Bill Clinton served as president in the 20th century, and he's still younger than Trump

The desperation of the MAGA morons is total. I am having a ball watching them suffer.
MAGA isn't a person, dummy.

I don't see any Trump supporter suffering because The Oligarchy ejected Biden and replaced him with Kamala! More like laughing at the whole affair! So is Trump.
Random fact about Biden. He has been in politics for over half a century, and has never been defeated by a Republican. Think about that for a minute.
Daffy Donald has brought the Dem factions together to try and save the nation from a guy who respects no laws or limitations. He does what he wants and defies you to stop him. He plans on a different America which he will have complete control over.
Most of us on the left ARE serious people.
So you think:

* Men getting pregnant is serious!
* Riding bicycles naked in the streets is serious!
* Calling two homos living together a "marriage", is serious!
* Burning and looting and pillaging as a "peaceful protest", is serious!
* Kamala's cackle is serious!
* Trying to act "black" or "American Indian" or anything else for the press is serious!
* Talking about your hairy legs to children is serious!
* Speaking in a different language and calling it "English" is serious!
* Letting Trump live in your head rent-free is serious!
* Thinking that you can deny history is serious!

Riiiiiiight. I don't think you're serious. I think you're just plain weird.

We have to deal with the MAGA morons, so we often try to use small, easy to understand words for people like you.
MAGA isn't a person, dope. All you know is small words, and you don't even know most of those.

You really should try English. It really does work better. I know you think Liberal is actually English, but it isn't.
Fuck you. Anyone who would even consider voting for Trump is a total asshole.
Okay. I'm an asshole. I'm voting for Trump. Glad you figured that out.
YOU are the joke...and if that abomination should accidentally will realize your mistake rather more quickly than you suppose.
Both candidates have a voting record. I'll go with Trump's performance. He makes a damn fine President. His 2024 campaign is right on.
Keep coming at me, Fool. This is fun.
I know a lie when I see it.
If you think I am stupid...probably there is no cure for your stupidity.

Too bad...but some people have to be below the line for IQ to work. Glad you are doing your part.
IQ has no "line". IQ is a meaningless number as well. You really are stupid to not realize that.
You are just saying that because your hero, Trump, did what he promised most. He built a huge, beautiful wall across the entire southern border...and he got Mexico to pay for it.

He did do that, right.
He did quite a bit of it!

Now about the Democrats:

Biden set up Kamala as "border czar".
The border was effectively eliminated, as Biden (and Kamala) invited invasion of the United States, an act of treason.
Because he promised that he would goddam near every time he talked to his morons.
Trump built quite a lot of wall, and Mexico DID pay for some of it! And this, despite Democrats!