Biden Accuser Tara Reade Drops Bombshell, Moving to Open 3rd Degree Sex Abuse Charges Against POTUS

:rolleyes: A dose of reality should Vole ever take off the pointy hood:

What 74 former Biden staffers think about Tara Reade’s allegations​

Western Journal – Bias and Credibility​

51 Former and active Intelligence Official believe Tara Reade
So you are saying Trump does not owe that dingbat that accused Trump of RAPE does not have to pay?

Trump's verdict was reached before his SCOTUS get out of jail free card was issued.

Day late, dollar short.
So Democrats think rape is an official pResidental duty. :ROFLMAO:

For Trump it is, so for all others too.

Besides, who gives a shit about laws anymore.

Since Trump came along, it's do WTF you want.

Trump's verdict was reached before his SCOTUS get out of jail free card was issued.

Day late, dollar short.

For Trump it is, so for all others too.

Besides, who gives a shit about laws anymore.

Since Trump came along, it's do WTF you want.
So Trump isn't guilty? :chicken:
The accusations were filed in court against your orange god. It went through the process, and the verdict rendered by a jury of peers. Also, if you ever do any honest research, you'd know that Cheeto Jeezus was a "person of interest" in lawsuits filed against Epstein LONG before the debacle of 2016.

Reed isn't even going that route. She's thinking if she get's enough signatures that will be sufficient for a trial. :rolleyes: Good luck selling that to a lawyer.

And Puh-leeze don't be so stupid to think that a mocking bird jab at me relating to your sheet wearing buddies is actually "clever". Also, you might want to see a therapist about your fixation with "cunts".

RB60 = Really Boorish at 60 mph!
Wrong. Bench trial. No evidence, no witnesses, the lying skank didn't even know what YEAR it allegedly happened, and there is NO CRIMINL CONVICTION, it was a CIVIL SUIT.
Doesn't make it OK for Jelly Brain to rape her.

I'll bet there are "50+" intell assholes who lied their asses off about Hunter's laptop.
That women already tried to tell this story back in 2020- and everyone looked at her and said, "Are you fucking nuts"!

It's because all she ever had to say about Biden before, was that he was the nicest man to work for that she ever worked for.

And then someone from the Trump Team, tried to pay her to lie about Biden.

I'm sure this is the same this time around, TRUMP paying her to lie about Biden!

That women already tried to tell this story back in 2020- and everyone looked at her and said, "Are you fucking nuts"!

It's because all she ever had to say about Biden before, was that he was the nicest man to work for that she ever worked for.

And then someone from the Trump Team, tried to pay her to lie about Biden.

I'm sure this is the same this time around, TRUMP paying her to lie about Biden!


You know that every accusation against Biden and any other Democrat are bought and paid for by Scumbag Trump Inc.
1. Psychobabble
2. You pay the money, if you lose, you pay all court costs.
3. I have in the past, when I read what they post. I haven't read any lately
of course, you haven't said a word about any racist leftist, now have you?
4. The guy in the mirror tells me ..You're cool.
1. A lame default retort of weak-minded folk who have either been bested in an insult exchange or presented with a fact they cannot counter or BS around. In your case, both.
2. Now you're not totally stupid, just insipidly stubborn. Again, your initial claim was in error. Filing does not guarantee an actual court case. This woman thinks a petition signature will do that ... it won't, as my previous links indicate.
3. You're full of it, period. I've been here for a while, and the resident bigots have posted the usual neo-nazi/white supremacist on my and many other threads that we've both appeared on. Your silence regarding such speaks for itself.
4. Yeah, I figured as much. There are therapist to help you deal with talking mirror images. See them ASAP.!

RB60 = Really Boorish 60 x's over!
1. A lame default retort of weak-minded folk who have either been bested in an insult exchange or presented with a fact they cannot counter or BS around. In your case, both.
2. Now you're not totally stupid, just insipidly stubborn. Again, your initial claim was in error. Filing does not guarantee an actual court case. This woman thinks a petition signature will do that ... it won't, as my previous links indicate.
3. You're full of it, period. I've been here for a while, and the resident bigots have posted the usual neo-nazi/white supremacist on my and many other threads that we've both appeared on. Your silence regarding such speaks for itself.
4. Yeah, I figured as much. There are therapist to help you deal with talking mirror images. See them ASAP.!

RB60 = Really Boorish 60 x's over!
1. 2. 3. and 4. I call you out a fucking liar and an idiot libturd. Not much more needs said.
Now go sit on your high horse and ride, Mr. Prodigy. You ain't as smart as you think.
1. 2. 3. and 4. I call you out a fucking liar and an idiot libturd. Not much more needs said.
Now go sit on your high horse and ride, Mr. Prodigy. You ain't as smart as you think.
And there you have it, dear readers. Faced with irrefutable facts and logic, old RB throws a hissy fit rather than be an adult and just concede a point. He's done here, and I'm done with him. Just watch him babble the last predictable retort, as he thinks this is a "win". :ROFLMAO:
And there you have it, dear readers. Faced with irrefutable facts and logic, old RB throws a hissy fit rather than be an adult and just concede a point. He's done here, and I'm done with him. Just watch him babble the last predictable retort, as he thinks this is a "win". :ROFLMAO:
Why do you think you know everything there is to know about everything?
I suppose you think you're a better machinist than me as well, don't you Mr. Prodigy?