Biden makes government agencies an arm of the DNC

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
Well, figuratively speaking...

What Joke has done this time is issue an executive order mandating that all agencies of the federal government assist in registering people to vote, particularly those facing "Challenges" and "people of color." If that wasn't bigoted and unnecessary in itself--why should the Bureau of Land Management be trying to register people to vote as one example?--the order goes further to tell those agencies to collaborate with nonprofits that are supposedly nonpartisan that focus on getting out the vote.

In effect, what this does is make the federal bureaucracy an arm of often partisan vote pushing groups, a good portion of which are all but openly pro-Democrat, pro-Progressive, and pro-Left.

This has been going on for a while now, and Congress has been asking questions about the whole thing. The Joke administration has stonewalled, slow walked, and litigated everything Congress has asked for in return. to OMB on Voting EO_Final.pdf

Demos, a very far Leftist think tank in Dirty City has a large role in crafting this order.

On the Anniversary of Bloody Sunday, a Look at President Biden’s Voting Access Executive Order

Biden is, or worse has, turned the federal government into the equivalent of an arm of some Third World leftist dictatorship where the government is used to keep those in power in power. This is just criminal. It is thoroughly corrupt, and it needs to end.

Conservatives Fight Secretive Biden Voting Order as 'Bidenbucks' -- Federal 'Zuckbucks' on Steroids
Well, figuratively speaking...

What Joke has done this time is issue an executive order mandating that all agencies of the federal government assist in registering people to vote, particularly those facing "Challenges" and "people of color." If that wasn't bigoted and unnecessary in itself--why should the Bureau of Land Management be trying to register people to vote as one example?--the order goes further to tell those agencies to collaborate with nonprofits that are supposedly nonpartisan that focus on getting out the vote.

In effect, what this does is make the federal bureaucracy an arm of often partisan vote pushing groups, a good portion of which are all but openly pro-Democrat, pro-Progressive, and pro-Left.

This has been going on for a while now, and Congress has been asking questions about the whole thing. The Joke administration has stonewalled, slow walked, and litigated everything Congress has asked for in return. to OMB on Voting EO_Final.pdf

Demos, a very far Leftist think tank in Dirty City has a large role in crafting this order.

On the Anniversary of Bloody Sunday, a Look at President Biden’s Voting Access Executive Order

Biden is, or worse has, turned the federal government into the equivalent of an arm of some Third World leftist dictatorship where the government is used to keep those in power in power. This is just criminal. It is thoroughly corrupt, and it needs to end.

Conservatives Fight Secretive Biden Voting Order as 'Bidenbucks' -- Federal 'Zuckbucks' on Steroids

Its really got to piss you off, honey bunch, that Democrats are working hard to register more voters, while at the same time, your kind, is working equally hard to keep people from voting.
Its really got to piss you off, honey bunch, that Democrats are working hard to register more voters, while at the same time, your kind, is working equally hard to keep people from voting.

It should piss any normal, thinking, person off that federal government employees, supposedly neutral and nonpartisan--remember that little thing called the Hatch Act?--are for all intents now partisan players in getting people to vote. They shouldn't be involved in this process at all. But, of course, you are all for the dictatorship so you are all for this sort of shit. The radical Left is evil, and you being part of it, are too.
Biden's weaponization of the executive branch is probably one of the worse things I've ever heard of in American history.

It's unprecedented.

He is using them to attack political opponents, push his agenda's and subvert the will of the people.

It is something out of Nazi Germany.
It should piss any normal, thinking, person off that federal government employees, supposedly neutral and nonpartisan--remember that little thing called the Hatch Act?--are for all intents now partisan players in getting people to vote. They shouldn't be involved in this process at all. But, of course, you are all for the dictatorship so you are all for this sort of shit. The radical Left is evil, and you being part of it, are too.

What exactly makes this partisan? Surely they will register anyone regardless of party.
What exactly makes this partisan? Surely they will register anyone regardless of party.

The Hatch act makes it illegal for federal employees to take part in any political activities while working. This executive order mandates they do exactly that. It doesn't matter what party the person registers as, the simply act of encouraging people to register--partisan or not--is illegal under the Hatch Act.
The Hatch act makes it illegal for federal employees to take part in any political activities while working. This executive order mandates they do exactly that. It doesn't matter what party the person registers as, the simply act of encouraging people to register--partisan or not--is illegal under the Hatch Act.

where does it say that this is being done during working hours?
It is comical how now everything that the right doesn’t like is now part of a grand conspiracy out to get them, taking clues from their Messiah, now everyone is persecuting them
where does it say that this is being done during working hours?

In the fucking executive order, you retard. I linked it. It orders federal employees, as part of their job, to do this. That violates the Hatch Act. Federal employees were always free to do this sort of thing when not working.
It is comical how now everything that the right doesn’t like is now part of a grand conspiracy out to get them, taking clues from their Messiah, now everyone is persecuting them

It's funny that you support what is clearly a violation of federal law.
Well, figuratively speaking...

What Joke has done this time is issue an executive order mandating that all agencies of the federal government assist in registering people to vote, particularly those facing "Challenges" and "people of color." If that wasn't bigoted and unnecessary in itself--why should the Bureau of Land Management be trying to register people to vote as one example?--the order goes further to tell those agencies to collaborate with nonprofits that are supposedly nonpartisan that focus on getting out the vote.

In effect, what this does is make the federal bureaucracy an arm of often partisan vote pushing groups, a good portion of which are all but openly pro-Democrat, pro-Progressive, and pro-Left.

This has been going on for a while now, and Congress has been asking questions about the whole thing. The Joke administration has stonewalled, slow walked, and litigated everything Congress has asked for in return. to OMB on Voting EO_Final.pdf

Demos, a very far Leftist think tank in Dirty City has a large role in crafting this order.

On the Anniversary of Bloody Sunday, a Look at President Biden’s Voting Access Executive Order

Biden is, or worse has, turned the federal government into the equivalent of an arm of some Third World leftist dictatorship where the government is used to keep those in power in power. This is just criminal. It is thoroughly corrupt, and it needs to end.

Conservatives Fight Secretive Biden Voting Order as 'Bidenbucks' -- Federal 'Zuckbucks' on Steroids

Why are you FUCKWADS so worried about the Minority vote?

Is is because you racist son-of-a-bitches have been such poor stewards of representing Minority interests?


So beating around the Bush will not work anymore. You can charade up and down the Boulevards, with all the distractions of Dog & Pony shows, but things always boil down to just some very simple truth!

The Republican party is now the party of WHITE SUPREMACY!

You asked for it, you got it!

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Why are you FUCKWADS so worried about the Minority vote?

Is is because you racist son-of-a-bitches has been such poor stewards of representing Minority interests?


So beating around the Bush will not work anymore.

The Republican party is now the party of WHITE SUPREMACY!

You asked for it, you got it!


Geeko, clueless as usual.

This isn't about the results, it's about the process. The process Joke has ordered federal employees to do is illegal. It is involving them in politics during working hours.
Geeko, clueless as usual.

This isn't about the results, it's about the process. The process Joke has ordered federal employees to do is illegal. It is involving them in politics during working hours.

There is no other President in the history of the United States that used his office to corrupt every Governmental institution and use them as weapons against his political rivals- AND THAT IS DONALD TRUMP!

SO your Dog and Pony show here is just another REPUBLICAN CLOWN CIRCUS DISTRACTION ACT.



It's OK, that is where you people belong for supporting such an abomination!

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