Bernie Sanders Needs The Black Vote


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The dirty old Commie is pissing up a rope with this one:


Democratic presidential candidate Bernard Sanders billed his criminal justice reform proposal as an appeal to black voters, who make up a massive chunk of the state’s Democratic primary voters. (Associated Press/File)

Declaring the criminal justice system ruined by pervasive racism and “corporate profiteering,” Sen. Bernard Sanders proposed a massive overhaul Sunday that would free many drug convicts, abolish the death penalty and solitary confinement, and promote an unarmed “civilian corps” to replace the police for lower-level calls​

These are the convicts Sanders’ will release:

Selling racism as an institutional abuse aimed at black Americans is not working anymore. Too many Americans now know that racism is an invented sin that was originally institutionalized in the government’s hands:

The crazy old coot adds insult to injury every time he pleads for black Americans to vote for Socialists; i.e., the very people that have been crushing black communities for at least six decades.

Mr. Sanders announced the plan as he campaigned in South Carolina. He billed the proposal as an appeal to black voters, who make up a massive chunk of the state’s Democratic primary voters.

Bernie Sanders targets 'institutional racism' in criminal justice overhaul
By Stephen Dinan
Sunday, August 18, 2019

Vermont’s voters have to be this country’s must institutionally-minded electorate. They sent an avowed Communist to Congress for 28 years. First a Congressman —— 1991 to 2007; then a U.S. Senator since 2007. Not even one of the big parasite states elects a liberty-hating Commie like Sanders.

Start with the definition of:

institutional (adjective)

1. Of or relating to an institution or institutions.

2. Organized as or forming an institution: institutional religion.

3. Characteristic or suggestive of an institution, especially in being uniform, dull, or unimaginative: institutional furniture; a pale institutional green.

4. Of or relating to the principles or institutes of a subject such as law.

institutionally (adverb)

Disregard Bernie’s so-called institutional racism and you have a long list of institutional abuses.

NOTE: Every government throughout history employed the same techniques governments use today. If I was writing a dictionary it would contain a one word definition for institutionalize —— GOVERNMENT.

No matter what the dirty old Commie tells you, governments possess awesome institutional power. More often than not, governments use their powers to commit institutional murder. Governments used to kill individuals on the rack, burning them at the stake, chopping off their heads, and hanging them with stout ropes. If Toquamada had a free press he would have killed millions.

In modern times the MSM gets paid for selling speech. To the fourth estate free speech means institutional free speech. The number of people who fell for the illusion of free speech for everybody is astronomical.

Freedom of the press itself is a deadly drug, while censorship is the poison that permeates every institution. Every institution practices censorship. No government can, or will, use its police powers to prohibit institutional censorship.

Envious little institutional dictators who actually do the censoring always have a reason for censoring. I never heard one say “I am censoring you because I do not like what you said.” They always find some rule or other to hide behind.

Forcing you to listen is a form of censorship. That is exactly what institutional teachers do to students.

Judge Napolitano addressed institutional censorship in relation to freedom of speech:


The income tax imposes institutional morality on every aspect of American life. In short: Socialist parasites came to power because of the income tax. When they fail trying to legislate love in order to justify their seat at the public trough they turn to the courts to rule in favor of the tax collector’s morality.

Dealing with institutional morality is not so easy. Institutional morality is most dangerous in three of America’s most influential institutions:

1. The government. A desire to legislate love has become the primary requisite for government service.

2. The legal profession. What better group to define morality than the greediest, most immoral, most corrupt people in every society since the beginning of time?

3. Journalism. “I want to make a difference.” Need I say more about today’s journalists?

Then there is the International press. They are so blinded by the opportunity to resurrect its WWII moral superiority complex —— noble Communists vs. Fascist brutes. Institutionalized Fascism may have been beaten in Nazi Germany all those years ago, but Fascists are alive and well living high on tax dollars as Socialists/Communists. That is the evil television makes possible.

Parasites in the medical industry would kill for tax dollars. Unfortunately, those Americans who think they are getting something for nothing cannot see that universal health care invites institutional butchery more than any other government program. The climate change farce pales by comparison.

