Biden’s courthouse folly

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Anyone claiming this is not a political hit job is lying to everyone else and themselves.

Biden’s courthouse folly

Whatever the jury decides in former President Donald Trump’s New York City felony bookkeeping trial, any pretense that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution was not entirely political died Tuesday when President Joe Biden’s campaign held an event on the courthouse steps.

“First of all, let me say this,” Biden spokesman Michael Tyler shouted over Trump supporters taunting the Biden campaign. “First and foremost, we are not here today because of what is going on over there,” Tyler continued, motioning toward the courthouse. “We are here today because you all are here,” he said, motioning to the assembled press.

But the only reason the press were there was the spectacle of the Trump trial, a trial Biden’s White House has more than happily supported with snide remarks about Trump’s required presence in the courtroom. Tyler then added to the absurdity of the spectacle by introducing a masked Robert De Niro, who claimed Trump “wants to destroy not only this city, but the country, and eventually, he could destroy the world.”

The farce of Biden’s courthouse campaign press conference has been more than matched by Bragg’s preposterous arguments in the courtroom. Trump is charged with falsifying business records by causing his accountants to label payments to lawyer Michael Cohen as legal expenses rather than something else. The prosecution has not, however, given any guidance on what an accurate description of the payments would have been.

Bragg alleges that Trump paid Cohen to reimburse him for payments he made to porn star Stormy Daniels in exchange for her silence about an alleged sexual encounter. But paying people for silence about infidelity isn’t a crime, and Trump paid Cohen far more than what it cost to pay off Daniels.

Falsifying company records is a misdemeanor, and the allowable legal window for prosecution expired years ago. Bragg got over this legal hurdle by alleging that Trump falsified the records in furtherance of another crime. But Bragg failed to charge Trump with that crime and has told the court he doesn’t have to say what the crime is. According to him, the jury should make up for itself any “unlawful” intent Trump may have had. It doesn’t even have to be criminal, Bragg has argued, even a civil penalty (such as jaywalking) would suffice.

It is beyond Kafkaesque that Trump is on trial for a crime he not only hasn’t been charged with but that hasn’t even been named. The partisan Democratic judge running the trial, who has given money to Biden’s campaign, prevented Trump from talking about Bragg or Cohen, who not only testified against Trump but has repeatedly attacked Trump politically in public.

Bragg secured his election to become Manhattan district attorney on the partisan promise of prosecuting Trump. From the very beginning, it has been clear that his prosecution of Trump had nothing to do with protecting New Yorkers from the danger of false business records and everything to do with helping Biden get reelected.

Biden kept his distance from Bragg’s prosecution for months in an effort to seem impartial. His decision to send campaign officials to the trial this week ends that ruse. It is now plain that Democrats are using any means necessary, even abuse of the criminal justice system, to keep voters from electing Trump. To the extent there is a danger to democracy in this election, it comes from the current occupant of the White House, not the former.
“Setting up,” you kidding, they’ve been at since the day the Messiah was indicted

If he is investigated, it’s prejudicial; if he is indicted, it’s political; if he is put on trial, it’s persecution; and if he by chance he is convicted of a crime, it’s a conspiracy

Another leftist liar that appears to hate facts and staying on topic. Why is that?

Explain to me how this trial is not a clown show. I'll listen to your arguments then beat your empty head with the facts.
Anyone claiming this is not a political hit job is lying to everyone else and themselves.

Biden’s courthouse folly

Whatever the jury decides in former President Donald Trump’s New York City felony bookkeeping trial, any pretense that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution was not entirely political died Tuesday when President Joe Biden’s campaign held an event on the courthouse steps.

“First of all, let me say this,” Biden spokesman Michael Tyler shouted over Trump supporters taunting the Biden campaign. “First and foremost, we are not here today because of what is going on over there,” Tyler continued, motioning toward the courthouse. “We are here today because you all are here,” he said, motioning to the assembled press.

But the only reason the press were there was the spectacle of the Trump trial, a trial Biden’s White House has more than happily supported with snide remarks about Trump’s required presence in the courtroom. Tyler then added to the absurdity of the spectacle by introducing a masked Robert De Niro, who claimed Trump “wants to destroy not only this city, but the country, and eventually, he could destroy the world.”

The farce of Biden’s courthouse campaign press conference has been more than matched by Bragg’s preposterous arguments in the courtroom. Trump is charged with falsifying business records by causing his accountants to label payments to lawyer Michael Cohen as legal expenses rather than something else. The prosecution has not, however, given any guidance on what an accurate description of the payments would have been.

