Bill Clinton said


"That's what's driving the terrorism," he said. "It's not just that there's an unresolved Arab-Israeli conflict. Osama Bin Laden and Dr. al-Zawahiri can convince young Sunni Arab men, who have — and some women — who have despairing conditions in their lives, that they get a one-way ticket to heaven in a hurry if they kill a lot of innocent people who don't share their reality."

In a strange twisted way rings familiar to what the pope said....:

"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
The emperor, after having expressed himself so forcefully, goes on to explain in detail the reasons why spreading the faith through violence is something unreasonable. "
Who cares what billy clowntood said ? He holds no political office, And is now in the same status as michael moore.
But people who care about what Moore says are fools ? ;)
But it is not foolish to care about what billy boy clowntoon says ?
USC ... Not everything is meant to be political ...

It seems you look at the poster and right away you take sides ... this post was meant as an obseravtion ...thats all ...

And Bill Clinton is not a non factor.... he is a major Political Figure, a former President who's wife is the number one candidate of her Party... and very much in the news.....
I didn't see the whole interview. But the one highlight I saw was where clinton said "they had 8 months to do something..." well he had 8 years.

I think he's pissed cause he's been peg as the president that did nothing.
Do nothing or do the wrong thing and leave us in a war quagmire. which is worse ? It could not have been a result of the gridlocked congress now could it ? ;)
I think he did missle and bomb a bit though.
congress is just as responsible for events as the president is.

clintons strategy was like standing way back and throwing rocks at a hornets nest. Throw enough rocks and you might hit it and then they just get stirred up. It doesn't remove the nest.
Well bush has proved climbing into the hornets nest does not work too well either. Just makes more hornets pissed at ya.
I say both of them were wrong on their approach, but Bush's approach is getting more people stung.
and Gaffer, I agree about congress, they suck. both the bushites and the wussy demoncrats.
Only a handful stood up and did not wuss out or follow their party blindly.
"That's what's driving the terrorism," he said. "It's not just that there's an unresolved Arab-Israeli conflict. Osama Bin Laden and Dr. al-Zawahiri can convince young Sunni Arab men, who have — and some women — who have despairing conditions in their lives, that they get a one-way ticket to heaven in a hurry if they kill a lot of innocent people who don't share their reality."

In a strange twisted way rings familiar to what the pope said....:

"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
The emperor, after having expressed himself so forcefully, goes on to explain in detail the reasons why spreading the faith through violence is something unreasonable. "

The difference between what the Pope said and President Clinton said is clear to anyone who is not an idiot, that is what the Pope said was based on Religen and what the President said was based on what secular individuals are capable of!
The difference between what the Pope said and President Clinton said is clear to anyone who is not an idiot, that is what the Pope said was based on Religen and what the President said was based on what secular individuals are capable of!

What! A) Before you respond to a post you should read what you are responding to. B) Your response is quite telling.., pretty much exposes you. C) I will advise you to reread the post.. and I will leave it at that....

NO the difference AGAIN, is that what the Pope said smaks of prejudice against an entire religen of people... What the President said is what a couple of individuals are capable of!

You really are an idiot. AGAIN, if you have a problem with something I say.... Dont just name call, point out the issue!
Maybe you do not understand Muhammed is the prophet of Islam.... not OBL!
The actions of Muhammedatr Islam... much like the actions of Christ are Christianity!
NO the difference AGAIN, is that what the Pope said smaks of prejudice against an entire religen of people... What the President said is what a couple of individuals are capable of!

You really are an idiot. AGAIN, if you have a problem with something I say.... Dont just name call, point out the issue!

You call me an idiot and then you blame me for name calling?

I do have a problem with what you are saying, extreme Islam is what Osama and other leaders are feeding off of.. and it is not just a few people as you say ...and they are not secular ... they are as Bill Clinton says... selling a ticket to Heavan.

If you read the Popes speech he was not using prejudice.. he was using Islamic Scripture as a point of reference ... being critical of the extreme leadership for using violence as a recipe .. which is a recipe for tragedy. And look what resulted... a violent reaction. In essence.. the Pope was correct.