Biden will be replaced

Pelosi is a very good soldier for the Revolution, if it is decided that she is needed, and I think it likely has been, she will serve.
Christ are you an idiot? Pelosi has been in politics for generations. She was a highly regarded speaker of the house. She is as far from a revolutionary as you can get. She has been working in the system since she started.
Maybe you should blame Soros. That seems about your level.
Harris is dumb as a bag of fishheads and Pelosi has started down the path of dementia and/or she's an alcoholic.
But what both of them have in common is that they will be controllable. Harris because she's a stupid lazy ho and Pelosi because she's compromised. Her and her husband Paul are champion inside traders.
Harris is dumb as a bag of fishheads and Pelosi has started down the path of dementia and/or she's an alcoholic.
But what both of them have in common is that they will be controllable. Harris because she's a stupid lazy ho and Pelosi because she's compromised. Her and her husband Paul are champion inside traders.
They are both proven good soldiers of the Revolution, and it makes a lot of sense from where I sit.

Who do you think they will pick....not who would be the best.....who will it be?
I am still thinking that the switch will be done at the convention.
I think that the debate is a test. If they can get him to appear functional at the debate one more time they'll keep him, if he tries to sit down before he's supposed to or goes into a longwinded account of how his uncle was eaten by cannibals and his wife who is in the audience has died from a fire... well, they'll replace him.
I don't think it would be Pelosi, she seems even older seeming than Drunken Uncle Joe.
....or Pedo Don who is looking pretty frail these days. He'll be older tomorrow than when Biden first took office.

The vast majority of American voters don't like either candidate, but I think most will vote for the lesser evil, which is the Grandpa, not the Pedo.
He couldn't properly answer the questions at the G7 press conference today.... and He had The
is he going to go 90 minutes in a debate?