Biden makes government agencies an arm of the DNC

Geeko, clueless as usual.

This isn't about the results, it's about the process. The process Joke has ordered federal employees to do is illegal. It is involving them in politics during working hours.

Please, give is an example. SO you are saying that Congressmen and Presidents are not involved in Politics during working hours?

It seems now that even the SUPREME COURT JUSTICES are involved in politics during working hours!

If they can do it, why not allow everyone in Government to do it!

You unscrupulous people want everything to be about politics? YOU GOT IT! We'll just take your lead on that!

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The Hatch act makes it illegal for federal employees to take part in any political activities while working. This executive order mandates they do exactly that. It doesn't matter what party the person registers as, the simply act of encouraging people to register--partisan or not--is illegal under the Hatch Act.

It appears you don't understand what the Hatch Act says.
Perhaps you should read it before you continue to make yourself look so foolish.

The law requires the act be to influence the outcome of an election. Getting people to register to vote when there are no candidates can not violate the Hatch Act.
Geeko, clueless as usual.

This isn't about the results, it's about the process. The process Joke has ordered federal employees to do is illegal. It is involving them in politics during working hours.

This seems to be about you making sure everyone knows you are LITERALLY an idiot when it comes to the Hatch Act.

Read the law and tell us where it prohibits urging people to register to vote.
Please, give is an example. SO you are saying that Congressmen and Presidents are not involved in Politics during working hours?

It seems now that even the SUPREME COURT JUSTICES are involved in politics during working hours!

If they can do it, why not allow everyone in Government to do it!

You unscrupulous people want everything to be about politics? YOU GOT IT! We'll just take your lead on that!


I already did. Federal government employees cannot be doing political activities during their work hours. The Hatch Act prohibits that. Biden's executive order tries to skirt that with a fig leaf of being non-partisan even as it specifically targets certain groups in the population and orders workers to collude with civilian political groups that are supposedly nonpartisan to get people to vote.

Its all something the federal government shouldn't be doing to begin with. Why should federal workers, on the clock paid by tax dollars, in an agency that has ZERO to do with anything related to voting be wasting their time trying to get people registered to vote? Why should say, the FBI, be trying to do that?

The Left makes everything about politics. Biden is a Leftist, and his administration is chock full of Leftists. This executive order was the brainchild of a radical Leftist think tank that proposed it to the administration. They, the Left, are the ones making everything political, even when what they're doing is questionable or even illegal. They don't care, because for the Left power and control are everything. Getting it, and then keeping it is their only omnipresent goal.
The theory is the more people that vote, the more likely the politicians are to represent the people.
In the 1980s Weyrich started the idea that suppressing the vote was better for the Repub party. It has been beaten to death by the Repugs since then.
A lower turnout helps the Reds, so you know stopping legitimate voters from exercising their right to vote has been carefully orchestrated since.
It appears you don't understand what the Hatch Act says.
Perhaps you should read it before you continue to make yourself look so foolish.

The law requires the act be to influence the outcome of an election. Getting people to register to vote when there are no candidates can not violate the Hatch Act.

You are wrong. That's only part of it.

Here's a less legalese version:

All civilian employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except the president and the vice president, are covered by the provisions of the Hatch Act.

These employees may not:

solicit or discourage political activity of anyone with business before their agency

engage in political activity while: on duty

in a government office

wearing an official uniform

using a government vehicle

What Biden ordered violates the Hatch Act because it tells government employees to encourage registering to vote and tell those they interact with to do so likewise along with the agency partnering with organizations that are involved in politics, partisan or not.
I already did. Federal government employees cannot be doing political activities during their work hours. The Hatch Act prohibits that. Biden's executive order tries to skirt that with a fig leaf of being non-partisan even as it specifically targets certain groups in the population and orders workers to collude with civilian political groups that are supposedly nonpartisan to get people to vote.

Its all something the federal government shouldn't be doing to begin with. Why should federal workers, on the clock paid by tax dollars, in an agency that has ZERO to do with anything related to voting be wasting their time trying to get people registered to vote? Why should say, the FBI, be trying to do that?

The Left makes everything about politics. Biden is a Leftist, and his administration is chock full of Leftists. This executive order was the brainchild of a radical Leftist think tank that proposed it to the administration. They, the Left, are the ones making everything political, even when what they're doing is questionable or even illegal. They don't care, because for the Left power and control are everything. Getting it, and then keeping it is their only omnipresent goal.

