Biden raises $30m at LA fundraiser featuring Obama, Clooney and Roberts


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Some of Hollywood’s brightest stars headlined a glitzy fundraiser for President Joe Biden, helping raise what his re-election campaign said was a record $30m-plus and hoping to energize would-be supporters for a November election that they argued was among the most important in the nation’s history.

Obama, George Clooney and Julia Roberts were the headliners. Thousands of Biden supporters paid between $250, for a seat far from the stage, and $500,000 — for a ticket package that includes prime seats, photos with both presidents and a VIP after-party — to attend what is likely to be one of the president’s last major L.A. fundraisers before the November election.


Biden Campaign Ad Paints Trump as a Felon​

President Biden’s campaign on Monday began its most aggressive effort to brand former President Donald J. Trump a felon, with the introduction of a new television advertisement that focuses on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s criminal conviction.

“We see Donald Trump for who he is,” the ad’s narrator states. “He’s been convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault and he committed financial fraud.”

Biden Campaign Ad Paints Trump as a Felon​

President Biden’s campaign on Monday began its most aggressive effort to brand former President Donald J. Trump a felon, with the introduction of a new television advertisement that focuses on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s criminal conviction.

“We see Donald Trump for who he is,” the ad’s narrator states. “He’s been convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault and he committed financial fraud.”
Ads like that are because he can't campaign on any of his successes or policies... And to try to draw Attention away from all of his devastating senior moments...
Some of Hollywood’s brightest stars headlined a glitzy fundraiser for President Joe Biden, helping raise what his re-election campaign said was a record $30m-plus and hoping to energize would-be supporters for a November election that they argued was among the most important in the nation’s history.

Be couldnt even get off the stage by himself. You people are idiots.
That's a lot of money to watch Obama lead Joe off stage by the hand....
What is so interesting is the fact obama led him offstage by the hand. There were plenty of other ways to move joey around but without question, the way he chose was by far the most demeaning.