Biden campaign 'rattled' as president 'hemorrhages votes' in Black community to Trump, says Rep. Hunt

And how much has that Republican majority managed to get accomplished the past four years?

How many border bills?

How much spending reduction?

Hell, it took the "unified" House GOP 15 attempts to vote on a Speaker.
It stopped the Democrat party from passing insane bills.
Yes, I did answer.

You then tried to move the goalposts and I refused to play along.
Nope I asked about if you approved of a women being able to abort a child at one before her due date. You qualified it by saying yes if it was to save her life. (you moved the goalpost) I can tell you that doctors frequently deliver babies early to save the life of the mother with preeclampsia and eclampsia. . But babies are born alive. Doctors don't suck their brains out then crush their skulls then deliver them dead. So do you think a late term abortion on a healthy baby by a healthy mother is OK?
That isn't what I asked you, but congrats on showcasing your ignorance by refusing to answer yet another question.
That is a significant accomplishment. They have also passed these bills.

H.R. 4866, the Fire Weather Development Act of 2023

Enhances our ability to protect lives and property by directing the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to establish a program to improve fire weather and fire environment forecasting, detection, and local collaboration.

H.R. 1069, the Clean Energy Demonstration Transparency Act of 2023

Increases accountability and transparency in the Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations by expanding reporting requirements.

H.R. 4755, the Privacy Enhancing Technology Research Act

Ensures responsible data use and data privacy by authorizing research, workforce development, and standards-setting activities at the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Standards and Technology for privacy-enhancing technologies.

H.R. 4824, the Carbon Sequestration Collaboration Act

Directs a coordinated research effort across the Department of Energy, the Department of Agriculture, and the Department of the Interior to improve our ability to sequester carbon through land use.

H.R. 4877, the Abandoned Well Remediation Research and Development Act

Directs research, development, and demonstration activities at the Department of Energy to support and accelerate the remediation of abandoned or orphaned oil and gas wells.

H.R. 6093, the Weather Act Reauthorization

Improves the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s weather research, supports improvements in weather forecasting and prediction, and expands commercial opportunities for the provision of weather data.
You should try to learn how politics works here in 'Murica.

Without a super majority in the Senate, even if one party has simple majorities in both the House and the Senate, they can't pass anything the other party is unified in opposition to.

So it really got your side nothing.
We investigated the Bidens and discovered their corruption. 20 shell companies WOW! to money launder with. And the text of Hunter and his dad shaking down a Chinese businessman for 5 million. We found money going to Jim Biden then immediately to Joe Biden.
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You should try to learn how politics works here in 'Murica.

Without a super majority in the Senate, even if one party has simple majorities in both the House and the Senate, they can't pass anything the other party is unified in opposition to.

So it really got your side nothing.
NOPE. you need to learn a little more about how the Senate works kiddo.

After this final period of consideration, the Senate will take a final vote on the bill. This final vote requires only a simple majority for approval. But because a cloture process is often required to end debate on a bill, then the bill first must garner the support of a three-fifths supermajority.

Biden campaign 'rattled' as president 'hemorrhages votes' in Black community to Trump, says Rep. Hunt

'The Democrat Party hasn't done anything for black people the last 30 years. It's time to give us a chance​

Rep. Wesley Hunt, R-Texas, believes former President Trump is making significant inroads with Black voters after he traveled to Philadelphia to have policy conversations with Black Americans.

Hunt and Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., spoke to a "packed house" in the liberal city on Tuesday in an effort to bring attention to the policies and priorities of the Republican Party ahead of the election.

Hunt later spoke with Fox News Digital about why he thinks more Black voters leaving the Democratic Party could cause Biden to lose re-election and said Trump is leading this change.

"Congress, Cognac, & Cigars" featured a discussion between Hunt and Donalds with former NFL sideline reporter Michele Tafoya as moderator. Similar events will follow in Atlanta, Ga., Detroit, Mich. Milwaukee, Wis., Charlotte, N.C. and other cities in states key to winning the 2024 presidential election.

"Trump's policies four years ago are not just Black issues, but they are American issues. And if President Trump is able to attain between 25 and 30% of the Black male vote, then Joe Biden cannot win," said Hunt.

Hunt said Trump, "set a record for Black turnout in 2020" and can build on that number in November.

Hunt said they are doing the work and trying to inspire voters by going into areas "where no conservative in the past three decades has bravely gone before."

"You haven't had voices like me and Byron Donalds that are willing to take the initiative to do what we've been doing over the course of the past year," said Hunt.

Hunt described a moment that stuck out during the event when a Black woman who left the Democratic Party, along with other members of her family, spoke out. She shared how the COVID pandemic made her realize Democrats are not for her community but rather for "White liberal elites," based on the "draconian" way they were treated during the pandemic.

The same woman also discussed how Democrats "broke up the Black family" because of welfare policies. ...

