Biden sums up Florida visit: 'Nobody intelligent can deny' effects of climate change

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
“Nobody can deny the impact of climate crises — at least nobody intelligent can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore. Just look around, around the nation and the world for that matter,” Biden said. “Historic floods, intense droughts, extreme heat, deadly wildfires that have caused serious damage that we’ve never seen before.”

This comes the day after the White House added $4 billion to its request for emergency spending in the wake of Idalia and the Hawaii wildfires. The Friday proposal was on top of a previously announced $12 billion request, bringing the total to $16 billion.
“Nobody can deny the impact of climate crises — at least nobody intelligent can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore. Just look around, around the nation and the world for that matter,” Biden said. “Historic floods, intense droughts, extreme heat, deadly wildfires that have caused serious damage that we’ve never seen before.”

This comes the day after the White House added $4 billion to its request for emergency spending in the wake of Idalia and the Hawaii wildfires. The Friday proposal was on top of a previously announced $12 billion request, bringing the total to $16 billion.

So, a clueless, scientific illiterate, who failed high school science class, and on top of all that is a moron and senile, says something about Gorebal Warming. Why the fuck would anyone listen to him other that to tell him he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about?
“Nobody can deny the impact of climate crises — at least nobody intelligent can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore. Just look around, around the nation and the world for that matter,” Biden said. “Historic floods, intense droughts, extreme heat, deadly wildfires that have caused serious damage that we’ve never seen before.”

This comes the day after the White House added $4 billion to its request for emergency spending in the wake of Idalia and the Hawaii wildfires. The Friday proposal was on top of a previously announced $12 billion request, bringing the total to $16 billion.

Amazing how anybody believes this liar. He has no clue what he ia talking about. He is to busy helping China
...annnnnd some more cut and pasting scripture from the Church of Global Warming...
“Nobody can deny the impact of climate crises
This is the latest buzzword, 'climate crisis'. Since the old refrain is getting long in the tooth, the new buzzword is designed to make it sound like a major crisis is happening. Climate cannot change. It cannot have a 'crisis'.
— at least nobody intelligent can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore.
Typical chants from fundamentalist religions like this repeat the chant over and over until becomes 'the Truth'. Anyone not going along with the scripture is labeled unintelligent (i.e. Stupid), or an agent of evil (i.e. Satan).
Just look around, around the nation and the world for that matter,” Biden said.
Unlike Biden, I can tie my own shoes, drive my own vehicles, run my own company, talk clearly, and walk long distances. I travel the nation. What I see is not a meaningless buzzword, what I see is incredible anger against Democrats. I have never seen the nation so polarized. There is a reason this is so, and the Democrats are clearly trying to ignore it. Indeed, they try to literally ignore the people living in what they call 'flyover country'.
“Historic floods,
I guess Biden forgot about Johnstown, Las Vegas, and much of the Mississippi and Missouri valleys and their floods they got and continue to get.
intense droughts,
I guess Biden never heard of western deserts. They are deserts for a reason.
extreme heat,
I guess Biden never heard of summer.
deadly wildfires
Mostly arson. Seems they intentionally set fires to prove 'climate crisis'.
that have caused serious damage that we’ve never seen before.”
Arson does that.
This comes the day after the White House added $4 billion to its request for emergency spending in the wake of Idalia and the Hawaii wildfires.
Biden didn't spend anything on the wildfire that raced through Lahaina, Maui, HI. I used to live there. The fire was caused by power lines blown down in high winds due to a nearby hurricane. This is the dry side of the island, and fire raced through the town driven by those same high winds. There was little warning, and the water supply system also burned. The horns didn't go off because there was no power. Many residents had to jump into the bay to get away from the flames. Some drowned and wound up on nearby Lanai or Molokai beaches. Many others were burned beyond any ability to trace them. They will never be found. Many lost everything; their homes, their cars, their livelihood; EVERYTHING.

Other than the hurricane to the north (which is normal this time of year), Maui weather has been normal.

Biden's response? Give the survivors a whopping $700 to cover their losses, and a visit with a photo-op to 'show his concern'. Lahaina residents told Biden to shove off and take his $700 with him.
Now Lahaina is dealing with looters and human vultures coming to buy the land for hotels.

