Beck Speech Analysis

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Beck sounded really good at cpac. But I hate to say that he has sold out.

1. He made a point of how people are expecting to be exempted from competition, and that we should expect competition and forego and despise handouts.

This is a fine attitude when the government cares about keeping the economy working for everyone, but they don't. They are shipping as many jobs as possible overseas for short term personal gain and to destroy the nation, and in this toxic atmosphere of intentional economic destruction, a handout may be all that's possible. He's all about removing any social safety net so people can be forced into the work camps.

Additionally he's addressing the wrong people when he villainized handouts, he need to go to BankerPac and tell them to accept their failures.

2. A positive mental attitude is fine, but at some point it's just denial.
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But he's still pretending like its the american people who need to accept competition, he didn't mention the bailouts once last night.

as I recall he was clear in saying that GM should have been forced into bankruptcy, the same with AIG.....the fact he didn't mention it in one show is hardly reason to say he doesn't believe something......
as I recall he was clear in saying that GM should have been forced into bankruptcy, the same with AIG.....
Lip serivce.
the fact he didn't mention it in one show is hardly reason to say he doesn't believe something......

I was talking the cpac speech, not one show.

His whole speech was geared around blaming the american people for not accepting "competition". This "competition" he lauds is lopsided, however, because big business and the financial system are colluding with government to make it impossible for average american to thrive or succeed. He's a fascist.

A positive mental attitude only goes so far. At some point it's just denial.
As a side note on beck, he said the plane bombers screed sounded like van jones. Bullfucking shit. It was all about how big business is colluding with the IRS to screw small 1099 freelance competitors..

He's totally sold out.
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Bottom line, is fascism only bad when it works FOR the people of a nation, and its good when it contributes to their democide? The population control freak sabbatean new world noahide frankist neocons believe this.
Beck sounded really good at cpac. But I hate to say that he has sold out.

1. He made a point of how people are expecting to be exempted from competition, and that we should expect competition and forego and despise handouts.

This is a fine attitude when the government cares about keeping the economy working for everyone, but they don't. They are shipping as many jobs as possible overseas for short term personal gain and to destroy the nation, and in this toxic atmosphere of intentional economic destruction, a handout may be all that's possible. He's all about removing any social safety net so people can be forced into the work camps.

Additionally he's addressing the wrong people when he villainized handouts, he need to go to BankerPac and tell them to accept their failures.

2. A positive mental attitude is fine, but at some point it's just denial.

Beck is a two faced political hack who prefers hijacking grass roots movements for mainstream career politicians.
Dude, that question was a softball, that she didn't hit it out of the park isn't his fault. Getting this upset because the candidate you supported wasn't smart enough to answer that softball question is seriously attempting to kill the messenger.
beck himself used to have "quesions" about 9/11, but when van jones got burned on that pike he kinda sorta started hushing up.
Dude, that question was a softball, that she didn't hit it out of the park isn't his fault. Getting this upset because the candidate you supported wasn't smart enough to answer that softball question is seriously attempting to kill the messenger.

She gave nearly the exact same answer that Beck spouted on his radio program in Sep of 2008. now how is that not hypocritical? and hackish. and two faced. and moronic on his part? I repeat, Beck is a schill for the career politician who has helped Palin hijack the TEA party movement.
She gave nearly the exact same answer that Beck spouted on his radio program in Sep of 2008. now how is that not hypocritical? and hackish. and two faced. and moronic on his part? I repeat, Beck is a schill for the career politician who has helped Palin hijack the TEA party movement.
1. Almost isn't the same thing.
2. Even Beck would realize how to answer that question if he was running for office.

You need to reconsider the intelligence of the person running if they couldn't see the barrier they erected for themselves at that moment. It was a serious softball. He even gave examples. It was one of the easiest questions he asked during that interview.
he said he had questions, she said she had questions. whats the difference?

so you're demanding that political candidates trump a standard 'no fucking way would our government ever do anything that criminal'? truth or honesty doesn't belong in politics. got it. :palm:
No, I demand that candidates be smart enough to see and smack a softball question like this out of the park. You should be disappointed in your candidate, not the person who asked the question. That's just silly. The question wasn't hard.
by parroting a benevolent 'i trust the government' answer? instead of answering honestly?
Irrelevant. He asked, "are there people among your staff that believe this," later he asked if there were would she trust their advice and continue to

She could have said, "Not that I know of," and "We'll have to find that out if that becomes relevant to the office. First let's see if I get elected, then we can start choosing my office staff and advisers."

She couldn't have been ignorant of the rumors and should have realized that this question would come from somewhere. It wasn't difficult to see this coming and she should have been capable of smacking that big fat ball right out of the park.
She couldn't have been ignorant of the rumors and should have realized that this question would come from somewhere. It wasn't difficult to see this coming and she should have been capable of smacking that big fat ball right out of the park.

and the major flaw in this part is WHAT RUMORS?!?!?!?!?

she had been on many texas radio shows over a dozen times and not one single time did any of those radio shows receive an email about this 'rumor', nor did any host ask the question, nor did any caller bring it up. Where did this rumor finally show up?
and the major flaw in this part is WHAT RUMORS?!?!?!?!?

she had been on many texas radio shows over a dozen times and not one single time did any of those radio shows receive an email about this 'rumor', nor did any host ask the question, nor did any caller bring it up. Where did this rumor finally show up?
So, it is your specific point that there were no rumors yet she was being honest by getting squishy?

What is your point here, the only reason to be that squishy is if the rumors had some merit. Her answer itself was the problem, not the question.