Biden is Shrinking Trump's Lead in Polls

Down to one point in highly rated Siena poll.

"President Biden has nearly erased Donald J. Trump’s early polling advantage, amid signs that the Democratic base has begun to coalesce behind the president despite lingering doubts about the direction of the country, the economy and his age, according to a new survey by The New York Times and Siena College.

Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump are now virtually tied, with Mr. Trump holding a 46 percent to 45 percent edge. That is an improvement for Mr. Biden from late February, when Mr. Trump had a sturdier 48 percent to 43 percent lead just before he became the presumptive Republican nominee.

Mr. Biden’s tick upward appears to stem largely from his improved standing among traditional Democratic voters — he is winning a greater share of voters who supported him in 2020 than he did a month ago. Then, Mr. Trump had secured the support of far more of his past voters compared with the president — 97 percent to 83 percent — but that margin has narrowed. Mr. Biden is now winning 89 percent of his 2020 supporters compared with 94 percent for Mr. Trump."

I hope we don't have a 2000 and 2016 elections with third party candidates like Nader, Stein, Johnson and now crackpot RFK Jr.?!! This election is too serious with democracy, rights, and the supreme court on the line?!! If Trump wins Alito and Thomas will retire and we will get younger versions of them as replacements on the supreme court?!! This is no time for a protest vote or not voting at all?!!
Think about this: In 2020, Biden got 46.48% of the vote in Texas, and trump got 46.8% of the national popular vote. So Biden did almost as well in Texas as trump did nationally. When Texas starts looking like a battleground state .

so you're saying Biden may win Texas in 2564?......
so you're saying Biden may win Texas in 2564?......

PMS' math is completely off.

Biden got 46.48% of the vote in Texas, and Democrats are getting 2% more every Presidential election, so that would mean Democrats get the majority in 2028. Biden might still win Texas in 2024, because there are third parties candidates making a plurality win possible.

Obviously, just because Democrats are averaging 2% gains per Presidential election, they might not get exactly 2% gains in each period. And trends are always free to change at any time in the future.
I'll bet joe gets a bump in the polls today after his my
Uncle got eaten by cannibals story and other mumbled lies and SFEO...
Down to one point in highly rated Siena poll.

"President Biden has nearly erased Donald J. Trump’s early polling advantage, amid signs that the Democratic base has begun to coalesce behind the president despite lingering doubts about the direction of the country, the economy and his age, according to a new survey by The New York Times and Siena College.

Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump are now virtually tied, with Mr. Trump holding a 46 percent to 45 percent edge. That is an improvement for Mr. Biden from late February, when Mr. Trump had a sturdier 48 percent to 43 percent lead just before he became the presumptive Republican nominee.

Mr. Biden’s tick upward appears to stem largely from his improved standing among traditional Democratic voters — he is winning a greater share of voters who supported him in 2020 than he did a month ago. Then, Mr. Trump had secured the support of far more of his past voters compared with the president — 97 percent to 83 percent — but that margin has narrowed. Mr. Biden is now winning 89 percent of his 2020 supporters compared with 94 percent for Mr. Trump."
I'm sure my posts from late last year when MAGAs here were crowing about the polls are available.

trump has been campaigning since his inauguration. The only thing he enjoys is campaigning. He doesn't even do the job if he wins.

As such, his noise has flooded the air waves while Biden was busy fixing trump's mess.

I clearly stated that by spring, trump's own words would be plastered all over the t.v./radio by the Lincoln Project and other sources.

Now that Biden is actually campaigning, the polls are going to look very different. They couldn't force Biden out of the race with complaints about his age, so now comparing trump's failing cognitive ability to Biden's clear and concise message is a walk in the park.
With as much as they have been dishonest/wrong if you still believe what the polling experts claim then you are a moron.

It is the Magats who have been posting and celebrating polls for the last 6 months, while i, and others have been educating them on how useless polls that far out from an election, before even the Primaries are done and both candidates are locked in.
Down to one point in highly rated Siena poll.

"President Biden has nearly erased Donald J. Trump’s early polling advantage, amid signs that the Democratic base has begun to coalesce behind the president despite lingering doubts about the direction of the country, the economy and his age, according to a new survey by The New York Times and Siena College.

Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump are now virtually tied, with Mr. Trump holding a 46 percent to 45 percent edge. That is an improvement for Mr. Biden from late February, when Mr. Trump had a sturdier 48 percent to 43 percent lead just before he became the presumptive Republican nominee.

Mr. Biden’s tick upward appears to stem largely from his improved standing among traditional Democratic voters — he is winning a greater share of voters who supported him in 2020 than he did a month ago. Then, Mr. Trump had secured the support of far more of his past voters compared with the president — 97 percent to 83 percent — but that margin has narrowed. Mr. Biden is now winning 89 percent of his 2020 supporters compared with 94 percent for Mr. Trump."

Always was expected, the election will be close and by Election Day the final polls will show such

The beauty of polls is if you wait a day there will be another, then another, and another, etc., wait long enough and anyone can find one to support nearly anything they want
Down to one point in highly rated Siena poll.

"President Biden has nearly erased Donald J. Trump’s early polling advantage, amid signs that the Democratic base has begun to coalesce behind the president despite lingering doubts about the direction of the country, the economy and his age, according to a new survey by The New York Times and Siena College.

Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump are now virtually tied, with Mr. Trump holding a 46 percent to 45 percent edge. That is an improvement for Mr. Biden from late February, when Mr. Trump had a sturdier 48 percent to 43 percent lead just before he became the presumptive Republican nominee.

Mr. Biden’s tick upward appears to stem largely from his improved standing among traditional Democratic voters — he is winning a greater share of voters who supported him in 2020 than he did a month ago. Then, Mr. Trump had secured the support of far more of his past voters compared with the president — 97 percent to 83 percent — but that margin has narrowed. Mr. Biden is now winning 89 percent of his 2020 supporters compared with 94 percent for Mr. Trump."

The People are not going to elect Donald Trump!

The People are better than that!

The People are smarter than that!

The People will always remember Trump's 2016-2020 Administration as a FAILED PRESIDENCY AND DISGRACE- AN ABOMINATION OF THE OFFICE ITSELF!! :palm:

The People are not going to elect Donald Trump!

The People are better than that!

The People are smarter than that!!

50% of the American people simply will not vote for trump, no matter what. There is no way for trump to get a majority of the popular vote. Even he has to know that now.

He might be able to slip by due to the Electoral College, third party candidates, or voter suppression. All of these are looking less and less likely.

It is looking worse and worse for trump.
50% of the American people simply will not vote for trump, no matter what. There is no way for trump to get a majority of the popular vote. Even he has to know that now.

He might be able to slip by due to the Electoral College, third party candidates, or voter suppression. All of these are looking less and less likely.

It is looking worse and worse for trump.

When Trump got elected in 2016, he had every opportunity to prove he could be a good president and leader.

But from day one, he proved each and every day how unsuitable and unfit for office he was- right up until his last day in office- and his insanity and utter malevolent nonsense and nefarious self-centered madness, still carries on until this very day- 4 years later. He will never change!

He simply ran for president again this time to keep his crooked ass from going to jail- AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT- even those who are not willing to admit it.

All he really accomplished, was demonstrating what an absolutely horrible human being he was, and possessed every personality disorder known to mankind.

He had many choices, in the way he handled people or problems from day to day- AND NEVER ACTUALLY DID THE RIGHT THINGS!

He basically proved to the American voters that he corrupted, damaged, and destroyed everything he touched!

He was only a leader for the millions of other hateful people that share all his same personality disorders and social ineptness that he possesses!

It is all his own fault why The People feel his presidency was a failure, disgrace, and abomination!

He had every chance and he BLEW IT!

Most Americans view Trump now as TRUMPTY DUMPTY- who fell from grace, and there are not enough of his own dispicible ass-kissers and disgruntled assholes to ever get him elected again!

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Think about this: In 2020, Biden got 46.48% of the vote in Texas, and trump got 46.8% of the national popular vote. So Biden did almost as well in Texas as trump did nationally. When Texas starts looking like a battleground state, Republicans are in real trouble.

An extremely stupid step by trump could throw all sorts of states to Biden, and there is one thing about trump is that he is always extremely stupid.

The Real Clear Politics poll average in both 2016 and 2020 were very close to the election results.