Biden administration pushing to expand entry to U.S. ahead of Title 42 ending on May


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So Open borders will continue and there will be no vetting of illegals. Biden shows national security is not in his vocabulary

The Department of Homeland Security and Department of State announced unprecedented policies to expand entry to the United States while also claiming the border is closed ahead of the public health authority Title 42 ending on May 11.

The new policies, they said, will “further reduce unlawful migration across the Western Hemisphere, significantly expand lawful pathways for protection, and facilitate the safe, orderly, and humane processing of migrants.”

The Title 42 public health order is set to expire 11:59 PM EST on May 11. Implemented under former President Donald Trump, Title 42 allowed border agents to immediately expel foreign nationals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lifting the order “does not mean the border is open,” the statement says.

When Title 42 is lifted, it claims federal agents “will return to using Title 8 immigration authorities to expeditiously process and remove individuals who arrive at the U.S. border unlawfully.”

The announcement claims Title 8 authority violations “carry steep consequences for unlawful entry, including at least a five-year ban on reentry and potential criminal prosecution for repeated attempts to enter unlawfully,” even though over a million people with deportation orders haven’t been deported because of new policies instituted by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

While the statement claims “the border is not open,” the new policies are being implemented in coordination with the governments of Mexico, Canada, Spain, Colombia and Guatemala to expand entry to the United States “through a combination of expanded lawful pathways.”

One “legal pathway” includes expanding access to the CBPOne App. Foreign nationals from Central and Northern Mexico can schedule an appointment using the app to present themselves at a port of entry to be processed by Border Patrol with the expectation of being released into the U.S. “CBPOne will make additional appointments available, and the use of this tool will enable safe, orderly, and humane processing,” according to the policy.

Another includes a new family reunification parole process for citizens of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia to enter the U.S, as well as for Cubans and Haitians. “Vetted individuals with already approved family-based petitions” will be released into the U.S. through this new system, which may conflict with an order given by a federal judge in Florida, who ruled against Mayorkas’ parole policy.

Another includes doubling the number of refugees allowed entry into the U.S. from the western hemisphere – “welcoming thousands of additional refugees per month” – through processing efficiencies and increasing resources and staffing to the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.
Yep, all we need is a huge number of criminals who are willing to commit mass shootings and whatnot invading the US because Joke is too fucking stupid to see reality on illegal aliens.

As it is, between half and a third of ALL illegals in the US will have entered during Joke Biden's administration. That is criminal on his part.
And Ptif posts from sewer websites with the credibility of a fox in the hen house.

Politicalhotwire is a far Lefty website. They keep a free far right wackadoodles over there just to keep it from being an echo chamber but ban everyone else who is right of center.
Yep, all we need is a huge number of criminals who are willing to commit mass shootings and whatnot invading the US because Joke is too fucking stupid to see reality on illegal aliens.

As it is, between half and a third of ALL illegals in the US will have entered during Joke Biden's administration. That is criminal on his part.

In the old days, when you were still sane, I bet you realized that it's Congress that's the problem. When they aren't punting to the WH, they are punting to SCOTUS while running for reelection.
In the old days, when you were still sane, I bet you realized that it's Congress that's the problem. When they aren't punting to the WH, they are punting to SCOTUS while running for reelection.

No, it's a national problem. Sanctuary cities, counties, states, should be illegal and those politicians who vote for these should be impeached and tried as traitors. We should have control of our borders. Immigration enforcement should be something every law enforcement agency at every level of government practices. The attitude of America should be, You want to come here? Do it legally. If you want to try and come illegally, we're going to arrest you, deport you, and you won't be coming back, EVER!

Why anyone would put up with people being here illegally is totally beyond me.
No, it's a national problem. Sanctuary cities, counties, states, should be illegal and those politicians who vote for these should be impeached and tried as traitors. We should have control of our borders. Immigration enforcement should be something every law enforcement agency at every level of government practices. The attitude of America should be, You want to come here? Do it legally. If you want to try and come illegally, we're going to arrest you, deport you, and you won't be coming back, EVER!

Why anyone would put up with people being here illegally is totally beyond me.

Your ancestors came here illegally
No, it's a national problem. Sanctuary cities, counties, states, should be illegal and those politicians who vote for these should be impeached and tried as traitors. We should have control of our borders.

Immigration enforcement should be something every law enforcement agency at every level of government practices. The attitude of America should be, You want to come here? Do it legally. If you want to try and come illegally, we're going to arrest you, deport you, and you won't be coming back, EVER!

Why anyone would put up with people being here illegally is totally beyond me.
Nice backpedal...and agreed it's a national problem. Hanging politicians you don't like is pure wackiness and further evidence of your mental deterioration, Terry.

Who are the dumbasses cutting taxes to defund government, Terry? Do you think they are traitors who should be hung too?
Nice backpedal...and agreed it's a national problem. Hanging politicians you don't like is pure wackiness and further evidence of your mental deterioration, Terry.

Who are the dumbasses cutting taxes to defund government, Terry? Do you think they are traitors who should be hung too?

pure wackiness is believing that the government is incapable of being tyrannical or oppressive, no matter how badly they violate the constitution
pure wackiness is believing that the government is incapable of being tyrannical or oppressive, no matter how badly they violate the constitution
Besides ex-Threepers-on-the-run, who believes that, DtM?

When will you start murdering American traitors? Or did you promise the FBI you'd only report those who attempt it?
you do. I asked you if it was treason for the government to ignore and violate the Constitution, you said NO!!!!!
Link? Quote? Or just another lie from a WSE bent on murdering Americans?

I do believe you are mentally ill, DtM. It would explain why you didn't go to 1/6 and why the FBI left you alone once they found out you were simply a crippled keyboard warrior.