Biden offering mass amnesty to illegals

I meant they'd be there until convicted and deported behind the razor wire. Now, if they wanted to cut the wait, possibly for years, to get their day in court, they could sign a form pleading guilty and be immediately deported. Their choice.
be where? still in the country?

still = letting them stay.
A Venezuelan that Biden let into the country illegally and was housing at tax payer expense just shot two NYPD officers. This is insanity folks. If these guys will shoot two armed police officers you have no chance. He would shoot you if he wanted to. The fact that murder is illegal would not stop him.
Oh, the old someone somewhere trick again. Did Biden meet him at the wall and hold a gate open? Did he have any knowledge of this criminal? Can you understand what a dishonest post that was?
held in the nation until convicted. Im calling that "letting them stay".
Unfortunately, they have a right to their day in court. Until then, they are flight risks and should be, to the maximum extent possible, paying their own way while incarcerated awaiting trial. If they don't like that, they can always sign a guilty plea and be immediately deported.

My preferred method would be the court requires verifiable proof of citizenship from their country of origin. We won't take their word for it. Upon being convicted of being in the US illegally, they are then randomly deported to a nation of our choice halfway around the planet where they are summarily dumped off to fend for themselves.

"Bailiff! Spin the Wheel of Deportation!"

'Budda, budda, budda.... The wheel stops.

The judge looks at the wheel, "Uzbekistan! You're from Uzbekistan! Officers, deport him to his country of origin..."

"But senior judge, I am from Honduras!"

"Not according to our expert opinion since you have no records to prove otherwise..."


Bet it wouldn't take long for every illegal in the US to start fleeing the country and nobody wanting to come if we did that...