big pharma and cannabis

Well your just an asshole on the internet that thinks there is no one who is currently uncorrupt and that we should all just kill ourselfs instead of trying to improve anything.
Well your just an asshole on the internet that thinks there is no one who is currently uncorrupt and that we should all just kill ourselfs instead of trying to improve anything.

Fine, keep being a stupidass, focusing your hatred where the propaganda machine tells you, instead of actually thinking for yourself.
The fact is that it takes big money to get elected. So every well known candidate takes money from special interests.

But I think that the democrats are more open to new ideas than the republicans are, at least right now.

And I think that barring a huge revolution, we must work with either the candidates we have or a third party candidate that can get elected.

To just throw up your hands and say "all candidates are corrupt and nothing will change" is s defeatist attitude that will guarantee that nothing changes.
The fact is that it takes big money to get elected. So every well known candidate takes money from special interests.

But I think that the democrats are more open to new ideas than the republicans are, at least right now.

And I think that barring a huge revolution, we must work with either the candidates we have or a third party candidate that can get elected.

To just throw up your hands and say "all candidates are corrupt and nothing will change" is s defeatist attitude that will guarantee that nothing changes.

I don't advocate that. I advocate discussing the corruption of the entire process ad nauseum, and boycotting elections on the basis that the candidates are all preselected by monied interests. Voter turnout is how the controllers assess how their propaganda is working. Send a message, don't vote.
A third party candidate would really be no good at all without a large base in the legislature. It's really no use for a third party to waste money on a presidential candidate and barely even try to get congressmen elected. A third party congressman hasn't been elected since the 30's. There's been one "Conservative" senator from New York - that's it. Third parties are hopeless right now and I'm not going to waste my consideration on them.
anyone care to wager that a modern version of refer madness will not be forthcoming to oppose medical or legal marijuana

opium (morphine) is a class II not class I substance and controlled because it is easy to grow but was introduced during the civil war and became entrenched in the medical community (despite efforts to outlaw it)

the old if it makes you feel good it must be bad for you or must be regulated philosophy

especially if we cannot make a profit from it
Personally I think they all should be legalized, and we should work a whole different direction and educate and trust people to make good choices.
MA put it on the ballet as a question for this November i believe. Should being caught with less then 1 z only be a citation and not a criminal offense.

wonder what the results will be.

Of course big pharma and there campaign contributions are going to try to shut down something thats naturalpathic. There are TONS of drugs that are natural that do just as good or better a job then there pharma counterparts. I can attest to many of them.
AHZ thinks everyone except himself is corrupted. But he still buys slave labor manufactured stuff ;)

No, I don't. I think the political process is corrupt, and almost all politicians are corrupt. They are actually a minority of people.

Why does attacking me help you pull the lever for a party just as corrupt as the rethuglicans?
No, I don't. I think the political process is corrupt, and almost all politicians are corrupt. They are actually a minority of people.

Why does attacking me help you pull the lever for a party just as corrupt as the rethuglicans?

Attacking you has nothing at all to do with now I will vote in NOv. I just like attacking you :D
Personally I think they all should be legalized, and we should work a whole different direction and educate and trust people to make good choices.


dang, you agreeing with me on this makes me look under the bed

know the truth and the truth shall set you free or just make you want to vomit

i am all for education, especially about some of the realities in life - like sex drugs, law

why is not constitutional law taught in secondary education schools
Ohh yall did not know about Marinol ? I have known about that for a year or so. A friend of mine took it to help smooth over chemo.
Ohh yall did not know about Marinol ? I have known about that for a year or so. A friend of mine took it to help smooth over chemo.


sorry, i forgot

i guess since it is not 'pot' it is ok - the hypocrisy never stops

my wife takes codeine (the real thing) for pain and i take vicodin (the synthetic thing)
I take hydrocodone/Vicodin, have for about 7 years. I have degenerative spinal disease.
I may get spineless enough to be come a republican before it is all over.
My stomach will not tolerate real codeine though.

yep legal vs illegal, it is a lot a money game.

one thing I found interesting, last year I found that Utah was #1 in the nation for prescription drug abuse.
Danged mormans can't have caffeine, alc, etc but if you get it from a Dr ?
I take hydrocodone/Vicodin, have for about 6 years. I have degenerative spinal disease.
My stomach will not tolerate real codeine though.

yep legal vs illegal, it is a lot a money game.

one thing I found interesting, last year I found that Utah was #1 in the nation for prescription drug abuse.
Danged mormans can't have caffeine, alc, etc but if you get it from a Dr ?


no HOT stimulating beverages - they did hot have coca-cola to ban back then so it is legal today for mormons...last that i heard

no HOT stimulating beverages - they did hot have coca-cola to ban back then so it is legal today for mormons...last that i heard

Ahh, well still intertesting in the morman state.

KY was second or third I think, no suprise there among the redneck bible thumpers.
the presc drug abusew seemed to track the bible belt to a degree for some reason.
Ahh, well still intertesting in the morman state.

KY was second or third I think, no suprise there among the redneck bible thumpers.
the presc drug abusew seemed to track the bible belt to a degree for some reason.


there are no 'god's laws' regarding prescription drug abuse

dq aka rev rich
yeah my old bible thumping gramdmaw would not touch booze at all, she just drank cepacol mouth wash and took prescribed vallium.

it caused her to speak in tounges I think ;)