It mattered not. It was a disaster for that little actor and the brandon campaign. They became a laughing stock.
Translation, if anyone anywhere try to hold Trump accountable to any law ever it is a conspiracy
Accountable for what?

FBI's Comey exonerated Hillary for her crimes. And ...

Biden won't be charged in classified docs case

NBC News › politics › joe-biden › speci...

Feb 8, 2024 — Special counsel Robert Hur has declined to prosecute President Joe Biden for his handling of classified documents.

Biden committed the crimes. Hur claims he is too old and feeble minded to stand trial. Zero accountability.
How many times was trump offered a deal where he just returned the documents? Everyone would pretend he did not steal them, and we would have the documents secured again.

When Biden realized he had classified documents, he returned them immediately. There is a lesson in that for trump.
Trump's lawyers were in the middle of negotiations when Biden ordered the shoot to kill FBI raid. They were secured, locked, and protected by secret service.

Biden stole those documents when he was a senator. They were unsecured and carelessly spread all over the place, even in his unlocked garage where Hunter could make copies to sell for drug money and hookers.
How many times was trump offered a deal where he just returned the documents? Everyone would pretend he did not steal them, and we would have the documents secured again.

I am positive you don't know. All your being fed is dogma and misinformation. Unlike Biden, Trump had the PRA right to determine what were personal and what were not.

The swat team at his house? That should put a scare into everyone if an autocratic President like Biden does such things. I really believe that uneducated, hypocritical leftists like yourself can't comprehend how stupid that is.

But then, he committed a worse offense and gets off Scott free. We call that a double standard.

When Biden realized he had classified documents, he returned them immediately. There is a lesson in that for trump.

Thats the dumbest lie on the planet that only morons buy into. He knew he had the documents. They were out in the open for the most part.

But let's be very clear, he did not have a right to take them as a President would. He was guilty of a crime and was not prosecuted.

I am always amused when morons believe that committing a crime is okay as long as you admit to it. Moronic.
Trump's lawyers were in the middle of negotiations when Biden ordered the shoot to kill FBI raid.
No they weren't. Biden had no place in a negotiation, and was not negotiating.

The Justice Department was demanding the return of the documents. Refusing to return them was a crime. So no negotiation with the Justice Department either.

The longer they were unsecured, the more were going to be sold by trump. That is just a fact.
How many times was trump offered a deal where he just returned the documents? Everyone would pretend he did not steal them, and we would have the documents secured again.

When Biden realized he had classified documents, he returned them immediately. There is a lesson in that for trump.
How many times was trump offered a deal where he just returned the documents? Everyone would pretend he did not steal them, and we would have the documents secured again.

When Biden realized he had classified documents, he returned them immediately. There is a lesson in that for trump.
That is a lie!!! Biden had Highly classified documents that he stole from a SCIF when he was a Senator and he KNOWINGLY illegally retained them for YEARS.
Trump's lawyers were in the middle of negotiations when Biden ordered the shoot to kill FBI raid. They were secured, locked, and protected by secret service.

Biden stole those documents when he was a senator. They were unsecured and carelessly spread all over the place, even in his unlocked garage where Hunter could make copies to sell for drug money and hookers.
Indeed. Well said. Walt continues to lie like his God Dementia Joe. Like minds agree. :laugh: Bigdog do you think Walt is starting to lose it?
No they weren't. Biden had no place in a negotiation, and was not negotiating.

The Justice Department was demanding the return of the documents. Refusing to return them was a crime. So no negotiation with the Justice Department either.

The longer they were unsecured, the more were going to be sold by trump. That is just a fact.
You and the shrimp Di Niro sound a lot of like. That is just a fact.
No they weren't. Biden had no place in a negotiation, and was not negotiating.

The Justice Department was demanding the return of the documents. Refusing to return them was a crime. So no negotiation with the Justice Department either.

The longer they were unsecured, the more were going to be sold by trump. That is just a fact.
Biden was reading classified documents to his Ghost writer he got $8 million for that.
Another leftist liar that appears to hate facts and staying on topic. Why is that?

Explain to me how this trial is not a clown show. I'll listen to your arguments then beat your empty head with the facts.
Another leftist liar that appears to hate facts and staying on topic. Why is that?

Explain to me how this trial is not a clown show. I'll listen to your arguments then beat your empty head with the facts.
Really, then tell us when Trump ever came out of anything he ever lost at and didn’t say it was rigged against him, even his loss to fellow Republican Cruz back in 2015 he said was crooked