Biden takes stage at NAACP convention

Joe Biden appears to be making light of the efforts by his fellow Democrats to get him to step aside in favor of a more electable candidate.

He related the adage, credited to former president Harry Truman, that “if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog”.

“After the last couple weeks, I know what he means,” quipped Biden, who had earlier described Truman as someone who “was often counted out”.

Biden attacks Trump over 'black job' comment as campaign shifts back into gear​

In a sign that the detente between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will be brief, the president has attacked his predecessor for his comments about “Black jobs”.

Biden was referencing a comment Trump made during their first debate, in which he claimed undocumented migrants are “taking Black jobs now”.

“Of course, he thinks of Black jobs,” Biden told the crowd at the NAACP convention. “I love his phrase, Black jobs, tells a lot about the man and about his character. Folks, I know what a Black job is. It’s a vice president of the United States.”

“I know what a Black job is. The first Black president … Barack Obama,” Biden added.


Biden attacks Trump over 'black job' comment as campaign shifts back into gear​

In a sign that the detente between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will be brief, the president has attacked his predecessor for his comments about “Black jobs”.

Biden was referencing a comment Trump made during their first debate, in which he claimed undocumented migrants are “taking Black jobs now”.

“Of course, he thinks of Black jobs,” Biden told the crowd at the NAACP convention. “I love his phrase, Black jobs, tells a lot about the man and about his character. Folks, I know what a Black job is. It’s a vice president of the United States.”

“I know what a Black job is. The first Black president … Barack Obama,” Biden added.

there he goes - uniting the country again by lying about stuff

Biden attacks Trump over 'black job' comment as campaign shifts back into gear​

In a sign that the detente between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will be brief, the president has attacked his predecessor for his comments about “Black jobs”.

Biden was referencing a comment Trump made during their first debate, in which he claimed undocumented migrants are “taking Black jobs now”.

“Of course, he thinks of Black jobs,” Biden told the crowd at the NAACP convention. “I love his phrase, Black jobs, tells a lot about the man and about his character. Folks, I know what a Black job is. It’s a vice president of the United States.”

“I know what a Black job is. The first Black president … Barack Obama,” Biden added.

Trump thinks there are "black jobs" and "white jobs".

And since we all know these immigrants take mostly low skilled, low paying manual labor jobs, that's what Trump must think black jobs are.

Last week, he had his shoes shined, his trash picked up and his yardwork done by undocumented immigrants and he had to ask them "Where are my blacks???"
Please explain the twisted mental path you took to arrive at that pile of horse shit.
I understand the context of the debate question, the reply - and how you shit stains are trying to use it

so again - why are you so angry about black people having jobs and him being proud of that record? seems pretty racist of you to me