Bernie Sanders Needs The Black Vote

August 30, 2019
Bernie Sanders is coming for your newspaper
By Monica Showalter

The dirty old Commie is getting pointers from Di Fi:

During the Senate Judiciary Committee’s August 1 mark-up of the shield law bill aimed at protecting journalists’ sources, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) reportedly objected to the definition of journalist provided in the bill as introduced, seeking to restrict the definition’s scope to apply only to “real reporters.” To achieve her misguided goal, Sen. Feinstein has put forward an amendment to S. 987 that would greatly exacerbate the problems with the definition of who’s a journalist that existed in the bill as introduced.

Her amendment, to be submitted for Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Il.) as well, not only retains the problematic requirement that a person “regularly” engage in journalism to enjoy shield law protections, but moreover adds new requirements that would make it especially difficult for self-publishers such as independent bloggers and citizen journalists to be protected under the law. Indeed, her new requirements for being either salaried or at least affiliated with a news “entity” seem to purposefully target these self-publishers.

These problems are rooted in the vagueness of many key terms in her definition of journalist. Indeed, most essential terms are not defined. While vagueness provides an interpretative battleground, self-publishing bloggers and citizen journalists are disadvantaged in this fight.

Three Roads to “Journalist” that All Go Nowhere

Feinstein’s amendment effectively advances a traditional vision of journalism through the three definitions of journalist that it provides, each of which requires that a person be affiliated with a journalistic “entity” or institution (including news websites and other digital news services, and other periodicals distributed digitally).

Specifically, the amendment requires that a journalist meet one of the following definitions:

working as a “salaried employee, independent contractor, or agent of an entity that disseminates news or information;”
either (a) meeting the prior definition “for any continuous three-month period within the two years prior to the relevant date” or (b) having “substantially contributed, as an author, editor, photographer, or producer, to a significant number of articles, stories, programs, or publications by an entity . . . within two years prior to the relevant date;” or
working as a student journalist “participating in a journalistic publication at an institution of higher education.” (emphases added)1

There are problems with each of these three definitions. First, as we pointed out in our critique of the House’s bill, requiring that an individual is “salaried” is problematic because many people do journalism but do not do it as their primary source of income. Further, it is entirely unclear who or what an “agent” or “entity” is.

Second, for an individual to fall under the second, seemingly looser criteria, that individual must have distributed the news “by means of an entity.” (emphasis added)2 While this definition may cover freelancers, it is again unclear what it means to have “substantially contributed” to a “significant” amount of work of an “entity.” Indeed, for both the first and second definitions, essential terms are not defined—vagueness that, as we’ll see later, ultimately hurts independent bloggers and citizen journalists.

While the amendment’s inclusion of student journalists is laudable, it does nothing for those students who do not work for a “journalistic publication” at their college or university—or for those students the moment they graduate.

Still Requiring that Journalists “Regularly” Engage in Journalism

Additionally, Sen. Feinstein’s amendment retains the original Senate shield bill’s problematic requirement that individuals “regularly” do journalism to count as a journalist. Specifically, the amendment requires either:

that individuals “engage[] in . . . the regular gathering, preparation, collection, photographing, recording, writing, editing, reporting or publishing on” matters of public interest; or
that individuals “regularly conducted interviews, reviewed documents, captured images of events, or directly observed events.” (emphases added)3

As in the original Senate bill, the amendment fails to define what “regularly” means, vagueness that cuts against non-institutional journalists.

Vague Language Is Bad for Independent Bloggers, Citizen Journalists

Sen. Feinstein’s amendment is riddled with vague language, failing to define key terms including “agent,” entity,” “substantially contributed,” and “regularly”—on which the definition of who’s a journalist turns. Non-traditional journalists are at a disadvantage when the interpretative waters are muddy. Why? Because such vagueness invites interpretations that exclude those who are on the margins of status quo journalism, and who are often in a more vulnerable position and unable to hire legal counsel to sort through the law’s ambiguities. As a result, independent bloggers and citizen journalists would likely be interpreted out of Feinstein’s definition of journalist.

The very fact that developing a crisp, clear definition of journalist is difficult should signal to Congress that it might not be equipped to wade into the uncharted waters of deciding who is a journalist. But it’s a problem that Congress can easily avoid by linking shield law protections to the act of journalism, not the definition of who is journalist.

Why Sen. Feinstein Is Wrong About Who’s a “Real Reporter”
By Morgan Weiland
August 9, 2013
The crazy old coot adds insult to injury every time he pleads for black Americans to vote for Socialists; i.e., the very people that have been crushing black communities for at least six decades.

Mayor Pete better forget about taking black voters away from Sanders, Warren or Biden. He is nuts if he thinks black Americans will vote for a white fruit:

While Buttigieg is still struggling to build a coalition and draw support from black and Hispanic voters, Democrats say a victory in Iowa could give him a significant boost that might get other voters to give him a serious new look.

“It's true that right now Buttigieg has a lot of work to do to gain nonwhite support but you don't need much of a rainbow coalition to win Iowa and New Hampshire, and the momentum he'll gain from that one-two punch, if he does win both, is substantial and maybe insurmountable,” said Democratic strategist Christy Setzer.

Buttigieg positioned to push Biden aside
By Amie Parnes
11/20/19 06:00 AM EST
Good point. There's something wrong with you when you support a vile and vulgar bully without a single redeeming virtue, just because "he makes libtards' heads explode."

There's something wrong with you when you support a candidate based on his skin color in order to make your white trash, guilt ridden heart feel better.

Prove to me you're a coward. Be a good little girl and do as you're told.
If Toquamada had a free press he would have killed millions.

In modern times the MSM gets paid for selling speech. To the fourth estate free speech means institutional free speech. The number of people who fell for the illusion of free speech for everybody is astronomical.

Freedom of the press itself is a deadly drug, while censorship is the poison that permeates every institution. Every institution practices censorship. No government can, or will, use its police powers to prohibit institutional censorship.

Television is the Fifth Estate:

The Press has long been called “The Fourth Estate,” a term that comes to us from pre-revolutionary French history. (The First Estate was the King and nobility; the Second Estate was the Church; and the Third Estate was the “commoners.” Because of the power of the press, at some point it was designated as The Fourth Estate.) When the felicitous term migrated to the United States, it was originally deemed critical that The Fourth Estate be above the fray, an independent and unbiased institution. (Stop laughing…)


To media stars, the single-most narcissistic and entitled profession in my experience – and that includes heavy competition from judges, actors and politicians! — the cold shower of mockery is what is horrific. THAT is something up with which they cannot put.

Posted on February 28, 2020 by Scott Johnson in Laughter is the Best Medicine, Media
Thoughts from the ammo line
Conspiracy duly noted. I see you're the town drunk of the forum.

So focused on Identity politics, you are.

I offered no conspiracy. The desire of jews to own others and of blacks to owned is not a conspiracy. It's their nature. And, Identity Politics is an euphemism for anti-white politics. Are you accusing me of being anti-white, or are you again using words you don't understand?
I offered no conspiracy. The desire of jews to own others and of blacks to owned is not a conspiracy. It's their nature. And, Identity Politics is an euphemism for anti-white politics. Are you accusing me of being anti-white, or are you again using words you don't understand?

The forums leading Antisemitism poster