Best of Sean Carrol, theoretical physicist & philosopher

I watch his podcasts and his online courses.

IMO, he is superior to Carl Sagan, Niel Degrasse Tyson, or Michio Kaku because he makes physics accessible but he doesn't dumb it down.

Carroll is like Niels Bohr and Heisenberg. A physicist who know how to be a philosopher. Like Leibniz.
It seems to me that Dr. Carrol destroys the fine-tuning of the universe argument for theism.

There are 20 physical constants in the Standard Model and General Relativity we cannot explain from first principles, we only know their values from experimental observation. Presumably, these constants could have taken on any range of values, rendering the universe, energy, and matter completely different from our experience and possibly rendering the universe inhospitable to life.

According to Don Lincoln of Fermi Lab, the universe at the time of the big bang may have started in a state of quantum superposition, where all states were possible all at once. When the quantum wave function collapsed, the present configuration of the physical constants were selected.
Sean answers the big questions of ultimate reality.
Was there a beginning? Or not? (Probably was no beginning)

Why is there something rather than nothing? (Even empty space has an inherent latent energy)

Another of the big questions: why is there order in chaos?

Chaos theory convincingly shows that chaotic, non-linear systems which diverge from deterministic laws, can still be shown to have a deep, underlying order.