bible quote for those that oppose sex ed

The state does not have shit.

The PEOPLE have a vested interest in mutual protection through the use of government and laws. That is the purpose of government and law in a democratic society.

The relationship of the government (ie:law) to parental rights is to protect children from parents who would do them harm. That is appropriate when a child is being abused and/or neglected. But when the state starts defining "protection from harm" as "we know better how to raise your child" then they are crossing a line that should not be crossed. Our government is not, nor was it ever intended to play the role of parent.

And no, the state does NOT have primacy in marriage. Where the hell do you come up with that? The law defines the limits of power of attorney spouses have over each other according to circumstances to include visitation rights in hospitals, the right to determine treatment for a spouse who is in a condition they cannot decide for themselves, etc. In all cases where society is involved in some manner with a person, the spouse takes precedence over other relationships unless the person in question specifies otherwise. (and in some cases even then the spouse takes precedence.

In short, no the government does not have any "rights". And recently government has been assuming WAY too much authority in matters of family. I don't give two fucking cents for "vested interest of the state" bullshit. When government assumes they do have the authority to override parents (except in cases of genuine abuse), it is time to prune back government, just as it is time to prune back government when they claim authority to negate constitutional rights in order to "protect" us -- ESPECIALLY if it is to protect us from ourselves.

what i am speaking about is when i say the state, i mean the body of laws passed by the people to govern human interaction

i am not saying that i agree with that position, but stating a de facto condition that in most cases is also de jure

since i am licensed to perform marriages in two states, i have some knowledge in this area

more and more the state is defining is place with regard to 'rights' that married and in some cases declared partners have - but the 'state' is the final arbiter - e.g., when a call is made to the police regarding a domestic dispute involving harm to one or both partners, the police and later prosecutors decide what the disposition of the combatants is regardless of the wishes of the parties involved, i.e., spousal abuse

a divorce requires that a judge sign off on disposition of chattels and minor children

this varies from state to state but it is becoming more homogeneous as to case law

the rights of spouses and children are granted by the state

knowing those laws before hand can save a family a lot of grief