Biden freezes up again. Obama leads him off stage.

QPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, derp, derp, derp. Seek help for your TDS. It it really makes you look stupid.
Biden clearly walking over to a skydiver is dementia but pointing out Trump CONSTANTLY waving at NO ONE, is TDS...

Congrats LyingFish as always your TDS demands we ...


The conservative media is chopping up footage to show Biden as being this crazed old man, ok fine. BUT NOBODY IS CHOPPING UP THE TRUMP FOOTAGE TO SHOW HE'S A LUNATIC, BC all that nonsense he's spews is real...but here's the deal, those of us with brains, would rather vote for a slow backwards stupid old man, ie Biden, than a crazed animal hell fire bent on destroying this nation and raging hell across the globe...understand?
Biden's freezing up episodes are getting more frequent. After freezing up at the White House June 18th celebration . This time Obama had to assume Dr. Jill's job of leading him off stage. Last week the Prime Minister of Italy Giorgia Meloni had to lead him around. These mind wandering moments are getting more frequent. This at least three separate episodes in a couple of weeks THAT WE KNOW OF. His rapid decent into dementia can no longer be denied. Anyone that votes for Dementia Joe is committing elder abuse.

Did you fall for it AGAIN????

Only if they both take and pass drug screens after the debate . I suspect we will get jacked up Joe like we got at the SOTU address. Mandatory drug screens or required for lots of jobs. POTUS is important enough to take one too.
  1. How much time before the debate do they take the tests?
  2. What drugs will they be tested for?
  3. How long does it take to get the results from drug tests?
  4. Who administers the tests?
  5. Who confirms the results of the tests?