Biden WH Threatens Reporters With Expulsion If They Continue to Interrupt Press Brief


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Biden wants to control the media the way communist do. Biden hates this country and our freedoms. The government today under democrats is what the founding Fathers warned against

The White House is taking heat for purging more than 400 reporters from presidential press briefings following a new rule aimed at journalists.

According to reports, 442 reporters have lost their "hard pass" press pass credentials over the past three months, resulting in a 31 percent reduction of journalists in the press briefing room.The White House told Politico that only one reporter had their application for a new hard pass denied. However, hundreds of reporters lost their passes due to needing to meet the latest qualifications.

Under the new guidelines, reporters can still access the White House, though their permissions must be reviewed daily. They could also be subjected to increased inspection from the Secret Service.

Reporters must also show they have "Full-time employment with an organization whose principal business is news dissemination," have a "Physical address" in the "Washington, D.C. area," and demonstrate they have "accessed the White House campus at least once during the prior six months for work, or have proof of employment within the last three months to cover the White House."

Additionally, reporters may be kicked out of White House press briefings if they make too many interruptions or argue too much with press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre— as many reporters have done in the past.
Remember when Obama banned Fox news from the White House?

This is what democrats do, they want a tyranny where they control the media.

Biden doesn't want to face questions about his bribery fiasco is what this is about.

If you even question him about it you will be removed.

And they say Trump is bad.

Remember when Obama banned Fox news from the White House?

This is what democrats do, they want a tyranny where they control the media.

Biden doesn't want to face questions about his bribery fiasco is what this is about.

If you even question him about it you will be removed.

And they say Trump is bad.


It is like a communist party governemnt like China control;lling the press and the news
Over the past couple of years, gadfly reporter Simon Ateba—who appears to be the sole staffer of the website Today News Africa—has gained right-wing media celebrity status for his repeated outbursts and interruption during press briefings. While the press office has considered stiffening the accreditation rules for a year now, sources told The Daily Beast that Ateba had also been a disruptive force in the press corps throughout that entire time.

Any attempts by the WHCA to discipline Ateba for his over-the-top antics have only served to embolden him, it seems. Now calling himself an “influencer,” Ateba has seen his notoriety grow thanks to his disruptive behavior. In the end, the association rejected his membership, noting that he was unable to prove that he was employed by a reputable news organization.

Other fringe journalists would also likely be affected by the new rule changes, including freelance photographer William Moon, who has run afoul of White House correspondents and the press office over his alleged inappropriate behavior. This pervert was taking photos of women in the White House as they were coming in and out of the bathroom, and also snapping pictures when the bathroom door was open of women using the bathroom facilities inside the restroom. WHAT A CREEP. Well he lost his hard license and won't be allowed in the White House anymore.

These were probably the assholes that left the cocaine behind.

Watch video of the son-of-a-bitch Ateba disrupting yet another White House press briefing!,vid:BFGHJ5qLkk4
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Over the past couple of years, gadfly reporter Simon Ateba—who appears to be the sole staffer of the website Today News Africa—has gained right-wing media celebrity status for his repeated outbursts and interruption during press briefings. While the press office has considered stiffening the accreditation rules for a year now, sources told The Daily Beast that Ateba had also been a disruptive force in the press corps throughout that entire time.

Any attempts by the WHCA to discipline Ateba for his over-the-top antics have only served to embolden him, it seems. Now calling himself an “influencer,” Ateba has seen his notoriety grow thanks to his disruptive behavior. In the end, the association rejected his membership, noting that he was unable to prove that he was employed by a reputable news organization.

Other fringe journalists would also likely be affected by the new rule changes, including freelance photographer William Moon, who has run afoul of White House correspondents and the press office over his alleged inappropriate behavior. This pervert was taking photos of women in the White House as they were coming in and out of the bathroom, and also snapping pictures when the bathroom door was open of women using the bathroom facilities inside the restroom. WHAT A CREEP. Well he lost his hard license and won't be allowed in the White House anymore.

These were probably the assholes that left the cocaine behind.

Watch video of the son-of-a-bitch Ateba disrupting yet another White House press briefing!,vid:BFGHJ5qLkk4

I think you are missing the point here.

This new rule would allow the White House to ban anyone they considered offensive, not just those that are.

It means people like Ducey from Fox would be gone.
Over the past couple of years, gadfly reporter Simon Ateba—who appears to be the sole staffer of the website Today News Africa—has gained right-wing media celebrity status for his repeated outbursts and interruption during press briefings. While the press office has considered stiffening the accreditation rules for a year now, sources told The Daily Beast that Ateba had also been a disruptive force in the press corps throughout that entire time.

