Biden Flies The M-F Flag

Pull those BLM signs for at the very least tomorrow ....

Black Lives Matter is a violent communist-anarchist movement.

Who said that, specifically?

To AProudLefty:
M. Dowling said it:

then went on to back it up with irrefutable facts:

Their agenda is to abolish the police, abolish the family unit, and overturn capitalism. They aren’t shy about it. They say this is what they want. Their school curricula are anti-white and anti-American. Often they support anti-Semitism. They are a communist hate group.

This is what we now stand for throughout the world, courtesy of the allegedly 81 million people who voted for the feeble-minded Joe Biden. Disclaimer: If the reporting by Human Events and Jack Posobiec is accurate, this is what they are making us stand for.

Reporter Jack Posobiec published a leaked cable — he says — from Blinken explaining how American representatives abroad are to encourage conversations about “systemic racism” and racial injustice in the United States.

The cable states: “The Department supports the use of the term ‘Black Lives Matter’ in messaging content, speeches, and other diplomatic engagements with foreign audiences to advance racial equity and access to justice on May 25 and beyond. We encourage posts to focus on the need to eliminate systemic racism and its continued impact.

The cable gives authorization for American diplomatic buildings to fly Black Lives Matter banners.

According to the article, it also informs diplomats to refer to documents on how to prepare for the day which includes a speech by United Nations Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, in which she told the UN about America’s ” legacy of white supremacy,” and praises any activist that protested in 2020 “in the streets, marching for change.”

So, we’re all communists now? Blinken knows full well what they are and what they stand for.

While not okaying how the officers treated George Floyd, his oxygen was not the problem and he was not aphysiated. He probably died from the drugs — enough to kill almost four people — and he was a criminal.


In case you missed it, this is who these people are.

They were originally almost entirely funded by George Soros and some major corporations.

The Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) tries to portray itself as a grassroots movement, a spontaneous uprising of the oppressed in the inner city. However, it is a well-funded conglomeration of communist/socialist organizations that have been around for decades.

Now they are united and are a major force, trying to provoke a civil war or a race war.

They lie about police killings and encourage other violence, lawlessness, and unrest while pretending they represent the injustices towards blacks.

The movement wants anarchy to bring about communist/socialist change.

BLM launched with a faux police abuse case

BLM launched in 2013 with a Twitter hashtag, #BlackLivesMatter, after neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman was acquitted in the Trayvon Martin killing.

Radical Left activists Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi claim credit for the slogan and hashtag.

Following the Michael Brown shooting in August 2014, Dream Defenders, an organization led by Working Families Party (ACORN) activist and Occupy Wall Street anarchist Nelini Stamp, popularized the phrase “Hands Up–Don’t Shoot!” which has since become BLM’s widely recognized slogan.

Garza, Cullors, and Tometi all work for front groups of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), one of the four largest radical Left organizations in the country.

The others are the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS). Nelini Stamp’s ACORN—now rebranded under a variety of different names—works with all four organizations, and Dream Defenders is backed by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center and others.

FRSO is a hereditary descendant of the New Communist Movement, which was inspired by Mao and the many communist revolutions throughout the world in the 1960s and 1970s.

FRSO split into two separate groups in 1999, FRSO/Fight Back and FRSO/OSCL (Freedom Road Socialist Organization/Organizaci?n Socialista del Camino para la Libertad). Black Lives Matter and its founders are allied with the latter group. Future references to FRSO in this article refer to FRSO/OSCL.

FRSO is comprised of dozens of groups. The radical Left model is based on alliances of many organizations that are working on separate issues but dedicated ultimately to the same thing: overthrowing our society in order to replace it with a hardcore socialist (read communist) one.


Their goal is to make it look like everyone feels this way and you are on the wrong side of history if you don’t follow along.

As Stamp has said, “we are actually trying to change the capitalist system we have today because it’s not working for any of us.”

BLM is one of many projects undertaken by the FRSO. Except for the website,, there is no actual organization.

The website implicitly acknowledges this, describing #BlackLivesMatter as “an online forum intended to build connections between Black people and our allies to fight anti-Black racism, to spark dialogue among Black people, and to facilitate the types of connections necessary to encourage social action and engagement.”

