Biden's war on oil continues

Are Biden policies good for Americans?

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And yet you haven't, seemingly anyone but you, as I said, you ain't saying a whole lot about yourself there "popeye"

I have many times. As have others. Basic economics and how things work in the world are way, way above the average democrats head. Like completely.
he has to. Europe is not cutting off Russian oil gas thereby slightly abating the high prices. Not only that buy China is using less so he has to throw fuel on the inflation fire.

If Biden didn't strangle our oil production we could supply Europe.
What do you think a non profit national oil company would do?

Fuck up and be a bloated dysfunctional mess just like every other government agency.

For examples you could study Russia and Venezuela. (then add the special secret US bureaucracy sauce on top)
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I have many times. As have others. Basic economics and how things work in the world are way, way above the average democrats head. Like completely.

Right, "many times," just not here, anything worth saying is worth repeating, which would be difficult if you never said it to begin with
The way it's going, there's going to be more people mad at Biden than there were at Carter.

I can't believe he's trying this at a time when fuel is costing the most it ever has.

He must be trying to crash the dollar.

When/if the world goes off of the petrodollar, everyone in America is instantly and permanently 15% poorer.

America will run out of fuel before this summer's over.

There will be no media lies about "ransomware" this time, either.
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Well, if you are tuned into Fox and AM radio, it was always that way, and if Biden cured cancer, would still be that way

I am not. Biden is lucky if he can remember where he is and what pudding he had last.

People talk at the stores and gas stations, you know.
The way it's going, there's going to be more people mad at Biden than there were at Carter.

You should turn your dial.
War on oil. What an inaccurate emotional term. Call it a blood thirsty inhumane attack on families, children,babies and what all rightys hold dear. You guys are so simple.
You should turn your dial.
War on oil. What an inaccurate emotional term. Call it a blood thirsty inhumane attack on families, children,babies and what all rightys hold dear. You guys are so simple.

Why is there diesel rationing right now, Nerdsperg?

I'd rather be simple and know things than complex and a fucking know-nothing idiot like you.

The administration explained that the proposal was written to prevent further fossil fuel investment.

These oil, gas, and coal tax preferences distort markets by encouraging more investment in the fossil fuel sector than would occur under a neutral system,” the Department of the Treasury wrote in its general budget explanation.

“This market distortion is detrimental to long-term energy security and is also inconsistent with the Administration’s policy of supporting a clean energy economy, reducing our reliance on oil, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” the department added.
gas prices are thru the roof, demand is expanding and this idiot want to reduce production
I thought ....


Poor Anchovies.