Biden WH Threatens Reporters With Expulsion If They Continue to Interrupt Press Brief

It is censoring and controlling the media

Why do you support someone that censors the media?
White House Revokes Press Pass Of CNN's Jim Acosta
Trump press ban: BBC, CNN and Guardian denied access to briefing
Trump campaign says it will ban Bloomberg reporters from events, rallies
Reporters and photographers traveling with the president were barred from covering any of the events at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit
It is censoring and controlling the media

Yes we know.

Trump was very guilty of it and worse than any other POTUS but still, we did not whine about it. Let is pass ptif. We will never change Trump.

QP said:

I mean, why revoke passes one by one when you can basically revoke them all just by refusing to press conferences?

(brace yourself as more TrumpDerp tears incoming)

QP said:
We should all applaud Joe's White House following the Trump template, no?

(TRUMPS) White House revokes press passes for dozens of journalists

In what appears to be an unprecedented move, the White House revoked the press passes of a significant chunk of the Washington press corps because they didn’t meet a new standard, according to Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank. Under the new rules, rolled out earlier this year, in order to qualify for the highest level of access—known as a “hard pass”—journalists had to be present in the White House for at least 90 days out of a 180-day period. According to Milbank, virtually the entire press corps failed to meet this new test, including all six of the Post’s White House correspondents. Media outlets then had to apply for exceptions to cover their senior journalists, or settle for six-month passes, which don’t allow as much access...

... Milbank noted that, since dozens of senior correspondents didn’t meet the new standards either, “they all serve at the pleasure of Press Secretary Sarah Sanders” and
“therefore, in theory, can have their credentials revoked any time they annoy Trump or his aides.”...
Why do you support someone that censors the media?
White House Revokes Press Pass Of CNN's Jim Acosta
Trump press ban: BBC, CNN and Guardian denied access to briefing
Trump campaign says it will ban Bloomberg reporters from events, rallies
Reporters and photographers traveling with the president were barred from covering any of the events at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit
STOPPPPP pointing out Trump also did all these and worse too.

it is ok and fine to point out what Biden, Obama and CLinton may have done and to ridicule them, but if Trump also did he must be left off or it makes us MAD and triggers our TDS.


The daily presser is how the executive branch explains what they are doing and what is happening around the world. Fox and the crazy rightys are turning it into a show. They think arguing and fighting with the press secretary is good for right-wing ratings. They yell over her, interrupt and tell right-wing lies.
Why do you support someone that censors the media?
White House Revokes Press Pass Of CNN's Jim Acosta
Trump press ban: BBC, CNN and Guardian denied access to briefing
Trump campaign says it will ban Bloomberg reporters from events, rallies
Reporters and photographers traveling with the president were barred from covering any of the events at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit

This is not about Trump we are talking about Biden