FRSO membership is disproportionately represented by blacks, gays, and women, and self-consciously emphasizes those issues.

You can read the details and the funders on this link.

There are so many well-researched commentaries and articles confirming BLM Communism —— Democrats can only invoke Grade-A morality horseshit to hide behind everything they really stand for:

“systemic racism” and racial injustice in the United States.

focus on the need to eliminate systemic racism

“legacy of white supremacy,”

When in fact:

There is no mention of racism in the text of any of the major religions, or laws, judicial systems, cultures, or anywhere else. Not one religious leader, philosopher, or political thinker ever heard about racism before the 20th century for one very good reason. RACISM DID NOT EXIST until it appeared when it was invented by race hustlers and dirty little moralists decades after the American Civil War ended.

There are so many useful white idiots teaming up with black lying mother-fuckers defending non-existent racism with moral horseshit this is a pretty good rebuttal when Americans grow weary of exposing the lies:

Parenthetically, I know:

How Mofo Got Its Mojo
By Forrest Wickman
Feb 14, 20139:16 AM

nevertheless, years before black race hustlers invented racism —— the word:

was a curse associated with black Americans. It had nothing to do with white racism until after black race hustlers invented racism.
His OP is pretty clear. It's the "day of action" for them. You're worried that it means what you thought it means.
I'm not worried about him....I am concerned for my "them"...friends and community.... I stand with them....

BLM is an acronym for Black Lying Mother-fuckers:

Telling federal government mother-fuckers what they cannot do something is the way the Constitution is supposed to work. Proposed legislation does just that:

On Friday, Republican Reps. Nicole Malliotakis (NY), Ken Buck (CO), Michael Guest (MS), Darrell Issa (CA), Brian Mast (FL), and Pete Sessions (TX), as well as the new House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (NY), introduced the Stars and Stripes Act of 2021. The legislation, according to a press release, "directs the Secretary of State to restrict the display of certain flags or banners at diplomatic and consular posts around the world."

Believe it or not, such legislation is necessary, considering the current Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, has authorized and even encouraged all U.S. embassies overseas to fly the 'Black Lives Matter' flag. Such a directive was to commemorate the anniversary of the death of George Floyd, which was just a few days before the legislation was introduced, as Jack Posobiec reported for Human Events, citing a leaked memo.

Not only that, but as Jon Levine with The New York Post reported, "The BLM flag flown at the Athens embassy was reportedly so enormous it covered the United States seal."

The BLM flag isn't the only political flag Sec. Blinken has encouraged U.S. embassies to fly. Foreign Policy magazine first reported last month that Blinken gave "blanket authorization" for embassies to fly the LGBT rainbow pride flag, reversing a move from then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who served under President Trump. Sec. Pompeo directed that no other flags would fly on the same pole as the U.S. flag.[No other flag should be flown anywhere on American territory.]

Thanks to the Biden Administration, We Actually Need a Law to Ensure Only American Flag is Flown at Embassies
Rebecca Downs
Posted: May 30, 2021 7:45 PM

The United Nations flag is nothing more than a pretentious universal flag. The Red Cross flies a flag that is recognized around the world although there is no question that the Red Cross is a charitable organization; whereas, the U.N. is a commercial enterprise funded by tax dollars. The U.N.’s product line for the time being is also a charity which is an extremely lucrative business the way International parasites run it.

The U.N. flies its company flag along with all of those national flags outside of U.N. headquarters. To my way of thinking every Fortune Five Hundred company should also be entitled to fly its company flag on the U.N. campus.

The center of the U.N. flag depicts a stylized map of the world. That illustration of the world symbolizes no less than the U.N.’s area of concern. The picture of the world map is bordered three-quarters of the way around its circumference by olive branches very much resembling a crown of laurel similar to the one Roman emperors wore. The olive branches are supposed to represent peace, but I cannot help associating them with Julius Caesar. If, as I suspect, the symbol of the U.N. embodies a hidden message ——the world ruled by a U.N. dictator —— it will not be long before a U.N. secretary-general thrice refuses the crown being offered by toga clad U.S. Senators.

