Biden says 200 million people have died from COVID-19 as campaign gaffes continue

With respect we also have stark contrasts in outcomes. Biden and his cronies from the Obama years gave a planeload of cash, literally, to Iran to finance terror and death.

Trump and his administration helped to form a coalition of 50 Arab states to oppose Islamic Terror and now are spreading peace across the area.

In the Mean time, John Kerry promotes the failed notion that any middle east peace has to include the Palestinians. Democrat-Socialists NEVER want the solution- only the issue.

The difference between Trump and Biden is really only this: Trump gets things done while Biden dithers around on the wrong side of every important issue every time.

He's the George Costanza of politics. ;)

If you're referring to the pile of money he's made for himself by stiffing the taxpayers or wrecking our international relationships or dividing the county into angry camps, or teaching children how to behave like a pig, I can't disagree.
He probably meant to bomb Norway but said to bomb Sweden.

Take your pick.

The pandemic and economic loss to America and countries around the world were caused by the virus from China that China failed to contain. The Democrats in control of Democrat cities are allowing the riots to continue.

The economy is recovering nicely and will be booming, once again.

No matter who wins in November, the Democrat-Socialist lock downs will end on November 4.

Even in Indiana where the left leaning Republican Governor is difficult to identify as a Republican, the Unemployment Rate is down to 7.8%.

In the lock down states of California and New York, it's just a tad higher. 9.9% in New York and 11.4% in California.

The governors in these states are discarding the science, torturing their citizens and hurting the country to advance bare political agendas.

THIS is the policy and desires of the Democrat-Socialists. What they can't burn, vandalize or loot, they just shut down. Consistent and hurtful.
If you're referring to the pile of money he's made for himself by stiffing the taxpayers or wrecking our international relationships or dividing the county into angry camps, or teaching children how to behave like a pig, I can't disagree.

Four more years, Marty.

Post proof that he has made piles of money. Forbes shows that he has lost close to a billion in net worth. He donates his 400K salary back to the government.

""Wrecking international relationships," like the UAE and Bahrain with Israel...more to come.

The mobs in the streets in cities that Democrats control are certainly dividing the country into angry camps, Marty.

The pigs are in the streets now, ANTIFA and BLM, rioting, burning, looting, assaulting and murdering in your Democrat cities, Marty.

Even at the home of a US Senator at 4 AM.
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Trump gets thing done? Wall? Free Healthcare? Infrastructure? Tax cut for middle class? Testing for All American, free care for COVID?

What exactly has a Trump gotten done?

There has not been a single story of a patient turned away from a hospital seeking Covid care. Do you have evidence that there have been turnaway's?

Testing for Americans is ongoing.

My tax cut comparing the year before to the year of the tax cut implementation was 20%. If you didn't get a tax cut, the person preparing your taxes is a moron.

I can't go anywhere in Indianapolis without seeing orange barrels and closed lanes due to construction.

Free healthcare? Did the President promise free healthcare? That seems to run counter to what he believes.

The wall will have added about 500 or 600 miles before the completion of the President's first term. After Ivanka's second term is completed, it should be just about done. ;)

Ignorance by the ignorant of what is happening in the real world is NOT and indictment of Trump. It's an indictment of the ignorance of the ignorant.
There has not been a single story of a patient turned away from a hospital seeking Covid care. Do you have evidence that there have been turnaway's?

Testing for Americans is ongoing.

My tax cut comparing the year before to the year of the tax cut implementation was 20%. If you didn't get a tax cut, the person preparing your taxes is a moron.

I can't go anywhere in Indianapolis without seeing orange barrels and closed lanes due to construction.

Free healthcare? Did the President promise free healthcare? That seems to run counter to what he believes.

The wall will have added about 5 or 600 miles before the completion of the President's first term. After Ivanka's second term is completed, it should be just about done.

Ignorance of what is happening in the real world is NOT and indictment of Trump. It's an indictment of the ignorant who fail to notice it.

It’s funny, Trumpublicans aren’t aware of what Trump has said and make excuses for his lack of being to complete the Art of the Deal. You all believed the lies of the Apprentice.
There has not been a single story of a patient turned away from a hospital seeking Covid care. Do you have evidence that there have been turnaway's?

Testing for Americans is ongoing.

My tax cut comparing the year before to the year of the tax cut implementation was 20%. If you didn't get a tax cut, the person preparing your taxes is a moron.

I can't go anywhere in Indianapolis without seeing orange barrels and closed lanes due to construction.

Free healthcare? Did the President promise free healthcare? That seems to run counter to what he believes.

The wall will have added about 500 or 600 miles before the completion of the President's first term. After Ivanka's second term is completed, it should be just about done. ;)

Ignorance by the ignorant of what is happening in the real world is NOT and indictment of Trump. It's an indictment of the ignorance of the ignorant.
Lol, those orange barrels aren’t due to anything Trump has done. He has no infrastructure bill. Trump is a joke.
It’s funny, Trumpublicans aren’t aware of what Trump has said and make excuses for his lack of being to complete the Art of the Deal. You all believed the lies of the Apprentice.

You said that you don't read my posts, super moderator, yet here you are, posting on my thread.

Did you lie?

Claro que si, you did.
If you're referring to the pile of money he's made for himself by stiffing the taxpayers or wrecking our international relationships or dividing the county into angry camps, or teaching children how to behave like a pig, I can't disagree.

It's interesting to me that the President says "All Americans". The media say that he said something racist in that comment.

The bleating sheep scream, "See? He's a racist!". IT'S THE MEDIA DOING THE DIVIDING.

I'm amused by the idiotic Liberals who claim to possess elite intelligence while displaying infantile emotions and retarded comprehension abilities.

To observe folks so completely unaware of how they are seen is both astonishing and amusing. Whether they are fire bombing churches, looting stores, terrorizing diners or killing cops, they show their intention and motivation.

Folks like me take our cue from rational folks. I'll just sit on my porch with my rifle warning idiots to "Get off my lawn!"

Me and about 70 million other folks have November 3 circled on our calendar.
It's interesting to me that the President says "All Americans". The media say that he said something racist in that comment.

The bleating sheep scream, "See? He's a racist!". IT'S THE MEDIA DOING THE DIVIDING.

I'm amused by the idiotic Liberals who claim to possess elite intelligence while displaying infantile emotions and retarded comprehension abilities.

To observe folks so completely unaware of how they are seen is both astonishing and amusing. Whether they are fire bombing churches, looting stores, terrorizing diners or killing cops, they show their intention and motivation.

Folks like me take our cue from rational folks. I'll just sit on my porch with my rifle warning idiots to "Get off my lawn!"

Me and about 70 million other folks have November 3 circled on our calendar.
It amuses me that you fail to see the irony in this post.
This is the man that the radical Democrats want America to vote carry the nuclear codes?

I think it's hilarious that you guys think this is any kind of issue or big deal.

Biden has had a lifelong stuttering problem. No one cares about his gaffes.
It’s funny, Trumpublicans aren’t aware of what Trump has said and make excuses for his lack of being to complete the Art of the Deal. You all believed the lies of the Apprentice.

You're funny. Facts just bounce off of you while propaganda seems to stick.

You're like a Super Hero of misinformation!
Folks like me take our cue from rational folks. I'll just sit on my porch with my rifle warning idiots to "Get off my lawn!"

Me and about 70 million other folks have November 3 circled on our calendar.

I have it circled myself, to vote. Whatever the outcome is the outcome. Not one of your imaginary 70 million with a rifle in case it's an outcome I don't like.