Big Tough Guy-Another cowardly gun nut shoots fellow customer, then claims SYG defens


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Another chickenshit made tough because he's got a gun...

‘Stand your ground’ cited in shooting of whiny Little Caesars Pizza customer:

A Florida man is using the state’s “stand your ground” law as a defense after he shot a customer who was complaining about slow service at a St. Petersburg Little Caesars Pizza restaurant.

Randall White, 49, was in line waiting for his pizza on Sunday when he began complaining that he wasn’t being served fast enough. According to the Tampa Bay Times, 52-year-old Michael Jock was also in line and scolded White for whining.

The two began arguing and it eventually “became a shoving match,” police spokesperson Mike Puetz said.

After White allegedly raised his fist, Jock pulled out a .38 Taurus Ultralight Special Revolver and fired a shot into the man’s torso. A second shot also hit White in the torso. One round became lodged in the restaurant wall.

When police arrived, Jock told them that the shooting had been justified under Florida’s “stand your ground” law, which says that gun owners do not have a “duty to retreat.”

“He felt he was in his rights,” Puetz explained. “He brought it up specifically and cited it to the officer.”

Jock, who had a concealed-carry permit, told police that White had an object in his hand, but later abandoned that story under police questioning.

“We determined it did not reach a level where deadly force was required,” Puetz said.

Jock was arrested by St. Petersburg Police and charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and shooting at, within or into a building. He was released by the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office after posting $20,000 bond.

White later told the Tampa Bay Times that he felt lucky just to be alive.

“There are arguments every day, but how many people pull out a gun?” he observed. “He was in my face and I pushed him. His life was not being threatened.”

White admitted that he had been agitated when he started complaining that his thin-crust vegetable pizza had taken more than the 10 minutes the restaurant promised.

“Twenty minutes later, I’m like, ‘Where’s my pizza?’” White recalled, adding that he still had a bullet fragment in his back but he “got lucky.”

“To me, that stand your ground rule … people are twisting it. He’s twisting it. I walked in to get a pizza and I got shot … I’m hoping the law prevails. We’ll see.”

Raw Story (
what a crock of shit. why don't you hold cops accountable when they kill people using less force than raising a fist, zappa?????? eh? could it be that the 'higher standard' doesn't really apply in your world????
Another chicken shit male made tough because he's got a gun. The chicken shit shot at a car. Wasn't even man enough to shoot the person while standing in front of them looking them in the face.

Four wounded in street shooting in Oakland

Four people were wounded in a shooting between the occupant of a car and a man standing on an East Oakland sidewalk Saturday morning, police said.

The four — three men and one woman — were being treated for what police Officer Kevin McDonald described as non-life-threatening injuries.

Police said a car was driving by when a 37-year-old man shot at it, and someone in the car fired back. Those injured were the gunman, two other men on the sidewalk and an 18-year-old woman who was a passenger in the car.

The woman was driven to a hospital by a 17-year-old boy, who was detained for questioning by police, The Oakland Tribune reported.

A motive for the shooting hasn't been established, and no additional details were released.

The shooting happened about two hours before a gun buyback program, intended to get firearms off the street, was to begin less than a mile away. The Tribune reported the turnout was high, with a line of cars stretching for blocks before the event began.

Capt. Ersie Joyner III said more than 250 firearms had been turned in by the time the buyback ended, and drivers who were still in line had to make arrangements to redeem their guns at a later date.

The buyback program offers $200 each for up to three weapons per person. Only gun owners with verified residence in Oakland or San Francisco qualify.
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what a crock of shit. why don't you hold cops accountable when they kill people using less force than raising a fist, zappa?????? eh? could it be that the 'higher standard' doesn't really apply in your world????

i've never understood the lefties flurry of insults that people who carry guns are chickenshits etc...yet...they don't seem to have a problem with police, military, security guards....carry guns.

why the double standard?
i've never understood the lefties flurry of insults that people who carry guns are chickenshits etc...yet...they don't seem to have a problem with police, military, security guards....carry guns.

why the double standard?
indeed. such a double standard that had a cop been trayvon martins killer, even an off duty one, they'd have no issue with it at all.
i've never understood the lefties flurry of insults that people who carry guns are chickenshits etc...yet...they don't seem to have a problem with police, military, security guards....carry guns.

why the double standard?

an armed government is the most effective way to take. Everything they do is at the threat of violence.
an armed government is the most effective way to take. Everything they do is at the threat of violence.

I have no problem drastically cutting the military, is that what you are suggesting? An unarmed government would be utopia for someone like myself, but is it realistic? I guess we will have our well armed militia!
I have no problem drastically cutting the military, is that what you are suggesting? An unarmed government would be utopia for someone like myself, but is it realistic? I guess we will have our well armed militia!

The Army and Marines project the release (cut) of a combined 100,000 troops, over the next 10 years.

Where do they find jobs?
who is the guy on the bottom left? Not sure Zimmy is a murderer, Trayvon would have been shot here if he had attacked someone like he did Zimmy
i've never understood the lefties flurry of insults that people who carry guns are chickenshits etc...yet...they don't seem to have a problem with police, military, security guards....carry guns.

why the double standard?

Because the Police are PAID to protect the public, and because that job can be dangerous it requires they carry a gun.

The pizza store tough guy didn't even wait for it to get physical...he got in the other guy's face, got pushed back and IMMEDIATELY went for his surrogate peni....I mean his gun.
yep...wouldn't have called the cop a chickenshit

more zappygetard double standards

More mind reading from the Amazing Kreskin.

Now wait just a minute...

Wasn't the YurTard JUST whining about that in another thread because he said I did the same?

Well, then that would make this...

Yawn...just the LATEST YurTard double standard.
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indeed. such a double standard that had a cop been trayvon martins killer, even an off duty one, they'd have no issue with it at all.

Now you want to tell me what I'm thinking and how I'd react to certain situations?

Odd, but when he thought I did the same, the YurTard whined about it and hurled a bunch of standard issue YurTard taunts...but now of course, ol double standard YurTard doesn't have a thing to say.

Good ol double standard yurTard.
Because the Police are PAID to protect the public, and because that job can be dangerous it requires they carry a gun.

The pizza store tough guy didn't even wait for it to get physical...he got in the other guy's face, got pushed back and IMMEDIATELY went for his surrogate peni....I mean his gun.
so you're main issue is that some people, willing to be paid to do a job you wouldn't do, should not be held to the higher standards you demand of regular people and the other problem you have is that somebody stood up to a bully, showing some courage and backbone, but because you could never do such a thing, he's an idiot for his bravery. got it.
so you're main issue is that some people, willing to be paid to do a job you wouldn't do, should not be held to the higher standards you demand of regular people and the other problem you have is that somebody stood up to a bully, showing some courage and backbone, but because you could never do such a thing, he's an idiot for his bravery. got it.

The bully was the guy with the gun.

The guy with the gun got in the face of another customer and tried to force him to be quiet.

Only when the other man pushed the bully out of his face did the big, brave gun nut go for his gun and claim he "feared for his life" before shooting.