Lahaina lost a lot of historic artifacts, including the whaling village, the Palace of King Kamehameha, the LKPRR Lahaina station, many homes and businesses along Front St, the historic sugar mill, etc. The banyan tree might survive, but it's questionable. It's going to take a long time to rebuild.

NONE of it is 'climate crisis'.

Idalia roared ashore and Floridians took it like always...doing things like kayaking down the street the news crews were trying to film the 'utter disaster on', and generally enjoying the farce of it all and the storm.
Certainly not the first hurricane to hit Florida and certainly not the last. Not at all unusual. Floridians have this attitude toward hurricanes for a reason.

NONE of it 'climate crisis'.

The Friday proposal was on top of a previously announced $12 billion request, bringing the total to $16 billion.
Great. More money The Oligarchy wants to print.
...annnnd of course the usual Holy Link to cut and paste the propaganda from.
So, a clueless, scientific illiterate, who failed high school science class, and on top of all that is a moron and senile, says something about Gorebal Warming. Why the fuck would anyone listen to him other that to tell him he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about?

Biden didn't know what he's talking about BEFORE he made this stupid proclamation.
Amazing how anybody believes this liar. He has no clue what he ia talking about. He is to busy helping China

The ones that believe it, of course, are the believers in the Church of Global Warming. This doesn't come from Biden, though he is a believer too, it comes from a fundamentalist belief that the Earth is somehow warming simply by the presence of a Holy Gas.

Never mind the way they ignore mathematics, thermodynamics, or Planck's laws (or indeed anything else in physics). It is the religious narrative that matters, nothing else.
Nobody who's actually intelligent IS denying climate change.

The discussion among intelligent people is whether we should still worry about it
or whether we should admit that it's too late to bother worrying about it.

I personally think that we're already fucked
but marshalling optimism hasn't been my particular forte in recent years.
Nobody who's actually intelligent IS denying climate change


Not one person here has ever been able to name any region of the planet that has had its Köppen climate classification changed.
Yet I still hear about this so called climate change.
Not one person here has ever been able to name any region of the planet that has had its Köppen climate classification changed.
Yet I still hear about this so called climate change.

Not a problem.
Just don't think about it. It'[s probably too late anyway.

Not sure why one would carry water for oil, gas, and coal industry oligarchs
when they don't give a fat flying fuck if we live or die.
“Nobody can deny the impact of climate crises — at least nobody intelligent can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore. Just look around, around the nation and the world for that matter,” Biden said. “Historic floods, intense droughts, extreme heat, deadly wildfires that have caused serious damage that we’ve never seen before.”

This comes the day after the White House added $4 billion to its request for emergency spending in the wake of Idalia and the Hawaii wildfires. The Friday proposal was on top of a previously announced $12 billion request, bringing the total to $16 billion.
Nobody intelligent can name one region of the planet that has had its Köppen climate classification changed.
I read an article about residents of some of the barrier islands around Florida. Overwhelmingly, they admitted that sea levels were rising and inundating places like never before. Yet, the dumbfucks can’t bring themselves to admit why.
Nobody who's actually intelligent IS denying climate change.

The discussion among intelligent people is whether we should still worry about it
or whether we should admit that it's too late to bother worrying about it.

I personally think that we're already fucked
but marshalling optimism hasn't been my particular forte in recent years.

Wrong. The discussion, more an argument now, is whether human activity is having an impact on it, by what mechanism(s), and how much. The Gorebal Warming crowd say human activity does have an impact, that it's all CO2 related, and that the impact is too much.

The problem with that isn't the idea that human activity has an impact, but rather that it is single-sourced to CO2 an obvious erroneous conclusion, and that the impact is significant enough to make a difference (it isn't).

Those who are claiming anyone who doesn't agree with the CO2 and massive impact theory are labeled "climate deniers" and other smears to discredit them. There is no counter argument presented to opposing claims. Instead, the Gorebal Warming crowd dismisses these out of hand.

My view on this is that the planet is warming up. Human activity has a minor impact on the speed at which this is happening. That difference in speed is irrelevant and the planet will reach some equilibrium temperature it would have anyway and then likely go into a cooling cycle as it has for the last like billion years.

That makes the whole Gorebal Warming argument irrelevant and the massive push for greentard stuff one of hysteria and stupidity.
Nobody who's actually intelligent IS denying climate change.