In the past 21 years I posted countless messages covering every aspect of flags. Blowing the U.N. flag to kingdom come gave me the most pleasure.

U.N.-lovers were outraged knowing that most Americans do not care whenever the United Nations is attacked. The same indifference from the American people happened in Iraq in 2003 when 20 U.N. employees including top U.N. envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello were killed after a truck bomb exploded outside U.N. headquarters in Baghdad.

At the time media mouths screamed U.N. HQ Attacked in Baghdad, and variations on that theme.

U.N.-loving media liberals jumped on the bombing like bedbugs jump on a boarding house mattress. The press instinctively knew how to writeup the incident without any guidelines from the U.N.’s public relations office. At the time, I wondered how the press knew the truck bomb was aimed at U.N. personnel since a lot of journalists were known to hang around the hotel?

The sickest reporting were clips of the U.N. flag flying (“fluttering” according to one report) over the smoking ruins? Talking heads made the Canal Hotel sound like Fort McHenry. Give me a break on that one. The media did a lot of sorry things in recent decades, but that one was as sick as it gets. They truly expected the rest of us to place a hand over our hearts and sing the Star Spangled Banner to the U.N.’s house flag?

The United Nations is so protected by media mouths it is impossible to nail those filthy bums for anything, but it is possible to make every U.N.-loving elected official accountable. Democrats unanimously support every piece of garbage the United Nations dumps on this country, everything from United Nations law, to open-borders, to environmental horse manure.

Happily, voters still have a chance to find out how Republican wannabes running for Congress stand on the United Nations when Congress votes on the Stars and Stripes Act of 2021. That act has indirect consequences for the United Nations flag.

To Geeko Sportivo: Participation is your thing not mine.

To Geeko Sportivo: Did you run out of moral horseshit?

To AProudLefty: You got that right. I have a deep and abiding hatred for Communists of every skin color.

Incidentally, which national flag do you respect? This one:

or this one:

Your fat, orange, dear leader obviously loves one of them.

Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2019
BLM is an acronym for Black Lying Mother-fuckers:


CV NEWS FEED // The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See sent a message Tuesday by flying the LGBT “Pride” rainbow flag at the Vatican.

CV News Feed on June 1, 2021
U.S. Embassy Waves Pride Flag at Vatican

QUESTION: When will Biden fly these flags over every U.S. Embassy and be done with it?

ANSWER: Biden’s dilemma is trying to decide if all of his flags should fly higher than this flag:

BLM is an acronym for Black Lying Mother-fuckers:

Black Lives Matter is disintegrating into squabbling over money, even though it won’t frankly admit the base motivation behind the fights that have erupted and escalated yesterday.


Amazingly, there is no mention of money in this statement at all. It’s as if Marxists are embarrassed and ashamed to be squabbling over money, and instead use vacuous and vague demands when money is clearly what is at stake.​

June 12, 2021
BLM infighting escalates over demands for ‘accountability’ and ‘transparency’
By Thomas Lifson

Critical Race Theory and KKK are BLM acronyms for:

In a just world lying black mother-fuckers will kill each other.
Perhaps the most prominent of such thinkers—and the most anxious—is Barack Obama. As candidate and later as president, Obama had to pretend to care about the flag.

Why Flag Day 'Disturbs' Obama and the Dems
Mon Jun 14, 2021
Jack Cashill

Biden’s dilemma is trying to decide if all of his flags should fly higher than this flag:

Scummy Joe better check with the lying sack of shit before he makes a decision:

BLM is an acronym for Black Lying Mother-fuckers:


US Honors BLM, Flies Their Flag at Embassies Around World
By Nick Arama
May 26, 2021 9:00 AM ET

So which deeds stir the souls of black mother-fuckers?

A moth-eaten rag on a worm-eaten pole,
It does not look likely to stir a man's Soul,
'Tis the deeds that were done 'neath the moth-eaten rag,
When the pole was a staff, and the rag was a flag.
Sir Edward Bruce Hamley

fuck you, you sick racist bitch.