Biden approval rating drops below 40% for the first time in an average of major polls

Gas prices have little to do with domestic policy and everything to do with OPEC's production.

Even if we quadrupled oil extraction and production, OPEC would simply cut their production to maintain the price, or they will increase their production to bankrupt US oil companies, which very nearly happened in 2015.

You supported an attempted coup to overthrow the US government because your guy lost the election.

STFU you fucking moron. You support the shitfest that's happening right now.

Biden fucked up the fuel supply on day 1 and it's been downhill ever since. Prove me wrong, bitch!
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The US was a net exporter of oil and gas during the Trump administration.

Which means nothing because no amount of oil exported by the US will have anything more than a nominal impact on the global price per barrel.

But more importantly, can and has actually prompted action by OPEC to screw US oil companies either by increasing the supply and thus dramatically driving down the cost per barrel (which could put the oil company under water because extraction and transportation costs exceed the amount the oil company can get per barrel and happened in 2015), OR they cut their production by the same amount the US increased it in order to maintain the price. And those production cuts don't harm OPEC at all since they control 80% of the world's global oil reserves.

Domestic prices could have been kept low even as international prices rose since the US was exporting.

Completely fucking false because the US cannot have that kind of impact on the global oil market because we simply don't control as many reserves as OPEC does.

So any US production increase will either be met with a compensatory decrease in OPEC oil production in order to maintain the current price per barrel, or if OPEC is feeling particularly shitty towards the US they would simply increase their production by so much, it devalues the oil the US exports which leads to US oil company bankruptcies...which very nearly happened in 2015 if not for federal intervention to save Texas, North Dakota, and Oklahoma.

So regardless if we increase or decrease oil production, we have little-to-no power on the global oil market as sellers.
Biden ended that production goldmine almost from his first day in office.

All oil is bought and sold on the global oil market; because we only control 2% of the world's global oil supplies, our oil industry in the US is totally vulnerable to OPEC's whims.

If OPEC woke up today and chose violence, they would increase their oil production by so much that the value of oil that US domestic companies extract here would be less than the costs to extract it and transport it; that is what happens if we decide we want to increase domestic oil production.

We only need look at the failure of the natural gas industry from 2015-2020 to see where the US would go if we did the same thing to our oil industry.

Unless you want to nationalize oil production and cease selling domestically-extracted oil on the global market, NO AMOUNT OF ACTION THE US TAKES WILL HAVE A PERMANENT IMPACT ON THE PRICE PER BARREL.
Approval of President Biden's performance in the White House continues to weaken as the administration works to deal with the Ukraine border conflict, rising inflation, the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and chaos at the Mexican border.

For the first time since taking office, Biden's approval rating — based on an accumulation of polling data — fell below 40%. A Real Clear Politics average of all the most recent national surveys measuring Biden’s standing put the president’s approval at 39% and his disapproval at 54%................

An average of 8 polls. 39.8%

Real Clear Politics

Biden is sinking faster than the Titanic.

Funny how you Reichwingers think polls are the bomb when they say what you want them to say. Otherwise they're meaningless to you. Too bad the OP is not true. From, just now:

I suggest you right wing idiots got take a look at trumps approval rating over his entire term

He was at about 34% at this point in his ONE term

He had an average of about 41% if I recall

And never ONCE hit 50%

He was under water his WHOLE presidency

Trump was handed a recovered nation after your fools broke it last time

Biden was handed a broken nation presided over by Trump who utterly failed to protect the American people from the threat
Trump in fact abdicated all the responsibility to protect us to the states

And then back stabbed all the states as they fought to protect us

Ship your stupid traitorous asses to the border of the Ukraine so you can fight for Putin

He’s the only leader you really love

Oh and take the trump family with
...why should the left care when the right-wing refused to convict twice and their guy is currently trying to avoid a, date with Ms. Justice.
Funny how you Reichwingers think polls are the bomb when they say what you want them to say. Otherwise they're meaningless to you. Too bad the OP is not true. From, just now:


They do the same with elections

Except they are always saying elections are stolen even when they win

They hate the people getting to vote
...why should the left care when the right-wing refused to convict twice and their guy is currently trying to avoid a, date with Ms. Justice.

Well to be fair if they convicted trump that would have implicated half the republicans who got to vote their troubles away