Any attempts by the WHCA to discipline Ateba for his over-the-top antics have only served to embolden him, it seems. Now calling himself an “influencer,” Ateba has seen his notoriety grow thanks to his disruptive behavior. In the end, the association rejected his membership, noting that he was unable to prove that he was employed by a reputable news organization.

Other fringe journalists would also likely be affected by the new rule changes, including freelance photographer William Moon, who has run afoul of White House correspondents and the press office over his alleged inappropriate behavior. This pervert was taking photos of women in the White House as they were coming in and out of the bathroom, and also snapping pictures when the bathroom door was open of women using the bathroom facilities inside the restroom. WHAT A CREEP. Well he lost his hard license and won't be allowed in the White House anymore.

These were probably the assholes that left the cocaine behind.

Watch video of the son-of-a-bitch Ateba disrupting yet another White House press briefing!,vid:BFGHJ5qLkk4

If they left the cocaine why didnt they just say so? You know why they didn't? Because everyone but you idiots knows lil Brandon there.

As to the press briefings...good, they should be disrupted.
I am interested.....when I have watched these press conferences there have only been 30-40 people in the room.......400+ were on the list?.....and only now is there a requirement that they have to be employed by someone to cover WH activities? WAS the prior requirement?.....
Over the past couple of years, gadfly reporter Simon Ateba—who appears to be the sole staffer of the website Today News Africa—has gained right-wing media celebrity status for his repeated outbursts and interruption during press briefings. While the press office has considered stiffening the accreditation rules for a year now, sources told The Daily Beast that Ateba had also been a disruptive force in the press corps throughout that entire time.

Any attempts by the WHCA to discipline Ateba for his over-the-top antics have only served to embolden him, it seems. Now calling himself an “influencer,” Ateba has seen his notoriety grow thanks to his disruptive behavior. In the end, the association rejected his membership, noting that he was unable to prove that he was employed by a reputable news organization.

Other fringe journalists would also likely be affected by the new rule changes, including freelance photographer William Moon, who has run afoul of White House correspondents and the press office over his alleged inappropriate behavior. This pervert was taking photos of women in the White House as they were coming in and out of the bathroom, and also snapping pictures when the bathroom door was open of women using the bathroom facilities inside the restroom. WHAT A CREEP. Well he lost his hard license and won't be allowed in the White House anymore.

These were probably the assholes that left the cocaine behind.

Watch video of the son-of-a-bitch Ateba disrupting yet another White House press briefing!,vid:BFGHJ5qLkk4
Yes. During trump's tenure, briefings and press events were much more orderly

I think you are missing the point here.

This new rule would allow the White House to ban anyone they considered offensive, not just those that are.

It means people like Ducey from Fox would be gone.
He doesn't work full time at Fox?
Binder girl is their main problem these days..
Apparently nowhere in the notes does it say to keep a handle on things...;)
He is making a name for himself by being rude and disruptive. That kind of shenanigans sells bigly on Fox and the right.
Remember when Obama banned Fox news from the White House?

This is what democrats do, they want a tyranny where they control the media.

Biden doesn't want to face questions about his bribery fiasco is what this is about.

If you even question him about it you will be removed.

And they say Trump is bad.


No. I don't remember Obama doing that.

On the other hand, I do remember the Trump WH taking away reporter's credentials.

A federal judge on Friday ordered the Trump White House to immediately restore the press pass of CNN Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta as the case between Acosta, CNN and the White House progresses.

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court on Friday blocked the Trump administration from imposing a 30-day suspension on the White House press pass of a reporter for trading caustic and blustering comments with Sebastian Gorka, a right-wing commentator who worked briefly in the White House, after an event in the Rose Garden last year.
[Trump] White House revokes press passes for dozens of journalists
No. I don't remember Obama doing that.

On the other hand, I do remember the Trump WH taking away reporter's credentials.

A federal judge on Friday ordered the Trump White House to immediately restore the press pass of CNN Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta as the case between Acosta, CNN and the White House progresses.

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court on Friday blocked the Trump administration from imposing a 30-day suspension on the White House press pass of a reporter for trading caustic and blustering comments with Sebastian Gorka, a right-wing commentator who worked briefly in the White House, after an event in the Rose Garden last year.
[Trump] White House revokes press passes for dozens of journalists

White House attempted to shut out Fox News reporter

Tension between the White House and Fox News continued to mount this week after broadcast bureau chiefs in Washington refused to go along with the Obama’s administration’s attempt to squeeze Fox News out of an interview.

Despite the administration’s pledge to play nice earlier this week, the White House tried to exclude Fox News – alone among the five White House "pool" networks – from interviewing executive-pay czar Kenneth R. Feinberg on Thursday.

After CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC balked at the plan Tuesday, ABC News’ Jake Tapper asked White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs about the appropriateness of the administration’s saying that Fox News, which he called "one of our sister organizations," is "not a news organization."