy's in WWI, German machine guns or the British General Staff?
He didn't say "Free Lunch" you twit, he said "Free Milk".

Jesus Water, Maggie Thatcher took free milk from British School children. That's free milk were talking about! Even you have to admit that what Maggie Thatcher did was fundamentally un-American! Why that would be like a Mississippi middle school teacher telling a student they can't chew snuff in the classroom. Can you imagine how upset that girl would be?
The Free Lunch program is a Federal program. His state had it, he's just too rich to even know anybody who took part in it.
But when did that program begin?

"The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is a federally assisted meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions. It provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to children each school day. The program was established under the National School Lunch Act, signed by President Harry Truman in 1946."

Sure wasn't put in place by any conservative. 'Free' means profits to conservatives, 'Free Trade' - 'Free Market'. To conservatives Free doesn't mean giving, it means taking.
He didn't say "Free Lunch" you twit, he said "Free Milk".

Jesus Water, Maggie Thatcher took free milk from British School children. That's free milk were talking about! Even you have to admit that what Maggie Thatcher did was fundamentally un-American! Why that would be like a Mississippi middle school teacher telling a student they can't chew snuff in the classroom. Can you imagine how upset that girl would be?

We've never had free milk in America, and I was insulting conservatives for that fact anyway.