Infanticide, euthanasia, population controls, death panels, forced sterilization, and doctor-assisted suicides, represent the very essence of institutional sadism. Every one of those “progressive ideals” has been gaining acceptance under a cloak of compassion.

The job of education in this country is to institutionalize not impart wisdom. Result: This country has more brainwashed, institutionalized, semi-literate parasites than any country in the world.

There is no help available for those youngsters who simply do not do well in an institution, or even belong, in an institutional setting. Those children and American education contradict each other. The only thing that will help those youngsters in life is to teach them how to avoid being exploited by institutional personalities. That lesson will never be taught by a government teacher.

Aside from home-schooled kids escaping Socialist brainwashing, public school educators have been writing off the “wrong children” children for at least four generations. Why waste time teaching young children a solid foundation in the three R’s when they show no aptitude for Socialism/Communism at a very early age. It does not take a genius to identify the “right children” who thrive in an institutional setting beginning in the kindergarten.

Education is not about Sanders’ institutional racism. The right black Americans are welcomed to collectivism with open arms while the wrong black Americans are abandoned alongside whites.

As for the undeserving, they are given obedience training that passes for education. In simple terms a prison is every institution unmasked —— more so in today’s public schools. Not every kid to be sure, but a majority are susceptible when institutional brainwashing techniques is buttressed by peer pressure.

There is a world of difference between a soldier and a policeman. The difference notwithstanding, many career policemen serve with honor in the military at one time or another. That fact alone shows that institutional requirements often foster aberrant behavior as much as does any other factor.

Much of the violence at home and abroad is financed, and triggered, by tax dollars one way or another. Stop giving tax dollars to priests, wannabe priests, organized religions, and every dirty little moralist freak of every size and shape and institutional violence will vanish overnight.

Forcing Americans to take in Muslim refugees prove that Christian do-gooders despise the Bible’s Good Samaritan. Jesus preached individual responsibility. “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” In short: charity hustlers despise Jesus Christ because he never preached institutional charity —— the kind that priesthoods feast on. Ignore everything else and you will see that individuals opposing religious institutions will always activate conflicts that separates God from organized religion.

Charity is a career choice like the law and medicine. A degree from one of the many Divinity Schools is basically a degree in charity hustling. Such a degree is also the oldest form of institutional charity.

Bringing in economic refugees who are “Institutionally Biased” against everybody except Muslims is the most effective way to get non-Christians to fight Islam for the wrong reason. Basically, institutionalizing mass migration is the objective to the desired end.

Informed Americans always knew the identities of a few, but never the identities of everybody involved in the most massive institutional betrayal in the history of the world. A misinformed people is understandable. Far too much remains under the rose for most Americans.

For the record, Thomas Paine criticized institutionalized religion; i.e., Christianity, in his pamphlet The Age of Reason. Were Paine alive today he would include Socialism in his objections.

I long-suspected that the government puts at least one double-agent on the jury in important cases. Such a person would need the institutional skills necessary to dominate a small group until the other jurors vote the government’s way. A hung jury is the government’s fallback strategy.

Let me say that most liars do not bother me in my personal life. Salesmen lie all of the time, but one can simply walk away. Lawyers, doctors, auto mechanics, contractors lie for profit, but they, too, can be avoided. Working people are notorious liars trying to increase their incomes by doing less for more money. People lie to make themselves look important when they feel inferior. People lie to avoid hurting another person’s feeling. Lying is part of human nature; trying to change it is a waste of time. It is the institutional lie and the liars who tell them that should be shunned because their lies are conceived to hurt their enemies but end up hurting everybody.
Tad Devine
Emails between Paul Manafort and Tad Devine, a strategist for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign who has also worked on a number of other high-profile Democratic campaigns, are part of a list of 500 potential exhibits released by Robert Mueller before Manafort’s upcoming trial. Here is what you need to know about Tad Devine.

1. Tad Devine Worked with Paul Manafort on Pro-Kremlin Campaigns for Nearly a Decade, & Now Their Emails Are Part of an Exhibit for Manafort’s Trial
Bernie should easily get the black vote. As a Jew/Commie, he wants to own people. And, blacks want to be owned.
whoever the demmycrats nominate is going to need the black vote.......the gays, hippys, vegans and crazy college professors isn't enough to win.....
whoever the demmycrats nominate is going to need the black vote.......the gays, hippys, vegans and crazy college professors isn't enough to win.....

