Biden's Illegal Alien Invasion from Sea to Shining Sea

Your solutions are totally insane from my perspective, TAG.

I would actually prefer to see the earth explode into pieces
that to see your ideas come to fruition.
That's not hyperbole.
That's to be taken literally.

Our core values have zero overlap,
so assuming that you are just as sincere as I am,
we will not and cannot ever agree on political and social issues.

That's simply how it is and how it will remain.

The difference is, I actually have thought my positions through and have proposals to go with them as opposed to you just saying you like the status quo. Yes, we may agree to disagree, but at least I'm thinking though ways that likely would be better than what we have.
The difference is, I actually have thought my positions through and have proposals to go with them as opposed to you just saying you like the status quo. Yes, we may agree to disagree, but at least I'm thinking though ways that likely would be better than what we have.

That would be your mind's assessment, I'm sure.

Reality is that we shouldn't be forced to live under the same government.

Partition of the Republic is the real answer.
That's certainly not "status quo," as I'm sure you will agree.
The planet belongs to everybody.

Let people gather where they choose.

The indigenous Americans didn't give us permission to pollute the continent to the best of my recollection.

Where is our moral high ground?

Nonexistent, that's where.

and where did that get them? If the natives were smart they would have killed all the pilgrims.
The planet belongs to everybody.

Let people gather where they choose.

The indigenous Americans didn't give us permission to pollute the continent to the best of my recollection.

Where is our moral high ground?

Nonexistent, that's where.

No problem then. Simply invite a few to come and live with you in your home, you foot the bill of course and they can stay as long as they like. Put up or shut up. Talk is cheap.
No problem then. Simply invite a few to come and live with you in your home, you foot the bill of course and they can stay as long as they like. Put up or shut up. Talk is cheap.

I made the same offer to that loon about illegals.


Anyone who feels that the land on which they live was taken wrongly from the Native Americans, can sign over their deed to them. The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians is located in western N.C.

I’m sure they would appreciate any donated deeds.

"Manifest Destiny" in America was just a way of saying that if you can't defend your land, it won't be your land very long.

This is true around the world. It's been happening for more than two thousand years. It's happening today as Hamas tries to take Israel.

Israel will defend their land.
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You are nasty and judgemental. My grandparents came in in about 1900. Gramps was a coal miner in Penn. and Colorado. Then they moved to Detroit for the auto boom jobs. They did not become citizens until the 1930s. They worked and paid taxes. They followed the law as any other person here does. They were what you call illegals.
Illegal immigrants are not given free lodging and healthcare. Some people feel sorry for them and their families provide healthcare and help them find jobs.
Drug cartels cannot be defeated . With the billions of dollars that can be made, someone will provide. You have to deal with Americans who buy them. You need very good rehab and drug oversight.
Illegals find jobs, pay taxes, and commit crimes at a lesser rate than American citizens do.

why are you accusing your grandparents of entering illegally?.......mine came here in the late 1800s.....they came legally.....

Drug cartels cannot be defeated

sure they can.....all we have to do is give their products away free in overdose quantities.......within a year we would have no more drug problem......we wouldn't even need rehab.....(as a side benefit there would be fewer people voting demmycrat)......
Illegals are indeed getting free food, free lodging and free healthcare etc., all at the expense of we legal taxpayer Americans. Wake up fella, and listen to the real news for once.

he seems to have forgotten what NYC says the handful of illegals they deal with are costing them......
Wow, you're saying or suggesting that America should continue to allow illegals to run rampant throughout our nation without them going through
the process of becoming a legal American? A country with no borders or open borders is not a country at all. We are quickly becoming a banana republic.
But lawlessness has become the main ingredient in the Democrat's playbook, and that includes the riots in blue states and blue cities, not to mention
the lawlessness we're all unfortunately seeing at our southern border. Have you taken a fentanyl pill yet?

that is certainly the goal of those who vote blue......
No problem then. Simply invite a few to come and live with you in your home, you foot the bill of course and they can stay as long as they like. Put up or shut up. Talk is cheap.

Only a person of your intellectual deficiencies would equate tolerance with hospitality.

I don't blame you, Stoner.

I'm sure that you would have appreciated being smarter
had you been given the option.
Only a person of your intellectual deficiencies would equate tolerance with hospitality.

I don't blame you, Stoner.

I'm sure that you would have appreciated being smarter
had you been given the option.

So, old man, you aren't willing to take a few to come and live with you in your home. You foot the bill, of course, and they can stay as long as they like.

Can you say hypocrite, old man?
I can't read read your posts, Vandy Boy,
without logging out,
and they're not sufficiently amusing anymore
for me to go through the effort.

You thread ban me.
I have you on ignore.
That's the correct relationship between a Boston intellectual and a groaning commodore.
I can't read read your posts, Vandy Boy,
without logging out,
and they're not sufficiently amusing anymore
for me to go through the effort.

You thread ban me.
I have you on ignore.
That's the correct relationship between a Boston intellectual and a groaning commodore.

You read them, old man.

How else would you become enlightened and educated?

Boston intellectual? That's fairly amusing, gramps. (sic)

You don't have to exit to read my posts, dummy. Just go to Settings and click on Edit Ignore List.

"A Boston intellectual," IJBL (I just burst out laughing).
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