Bernard Madoff gets maximum 150 years in prison

I found this sentencing a bit overboard. Obviously he did the crime and needed to do the time, but how is it Enron, Worldcom, S&L, wall street crooks, all get mild or no sentences when their action have equal affect? It seems human nature looks differently at the individual, but when the free market crooks rob and steal no one can figure anything out.
I found this sentencing a bit overboard. Obviously he did the crime and needed to do the time, but how is it Enron, Worldcom, S&L, wall street crooks, all get mild or no sentences when their action have equal affect? It seems human nature looks differently at the individual, but when the free market crooks rob and steal no one can figure anything out.
What, no stupid quote?
I found this sentencing a bit overboard. Obviously he did the crime and needed to do the time, but how is it Enron, Worldcom, S&L, wall street crooks, all get mild or no sentences when their action have equal affect? It seems human nature looks differently at the individual, but when the free market crooks rob and steal no one can figure anything out.

2 reasons.
Bush and his party is out of power.

A major recession is goin on.
Yeah strange that they get individual rights but not individual responsibilities.

A corporation is merely a legal economic union between the properties of several people. It's impossible to put in prison, and it's impossible for it to commit a crime. The people serving the corporation or in control of it may commit a crime, but that's not the same thing.

Also, it may be a racket, or a front for criminal activity, and so would be disbanded afterwards because it served no other purpose.
I can't believe this douchebag puts himself out as multiple degreed, yet post with the depth and narrowmindedness of usged and uses the grade school sign off of "shrug"
I can't believe this douchebag puts himself out as multiple degreed, yet post with the depth and narrowmindedness of usged and uses the grade school sign off of "shrug"
LOL You douche bag get it right- one degree: BS, Cum Laude. *shrug*
LOL You douche bag get it right- one degree: BS, Cum Laude. *shrug*

I know that's not what you meant; but your reply makes it look like you have a degree in BS and I'm sure you meant Bachealor of Science.

This will now probably extend the conversation by about 100 more posts, at least.
I know that's not what you meant; but your reply makes it look like you have a degree in BS and I'm sure you meant Bachealor of Science.

This will now probably extend the conversation by about 100 more posts, at least.
My reply assumes some semblance of intelligence. *shrug*