To PostmodernProphet: The entire Parasite Class chooses the Democrat candidate. The old Commie has a chance if can win them over before the nominating convention. Not a one of them has a chance in the general election.
Vermont’s voters have to be this country’s must institutionally-minded electorate. They sent an avowed Communist to Congress for 28 years. First a Congressman —— 1991 to 2007; then a U.S. Senator since 2007. Not even one of the big parasite states elects a liberty-hating Commie like Sanders.

Bernie Sanders has one foot in the grave, and the other foot on a banana peel. The harm he did to the entire country throughout the years he was spreading his poison from his perch in the federal government will go to the grave with him. The harm Vermont’s parasite Socialist voters do in their state is a tragedy that will multiply generation after generation:

Vermont leads the nation in adults who behave like errant children and delegate leadership to infants. Small wonder that Vermont uncritically embraced a 14-year-old candidate for governor. Vermont is the forefront of the new utopian vision of which Ryszard Legutko has cautioned — this is the state where Black Lives Matter flags are flown at numerous schools, and textbooks are edited to teach children that Vermont is a white supremacist culture. This is where young children halt public parades while no police or other authorities intervene.

August 22, 2019
Vermont Is Going Insane. Will the Rest of America Follow?
By John Klar

Finally, repealing the XVII Amendment will end the reign of terror brought on by long-serving senators. On the other hand, repeal will not change Vermont parasites:


The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.

This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution.

Vermont’s track record shows that whichever senator Vermont’s legislature send to the U.S. Senate —— AFTER REPEAL —— they will be a Sanders clone.

p.s. Clause 1 was a helluva lot better than long-serving senators:

Clause 1: Composition; Election of Senators

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.

Senators were crooks and scoundrels before the XVII Amendment (1913) to be sure, but at least they were not traitors. It was long-serving senators —— DEMOCRATS & REPUBLICANS —— that turned the U.S. Senate into a nest of traitors.
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Conspiracy duly noted. I see you're the town drunk of the forum.

So focused on Identity politics, you are.

Ah, I see you've met Boob. Yes, he's one of our special little group of Daily Stormers/KKK Grand Poopbahs. If you can stand it here long enough, you'll soon meet the others of his ilk: volsrock, CFM, Text Drivers are Killers, Toxic TOP, Truth Detector, Getin the Ring, Teflon Don. Yes, we have many of the Internet's finest racists, haters, and bigots -- a target-rich environment. lol
Ah, I see you've met Boob. Yes, he's one of our special little group of Daily Stormers/KKK Grand Poopbahs. If you can stand it here long enough, you'll soon meet the others of his ilk: volsrock, CFM, Text Drivers are Killers, Toxic TOP, Truth Detector, Getin the Ring, Teflon Don. Yes, we have many of the Internet's finest racists, haters, and bigots -- a target-rich environment. lol

I've noticed, since the first thread I read included homophobic slurs and foul language; just the sort of swamp for the denizens of trumpland, I suppose.
Generally speaking I do agree with you. The issue with Trumpoviles is that the denial of fact is outraging in and of itself, which is of course by design.

Good point. There's something wrong with you when you support a vile and vulgar bully without a single redeeming virtue, just because "he makes libtards' heads explode."
Good point. There's something wrong with you when you support a vile and vulgar bully without a single redeeming virtue, just because "he makes libtards' heads explode."

Pwning libs is why he is in office. It proves half the country are vengeful, angry, morose people of little actual use.
Closer to a third but yep -- Russia wins, without firing a shot.

All by design, however, I think Russia is coincidental and they were opportunists to already apparent American divides, stoked by the racist likes of the tea party and their rabid hysteria against the first black POTUS.
All by design, however, I think Russia is coincidental and they were opportunists to already apparent American divides, stoked by the racist likes of the tea party and their rabid hysteria against the first black POTUS.

Yep. Amazing how the deficit is soaring to new and dizzying heights, yet the Tea Party is off the clock, isn't it?