The discussion among intelligent people is whether we should still worry about it
or whether we should admit that it's too late to bother worrying about it.

I personally think that we're already fucked
but marshalling optimism hasn't been my particular forte in recent years.

Climate cannot change, ya dumb mutt. There are no values associated with climate to change.
The only one that suffers is people like you, that think the planet is being destroyed by 'climate'.

You've just admitted that you are depressed.
Not one person here has ever been able to name any region of the planet that has had its Köppen climate classification changed.
Yet I still hear about this so called climate change.

Climate has no values associated with it. It cannot change.
A marine climate is always a marine climate. A desert climate is always a desert climate. A mountain climate is always a mountain climate.

Mountains may move, deserts may bloom, but climate cannot change.
I read an article about residents of some of the barrier islands around Florida. Overwhelmingly, they admitted that sea levels were rising and inundating places like never before. Yet, the dumbfucks can’t bring themselves to admit why.

Barrier islands are sand dunes, Dumber. They move. They disappear, they appear.
It is not possible to measure the global sea level.
Wrong. The discussion, more an argument now, is whether human activity is having an impact on it, by what mechanism(s), and how much.
By 'it', I assume you mean 'climate change', which is just a buzzword for 'global warming'.
The Gorebal Warming crowd say human activity does have an impact, that it's all CO2 related, and that the impact is too much.
The Church of Global Warming says the Earth is warming, even though it's not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth, and that it's caused by Magick Holy Gases such as CO2 and methane.

This flies in the face of the 1st law of thermodynamics. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing.

This also flies in the face of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. No gas or vapor has the capability to trap heat, or thermal energy, or to make heat flow from a colder gas to a warmer surface. Entropy MUST always increase or stay the same. There are no exceptions.

This also flies in the face of the Stefan-Boltzmann law and Planck's law. No gas or vapor has the capability to trap light or to prevent thermal energy from being converted into light.

The effect of CO2 is ZERO.
The effect of methane is ZERO.
The effect of water or water vapor is ZERO.
The effect of any gas on the temperature of the Earth is ZERO. Nan. Nada. Zip. Absolutely nothing.
The problem with that isn't the idea that human activity has an impact,
ZERO means ZERO.
but rather that it is single-sourced to CO2 an obvious erroneous conclusion, and that the impact is significant enough to make a difference (it isn't).
ZERO means ZERO. No gas or vapor has ANY impact.
Those who are claiming anyone who doesn't agree with the CO2 and massive impact theory are labeled "climate deniers" and other smears to discredit them.
This is classic behavior of any fundamentalist style religion. Anyone that doesn't agree with it is labeled ignorant or an 'agent of Satan'.
There is no counter argument presented to opposing claims.
They have none. All they can do is chant their scripture.
Instead, the Gorebal Warming crowd dismisses these out of hand.
They routinely dismiss these theories of science out of hand. They routinely dismiss statistical math out of hand as well.
My view on this is that the planet is warming up.
A belief. There is no data. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
What factor do you believe is adding additional energy to Earth?
Human activity has a minor impact on the speed at which this is happening.
The effect of any gas or vapor is ZERO.
That difference in speed is irrelevant and the planet will reach some equilibrium temperature it would have anyway and then likely go into a cooling cycle as it has for the last like billion years.
Earth is ALREADY AT equilibrium temperature. Why do you think it isn't?
That makes the whole Gorebal Warming argument irrelevant and the massive push for greentard stuff one of hysteria and stupidity.
It is certainly that. Again, a normal behavior of any fundamentalist style religion. The Church of Green and the Church of Global Warming are separate religions, however. The Church of Global Warming DOES stem from the Church of Green.

They both stem from the Church of Karl Marx.
Biden didn't spend anything on the wildfire that raced through Lahaina, Maui, HI. I used to live there. The fire was caused by power lines blown down in high winds due to a nearby hurricane.

Actually, the cause was the Maui fire department screwed the pooch. The power line went down and started a brushfire. The power company turned the line off and the fire department came and put the fire out.

Then the fire department left and didn't bother to set a fire watch on the site in case of a reflash. The powerlines had been off that whole time so they weren't the cause of this second fire. The fire reflashed after about an hour and burned the island down--more or less. It was TOTALLY the fire department's fault for not putting a reflash watch on the site.