You need to get a Mirror and take a good look straight into it!!

I've never heard such hypocritical bullshit in the history of the forum here!

You are wrong. That's only part of it.

Here's a less legalese version:

All civilian employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except the president and the vice president, are covered by the provisions of the Hatch Act.

These employees may not:

solicit or discourage political activity of anyone with business before their agency

engage in political activity while: on duty

in a government office

wearing an official uniform

using a government vehicle

What Biden ordered violates the Hatch Act because it tells government employees to encourage registering to vote and tell those they interact with to do so likewise along with the agency partnering with organizations that are involved in politics, partisan or not.

What you don't seem to understand is what "political activity" means under the law. Political activity means interfering with or affecting the outcome of an election or solicit, accept or receive a political contribution.

Registering to vote is not a political activity under the Hatch Act.
What you don't seem to understand is what "political activity" means under the law. Political activity means interfering with or affecting the outcome of an election or solicit, accept or receive a political contribution.

Registering to vote is not a political activity under the Hatch Act.

No, it means political activity. That means the person at the Social Security office sitting at the window can't solicit you to vote, register to vote, ask you to visit a political website, or anything else of that nature. No "interference" needed. The simple act of actively participating in a political activity--even a neutral one--while working as a federal employee is prohibited.

Biden's executive order does exactly that. It orders--orders--federal employees to solicit those they come in contact with to register to vote, seek certain websites to further that, etc. That is all prohibited and should be. Federal employees shouldn't be giving the appearance of being partisan or political in their jobs.
No, it means political activity. That means the person at the Social Security office sitting at the window can't solicit you to vote, register to vote, ask you to visit a political website, or anything else of that nature. No "interference" needed. The simple act of actively participating in a political activity--even a neutral one--while working as a federal employee is prohibited.

Biden's executive order does exactly that. It orders--orders--federal employees to solicit those they come in contact with to register to vote, seek certain websites to further that, etc. That is all prohibited and should be. Federal employees shouldn't be giving the appearance of being partisan or political in their jobs.

OMFG. I guess we should ignore all the words in the laws and just rely on you to make up the meanings. Then we wouldn't even need lawyers or courts.

This is the only part of the law that is relevant to an employee's political activity with the general public.

an employee may not—
(1) use his official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election;
(2) knowingly solicit, accept, or receive a political contribution from any person,
OMFG. I guess we should ignore all the words in the laws and just rely on you to make up the meanings. Then we wouldn't even need lawyers or courts.

This is the only part of the law that is relevant to an employee's political activity with the general public.

an employee may not—
(1) use his official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election;
(2) knowingly solicit, accept, or receive a political contribution from any person,

So, a federal employee, let's say a BLM official signing off on someone's paperwork, asks the person they're doing that for to register to vote and go to such-and-such website(s) for more information. Those supposedly non-partisan sites the employee mentioned solicit contributions.

That's a clear violation, and what Joke was clearly ordering in that executive order federal employees to do.
So, a federal employee, let's say a BLM official signing off on someone's paperwork, asks the person they're doing that for to register to vote and go to such-and-such website(s) for more information. Those supposedly non-partisan sites the employee mentioned solicit contributions.

That's a clear violation, and what Joke was clearly ordering in that executive order federal employees to do.

LOL. Moving the goal posts to the middle of the field. Care to move them to the other end of the field next?

What website in the EO is mentioned that asks for partisan donations?

The EO says this
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

Clearly you are literally lying about what is in the EO.
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LOL. Moving the goal posts to the middle of the field. Care to move them to the other end of the field next?

What website in the EO is mentioned that asks for partisan donations?

The EO says this
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

Clearly you are literally lying about what is in the EO.

So, you are saying he issued an executive order that cannot be enforced or carried out. Why would he do that?
There is no other President in the history of the United States that used his office to corrupt every Governmental institution and use them as weapons against his political rivals- AND THAT IS DONALD TRUMP!

SO your Dog and Pony show here is just another REPUBLICAN CLOWN CIRCUS DISTRACTION ACT.



It's OK, that is where you people belong for supporting such an abomination!


Trump thought his attorney general was his own private attorney
ROFLMAO. Are you a complete moron?
A website that asks for donations for one political party would be illegal
A website that simply registers people to vote is not illegal.

Let me ask you this. You only need answer it to yourself. Do be honest with yourself.

If Trump, as president, had done the exact same thing, would you have been okay with it?