Hunt said by having these conversations, they are challenging why generations of Black voters have been voting for the Democrats. He argued that Republicans now have an opportunity to win over Black voters by "breaking the bonds and attachment" to the Democrat party by focusing on policies, and to "stop the race bait."

"I am not a slave and nobody currently living is a slave owner. So at this point, I don't want to hear that conversation. I want to hear a conversation about what party is going to benefit us the most financially, how we are going to live the best and in the greatest country in the world." said Hunt, explaining that Black voters are concerned about the economy, "the hidden tax of inflation," and safe neighborhoods.

"The Democrat Party hasn't done anything for Black people in the last 30 years. It's time to give us a chance."


Biden is hemorrhaging his base. Trump is going to scoop them up because he cares about the working man.
Whatever you are smoking- I WANT SOME!
We investigated the Bidens and discovered their corruption. 20 shell companies WOW! to money launder with. And the text of Hunter and his dad shaking down a Chinese businessman for 5 million. We found money going to Jim Biden then immediately to Joe Biden.
Bullshit investigations that turned up nothing but false allegations and innuendo.

No evidence of criminal wrongdoing on the part of the Biden's.

Hence no charges filed.

That's why they're going after Hunter on that flimsy little gun violation.

Their consolation prize.
NOPE. you need to learn a little more about how the Senate works kiddo.
I know how it works.

You obviously don't.

The Senate filibuster rules allow each side to block any legislation without a 2/3 majority.

Your side's holding the house got you nothing.

Or very little.
Bullshit investigations that turned up nothing but false allegations and innuendo.

No evidence of criminal wrongdoing on the part of the Biden's.

Hence no charges filed.

That's why they're going after Hunter on that flimsy little gun violation.

Their consolation prize.

I know how it works.

You obviously don't.

The Senate filibuster rules allow each side to block any legislation without a 2/3 majority.

Your side's holding the house got you nothing.

Or very little.
They made criminal referrals on Hunter and Jim Biden this last week. You said NOTHING gets pasted is the Senate without a 2/3rd super majority. I proved that was a lie. Now get lost sonny.
They made criminal referrals on Hunter and Jim Biden this last week. You said NOTHING gets pasted is the Senate without a 2/3rd super majority. I proved that was a lie. Now get lost sonny.
You think they were going after Biden's brother and son??? 😆

The referrals are nothing more than a desperate attempt by Republicans to twist Hunter’s testimony so they can distract attention from their failed impeachment inquiry.

And you proved nothing contrary to what I stated, sonny bitch.
You think they were going after Biden's brother and son??? 😆

The referrals are nothing more than a desperate attempt by Republicans to twist Hunter’s testimony so they can distract attention from their failed impeachment inquiry.

And you proved nothing contrary to what I stated, sonny bitch.
Hunter is on trial by the DOJ right now dumbass. :ROFLMAO: They can still try them both after January
Hunter is on trial by the DOJ right now dumbass. :ROFLMAO: They can still try them both after January
The MAGA Republican scum bags are the ones who spurred the DOJ into bringing those charges, which they had to bring in order to avoid any appearance of the President exerting influence over them to protect his son.

Something Trump would have never considered.

Trump would have blatantly blocked any prosecution of his son guilty or not, and you vermin would have cheered.

The Hunter Biden prosecution is exactly what you lying shitbags falsely claim is being done to Trump.

This gun application crap is zero on a scale of 1 to 10 of legitimacy.

Hunter Biden is not nor ever was an elected official, whileTrump held the highest office in the country.

So he has to be held to the highest standards possible.

This Hunter Biden business is just petty revenge by lowlife MAGA crud.
Nope I asked about if you approved of a women being able to abort a child at one before her due date. You qualified it by saying yes if it was to save her life. (you moved the goalpost) I can tell you that doctors frequently deliver babies early to save the life of the mother with preeclampsia and eclampsia. . But babies are born alive. Doctors don't suck their brains out then crush their skulls then deliver them dead. So do you think a late term abortion on a healthy baby by a healthy mother is OK?
You asked if I approved of a woman being able to abort one day before her due date and I answered yes AND explained under which specific circumstance I would find it acceptable.

Now Y-O-U want to add other stipulations to your original question.

But regardless of how much enjoyment I derive from watching you play verbal gymnastics while trying to catch me with some idiotic "gotcha" question, the answer is NO, I don't think a later term abortion on a healthy baby by a healthy mother is OK.

That said, it is none of my business what someone else decides to do regarding an abortion.
We investigated the Bidens and discovered their corruption. 20 shell companies WOW! to money launder with. And the text of Hunter and his dad shaking down a Chinese businessman for 5 million. We found money going to Jim Biden then immediately to Joe Biden.
Show me where the Bidens have been charged with operating shell companies, with corruption, money laundering or shaking down a Chinese businessman.